- complement;make up a deficiency;plug;make complete;supply what is lacking;bring up to full strength;fill reinforcement

[supply what is lacking;make up a deficiency] 补充或提供使足数
Secondly , man is not perfect , will make complete in the church just like what happens in marriage .
Student grants will be frozen at existing levels and top-up loans made available .
When foods from different plant sources are eaten together , deficiency in one is compensated for by sufficiency in another
Less than half of the money that students receive is in the form of grants , and loans have made up the difference
Whether or not we can catch up on sleep — on the weekend , say — is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers .
A common remedy for wage violations1 is an order that the employer make up the difference between what the employee was paid and the amount he or she should have been paid .
A significant method to prevent and treat DM is to maintain and make up the loss of the islet cell mass .
He fell ill yesterday .
Eclipse offers many of the same features as idea for editing code , including several types of automated code completion .
When MAKE is used as a causative verb , with regard to its object complements , adjective complements occur most frequently in MEE , followed by noun complements and verb complements .
That means that developers may scrabble for funding : note that Hong Kong-listed New World Development launched a huge , pre-emptive rights issue on Tuesday to support existing projects and to top up capital .
RUP Organizer allows you to create simple plug-ins that complement , without altering , RUP 's underlying structure .
Meanwhile , it makes up a deficiency , a slip when [ 2 ] made MC set .
These solutions only required a handful of minor enhancements in the high-level management functionality and some low-level informational hooks .
In part two , we discuss the ( Z2 ) k-actions with fixed point set of constant codimension and determine the ideal J.
Sensitivity Analysis of EOQ Model under No-shortage and Instantaneous Replenish the stock
The formula for this milk drink is cane sugar 5 % , compound fermenting liquid 40 % , the rest is water , and the final pH degree is 4.2 .
After receiving outfitting at the Dalian Shipyard , the vessel joined service with the PLA Navy South Sea Fleet as a replenishment ship .
Complementing the business knowledge with USBD concepts
Today , IBM offers its complement of middleware and hardware to help ISVs further their own business goals of delivering solutions for their industry customers with the best technologies available .
Along this line of reasoning , one might conclude that the predicate seem patterns like passive predicates in that both presumably fail to assign an external theta-role and are therefore incapable of assigning structural Case to the complement in the postverbal position .
Compared to previous replenishment , the Qiandaohu class is larger and more modernised .
Then we apply such scheme to the Helmholtz equation , with the analysis of the differences between these two equations make up the difference to get the part .
Since neither the complement position of passives nor that of seem-structures is a Case position , only clauses can remain there , because lexical DPs would need Case whereas clauses do not .
Serial verb construction can be regarded as a verb-complement construction , V2 is only the complement of V1 or VP1 to represent result , state or goal .
As a result , the energy requirement of SPF chicken is slightly lower than common chicken , and other nutrition components must be complemented as sterilization feed reduced the nutrition components to some degree .
G-CSF group : The rats were injected with 1 mg / kg rhG-CSF and 1 mg / kg saline for 5 days . The concentration was 10 mg / kg .
One hundred and twenty male SD rats at 21 days of age were randomly divided into four groups , with dietary supplementation of CCK yolk antibody powder at the dosage of 0 , 70 , 150 , 300 mg / kg , respectively .
Popescu notes that there has been talk of introducing co-payments as a way of making up the shortfall in funds , but believes that this will have limited impact .
In order to supplement the troops will be war in the end , Claudius ordered that all within the scope of a certain age men , have to enter the Roman army , to take the country to serve .