
  • 网络Integrated mode;Integration Patterns;integration profile
  1. 您不能使用报表资源管理器和报表查看器web部件连接或查看在sharepoint集成模式下运行的报表服务器上的报表。

    You cannot use the report explorer and report viewer web parts to connect to or view reports on a report server that runs in SharePoint integrated mode .

  2. 您可以使用web部件查看、导航、打印或导出配置为在sharepoint集成模式下运行的报表服务器上的报表。

    You can use the web part to view , navigate , print , and export reports on a report server that is configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode .

  3. 探索性空间分析及其与GIS集成模式探讨

    Preliminary Discussion for Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and the Integration Model with GIS

  4. 研究了这种集成模式的SCM系统中WEB与数据库的互连技术。

    The technology linking web and database of this SCM system is analyzed .

  5. 面向应用协议的CAD/CAM集成模式

    Application protocol oriented cad / cam integration methodology

  6. 传统的基于ERP的集成模式易于实现,但是缺乏扩展性;

    Traditional integration structure based on ERP is realizable but poor in expansibility .

  7. 就像我们所提及的那样,Web服务几乎不影响现有的一组业务模式、集成模式以及应用程序模式。

    As we noted , web services have very little impact on the existing set of business , integration , and application patterns .

  8. ERP与PDM的差异及集成模式研究

    Research on Difference and Integration Model of ERP and PDM

  9. 3G技术与现代物流管理技术的集成模式研究

    Research on the integration models of 3G techniques and modern logistics management

  10. 研究并提出了这种集成模式的SCM系统的集成模式与体系结构。

    The integrate models and structures of this SCM system are studied .

  11. 一种CAPP和车间作业计划的集成模式

    A Pattern of Integrate CAPP and Job Shop Scheduling

  12. PDM与MRPⅡ的接口集成模式研究

    Research On Scheme of Interface Integration Between PDM and MRP ⅱ

  13. 这些集成模式各种各样,有的是基于文件在应用程序之间进行简单的数据传输,有的是完全基于SOA的集成模式。

    These integration patterns vary from the simple file-based data transfer between applications to the complete SOA-based integration patterns .

  14. SDM与GIS的集成模式探讨

    The Study on the Integration Model of Spatial Data Mining and GIS

  15. 研究了异构产品数据信息的共享技术异构数据的问题导致了产品数据信息难以进行交流和共享,产品数据不同的集成模式和STEP标准是实现异构产品数据信息进行交流和共享的技术基础;

    The intercommunion technology of heterogeneous product data information . The model of product data 's integration and STEP is the technical basic of this problem . c.

  16. 在本系列的第2部分,我们将讨论Web服务中涉及的客户机端点可支持的其他两个集成模式,即要求-响应模式和通知模式。

    In Part 2 in this series , we describe the other two integration patterns , solicit-response and notification , which client end-points involved in web services can support .

  17. MVC&MVP集成模式在RIA开发中的应用

    Application of MVC & MVP Integrated Model in RIA Development

  18. 基于Internet/Intranet集成模式的SCM系统关键技术的研究及其应用

    Research on the Key Technology of Integrated SCM System Based on Internet / Intranet and Its Application

  19. 探讨了3G技术与现代物流管理技术的集成模式,对于以GIS技术为平台支撑、以定位技术和无线通信技术为辅助手段的分布式空间物流信息系统的建设具有一定的意义。

    This paper researches on the integration model , which is utterly important for the construction of distributed spatial logistics information system .

  20. 它也是可扩展的,可以通过API或任何其他集成模式(如ESB)集成后端服务。

    It also is extensible to integrate with backend services either via API or any other integration pattern like ESB etc.

  21. 基于IDC的供应链企业信息集成模式研究

    Research on the Information Integrated Model of Supply Chain Enterprises Based on IDC

  22. Mule向来是欢迎模式的,早在2004年就率先成为实现企业集成模式的第一个ESB产品。

    Mule has always embraced patterns and was the first ESB in2004 to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns .

  23. 在分析了现有的系统集成模式后,提出了基于MQSeries消息队列中间件的钢铁MES系统集成框架,构建了其总体结构模型。

    After the analysis of common system integration model , this paper gave a Iron & Steel MES system integration framework based on MQ Series .

  24. Web服务提出了一种新的分布式环境中应用系统的集成模式,并基于XML标准定义了一组简单、开放的协议规范。

    Web Services technology introduces a new model for application integration in a distributed environment . To support the model , a set of simple and open protocols and standards are defined based on XML .

  25. 通过对组件式GIS技术和GIS集成模式的剖析,本文对住宅小区管理系统工程的架构进行了系统分析,设计了小区物业地理信息系统。

    Through analyzing the mode of GIS and GIS integration , the thesis analyses the fabric of the management system of built residential estate and designs the management system of residential estate .

  26. 不过,尝试在Java应用程序中实现这些集成模式时,我们发现,并没有任何单个开放源代码软件能提供同时实现所有四种模式的功能。

    While trying to implement these integration patterns in a Java application , however , we discovered that no single open source software gave us the capability to realize all the four patterns .

  27. 采用集成模式的多协议标记交换(MPLS)技术,不仅可以有效解决目前因特网中存在的问题,而且能够支持许多新功能,是一种理想的骨干IP网技术。

    Multiprotocol label switching ( MPLS ) adopting integrated model , not only solved efficiently the problems existing in the current Internet , but also supported many new functions .

  28. MDM信息集成模式:这些模式也是EAI模式,但是主要关注信息集成。

    MDM information integration patterns : These patterns are also EAI patterns , however with a clear focus on information integration .

  29. 分析和研究了在EAI中使用的三种集成模式:界面集成、数据集成和业务功能集成,以及两种集成架构:点对点集成和基于中间件的集成。

    Interface integration , data integration and business function integration are studied . Peer-to-Peer integration and middleware integration are also analyzed .

  30. 哪一个信息集成模式是某种特定情况的最佳方法&数据联合、数据整合还是EAI?

    Which one of the information integration patterns is the best approach for a particular situation-data federation , data consolidation or EAI ?