
Pediatric Use fluid volume and speed should be strictly controlled .
An investigation on the dehydration indicators and the fluid transfusion volume in horses ( 1 )
Estimating the fluid supplement amount of burn patients with escharectomy in shock stage by multivariate analysis
But there was no obvious difference of the content of blood oxygen saturation between the two groups .
The Effect of Hypertonic Electrolyte Glucose Solution on Volume of Fluid Replacement and Pulmonary Vasopermeability of Beagles with Early Burn Shock
Results : The burn sufferers with lung trauma should have much less liquid quantity and more colloid than the other two .
Then the curative effects of fluid replacement were analyzed and summarized between the two groups , through the indicators of urine and the vital sign .
The volume of fluid input , time and area of eschar shaving , duration of wound healing , incidence of complication and mortality were comparatively analyzed between two groups .
Results The most common interventional measures for plasma hyperosmolality were to control the fluid replacement ( 85.3 % ), the secondly to control the dosage of osmotic diuretic ( 41.2 % ) and blood glucose level ( 41.2 % ) .
After rapid fluid infusion , patients had remarkable increase in urine output , evident increase of TCO_2.The shock rectify rate was 85 % .
The amount of fluid resuscitation can be estimated according to relevant for-mute for delayed fluid resuscitation in burn rabbits .
The authors found that neither duration of diarrhoea , total stool weight , use of oral rehydration salts nor use of intravenous fluids were affected by supplementation .
The total fluid resuscitation volume , crystals , colloids and water components fluid volume and urine output in shock stage ; 3 . comparing the difference of crystalline colloidal actual fluid volume and formula rehydration guiding volume in two groups of patients .