
  1. 补液量和速度应严格控制。

    Pediatric Use fluid volume and speed should be strictly controlled .

  2. 马脱水指标及补液量的研究(Ⅰ)

    An investigation on the dehydration indicators and the fluid transfusion volume in horses ( 1 )

  3. 采用多变量分析估算休克期切痂烧伤患者休克期补液量

    Estimating the fluid supplement amount of burn patients with escharectomy in shock stage by multivariate analysis

  4. 烧伤患者治疗组较对照组休克期度过平稳,补液量减少,氧分压明显升高,并发症少,但血氧饱和度差异无显著性意义。

    But there was no obvious difference of the content of blood oxygen saturation between the two groups .

  5. 高渗氯化钠葡萄糖溶液对烧伤休克犬早期补液量及肺血管通透性的影响

    The Effect of Hypertonic Electrolyte Glucose Solution on Volume of Fluid Replacement and Pulmonary Vasopermeability of Beagles with Early Burn Shock

  6. 结果:合并肺挫伤的烧伤患者补液量远低于另外两者,而补液胶体比例要高于另外两者。

    Results : The burn sufferers with lung trauma should have much less liquid quantity and more colloid than the other two .

  7. 通过观察两组休克期补液量及尿量,分析总结休克期补液疗效。

    Then the curative effects of fluid replacement were analyzed and summarized between the two groups , through the indicators of urine and the vital sign .

  8. 比较两组补液量、切削痂时间及面积、创面愈合时间、并发症发生率、死亡率。

    The volume of fluid input , time and area of eschar shaving , duration of wound healing , incidence of complication and mortality were comparatively analyzed between two groups .

  9. 结果控制补液量是高渗血症最常用(85.3%)的干预措施,其次为控制渗透性利尿药用量(41.2%)和控制血糖(41.2%)。

    Results The most common interventional measures for plasma hyperosmolality were to control the fluid replacement ( 85.3 % ), the secondly to control the dosage of osmotic diuretic ( 41.2 % ) and blood glucose level ( 41.2 % ) .

  10. 快速补液后,尿量大幅增加,TCO2上升,未出现心肺功能不全情况,休克纠正率85%。

    After rapid fluid infusion , patients had remarkable increase in urine output , evident increase of TCO_2.The shock rectify rate was 85 % .

  11. 延迟复苏的家兔按照延迟复苏补液公式预估补液量,才能进行有效复苏。

    The amount of fluid resuscitation can be estimated according to relevant for-mute for delayed fluid resuscitation in burn rabbits .

  12. 文章作者发现无论腹泻病程,大便的量,口服补液盐的使用量,还是静脉补液量均不因为补充上述营养成分而改变。

    The authors found that neither duration of diarrhoea , total stool weight , use of oral rehydration salts nor use of intravenous fluids were affected by supplementation .

  13. 休克期补液总量及晶体、胶体和水分各成份补液量以及尿量情况3、比较两组患者晶胶体的实际补液量与公式补液指导量差值情况。

    The total fluid resuscitation volume , crystals , colloids and water components fluid volume and urine output in shock stage ; 3 . comparing the difference of crystalline colloidal actual fluid volume and formula rehydration guiding volume in two groups of patients .