
  • 网络Group diversification;conglomerate diversification
  1. 市场经济视野下中国媒介集团多元化经营战略分析

    View of the Market Economy Diversified Media Business Strategy and Analysis

  2. 天汽集团多元化经营战略研究

    Study on the Strategy of Business Diversification of Tianjin Automobile Group

  3. 中国报业集团多元化拓展的基本路径

    The Basic Paths of Diversification Development for the Press Groups in China

  4. 元贞于2009年推行集团多元化发展战略。

    A-One began executing the strategy of diversified developing in2009 .

  5. 论红塔集团多元化发展战略

    On the Pluralistic Developing Strategy of the Hongta Group

  6. 金融控股集团多元化研究

    Research of the Diversity in Financial Holding Group

  7. 内衣公司的成立,标志振威集团多元化发展道路上迈出了重要一步,具有里程碑式的意义。

    It symbolized the Zhenwei Group has an important stride in the rode of multiplicate development , has the meaning of landmark .

  8. 首先,从单一经营战略向多元化业务模式转变的影响因素角度分析了海尔集团多元化的动因。

    First of all , analyze the reason of diversification impulsion of Haier Group changed from the specific management strategy to diversification business .

  9. 通过建立各类资源共享平台提高核心竞争力,为寿险业集团多元化发展提供有力支撑和综合保障;

    Insurers can enhance their core competence by establishing a platform for resources sharing , therefore supporting life insurers ' diversification into other fields .

  10. 本文从潞安集团多元化经营现状入手,深入剖析了当前多元化经营面临的一系列问题以及产生这些问题的原因。

    Lu ' an Group diversified from the start with the status quo , in-depth analysis of the current diversified , as well as a range of issues facing these problems .

  11. 最后,结合天汽集团多元化经营项目选择的情况,制定了投资项目运营管理方略。

    At last , considering the situation of projects choice for the business diversification in the TJAG , the method and strategy for the operating and management of investment projects is suggested .

  12. 南建集团;多元化;战略;核心竞争力;

    Nanjian Conglomerate ; diversification ; strategy ; core competitive power ;

  13. 百胜餐饮(中国)集团的多元化战略研讨

    The Research of Diversification Strategy in Yum ( China ) Group

  14. 利益集团的多元化和其作用与影响的不断增大,必然会影响公共政策过程。

    Diverse interest groups and its increasing role and influence is bound to influence public policy process .

  15. 年底我认为这是一个集团的多元化战略伪装成同心多元化战略。

    In the end I think it was a Conglomerate Diversification Strategy masquerading as Concentric Diversification Strategy .

  16. 中钢集团的多元化经营

    Diversification of CSC group

  17. 希望通过对太极集团的多元化的研究能够为其他医药企业提供一些有益的借鉴。

    Hope that can offer some beneficial reference for other medical enterprises through the diversification of Taiji group .

  18. 与此同时,集团在多元化发展过程中也暴露出很多问题。

    At the same time , the group also exposes a lot of problems in the process of diversification development .

  19. 通过分析,作者认为,太极集团的多元化是在大医药框架下的高度相关多元化。

    Through analysing , the author thinks , the diversification of Taiji group is highly relevant diversification under the big medical basket shelf .

  20. 论文研究的焦点聚集在金融控股集团的多元化上,着力寻求多元化是通过哪些关键因素体现经济效率。

    The paper focuses on the diversity of Financial Conglomerates , and tries to find the key factors through which to incarnate economy efficiency .

  21. 根据西方政治学理论,公共政策过程是一个多种因素相互作用的动态过程,利益集团的多元化和活动能力的增长,必然会影响公共政策的制定和执行。

    By western political science theory , policy process is a complicated dynamic process . The development of interest group definitely affects the public policy .

  22. 红塔集团的多元化发展战略,是以烟草为主,利用烟草积累的资金和经验,实现多业并举。

    The pluralistic developing strategy of the Hongta Group is a strategy in which tobacco industry is the mainstay , and by utilizing the funds and experiences accumulated in the tobacco industry , the development of more industries is realized .

  23. 大陆希望集团作为多元化的产业集团,各业务板块所处的发展期不同,管理水平不同,竞争环境不同,必然对集团企业差异化管理和精细化管理带来更高的要求。

    As a diversified industrial group , its different business tectonic plate locates different development period , its management level is different , its competition environment is different , which Inevitably brings a higher request to the group variation management and the fine refinement management .

  24. 最后,结合广铁集团实施多元化战略的成功实践,佐证了本文对多元化经营战略实施中包括多元化方向、途径、风险控制等问题研究结论的合理性和正确性。

    In the end , the success of Guangzhou Railway Group of implementing diversification strategy gives support to the correctness and rationality of analysis in this thesis about the problems such as direction , approaches and risk control which will occur in the process of implementing this diversification strategy .

  25. 本文较系统地分析了影响中核集团272厂多元化经营的内外部环境因素,运用PEST分析法分析影响企业的外部环境主要是国家政策和宏观经济发展。

    The thesis analysis that diversification of China Nuclear Industry 272 Factory is affected by environment factors internal and external enterprise . By the method of PEST ( political , economic , social , technological ), the main external environment effect factors are national policy and macroeconomy develop level .

  26. 随着科学技术的进步,众多现代化企业逐步向全球化、集团化和多元化态势发展。

    With the progress of science and technology , many modern enterprises gradually present globalized , collectivized and diversified development trend .

  27. 未来我国的体育传媒市场将呈现与资本市场迅速结合、形成跨媒体集团、经营多元化的趋势。

    Sports media market of our country appears with capital market combining , forming across media 's group , managing the pluralistic trend rapidly future .

  28. 公司着力于集团化、多元化发展战略的实施,业务涉及房地产、高新技术产业等领域。

    The company focuses on implementation of the strategy of collectivized and diversified development and the business coves real estate , hi-tech and other fields .

  29. 而借助集团化、多元化等经营模式产生的内部资本市场,通过有效配置资本,既能够为企业的快速扩张提供可利用资源,又能够借助规模优势和融资优势提升外部融资能力。

    Use diversification to the internal capital market , through the effective allocation of capital , both companies can provide resources for the rapid expansion , but also to take advantage of scale advantages and financial strengths to enhance the external financing capacity .

  30. 金融业综合经营发展的趋势和客户对一体化金融服务的需求,迫使越来越多的金融企业选择走集团化和多元化经营道路,以增强自身的竞争实力。

    The trend of comprehensive management and development of the financial industry and customers ' demand of the integration of financial services force an increasing number of financial enterprises to take the ways of group companies or diversified business road in order to enhance their own competitiveness .