- 网络reseeding;Replanting

Effects of Reseeding on Vegetation Restoration in Desertification Grassland
Effect of Plowing and Reseeding on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Biological Activities of Alkalized Grassland in Horqin Area
The Study of Winter Overseeding Lolium perenne on Warm-season Turf
Research of the Interseeding Technique and Effects of the Practice on Sandy Pasture
Effects of reseeding ' alpine No # 1 ' eco-grass on degraded alpine meadows in Maqu after enclosure
A Study on the Complementary Forage System of Supplementing Cool-Season Forage to Perennial Warm-Season Forage Land in Winter
The measures of closing and reseeding on saline grassland are especially adopted to improve large area saline meadow .
Integrated trial of controlling rodents by poisonous bait , sown and enclosing was carried out in Maqu county .
Thus , reseeding treatment could be regarded as one of the optimal measures for restoration of poisonous plants-dominated degraded grassland .
Finally , in the management and maintenance of the artificial vegetation , watering , fertilizing , reseeding , soil mending , and disease or pest control were necessary .
The basic ways of improvement of natural grassland fodder plant economic value are grassland fertilization , compensatory seed planting and sowed leguminous grass and selected rational utilizable way .
This paper analyzes the effect of three harnessing measures on the degenerative hills and slopes in east Qinghai province , that is , blockage cultivation , supplemental seeding and replanting .
The comprehensive rejuvenation experiment of degeneration native grassland which was a typical degeneration alpine-cold grassland was conducted by means of orthogonal experimental design and using comprehensive technology including applying fertilizer , re-sowing and weeding .
The fresh and hay yield were assessed for two years and revealed significant and highly significant difference for the retrogressive of perennial ryegrass and white clove mixture sown pasture reseeded or no reseeded with yorkshire fog grass .
However , as for heavily and extremely degraded grassland , establishing sown grassland , and and combining seeding , fertilizing , controlling toxic weeds and other measures and technology would be required to effect a permanent cure .
We found the seed before fire can improve the germination rate of vetch greatly , and improve the vegetation structure and increase grassland output and feeding value . On the other hand , we confirmed that fire can change the community structure .
In order to verify effects of different management measures on species composition , species diversity , functional traits and above-ground biomass of poisonous plants in alpine meadow , the natural grassland were imposed with sward ripping , reseeding , fertilization and grazing .
Adopting the methods of plot test and large area applied and combining ground treatment , overdrilling , weeding , applying fertilizer , rare earth elements and legume inoculation etc comprehensive measures , the regressive artificial grassland in southern Anhui hilly area was improved .
Results of 3 years studies showed that the combination of these methods increased yield and quality of grass significantly , and ameliorated soil physicochemical properties following the improvement . Plowing-harrowing soil with reseeding Astragalus adsurgens increased grass yield by 2.18 ~ 3.52 fold compared with non-improved grassland .