
  • 网络centralized alarm system;remote alarm system
  1. 机旁控制箱具有较好的自诊断功能,能自动进行故障显示,报警,并把工作状态和故障信息通过网络送到船舶集中报警系统中。

    The control box of the plane has good self-diagnosis function to automatically display the state of fault , and alarm the staff . Besides , it also can send the work state and the fault information to the ship alarm system through the network .

  2. 机舱集中监控报警系统的数据处理技术

    On data processing of the monitoring alarm system in engine room

  3. 机舱实时信息管理与集中监控报警系统设计

    Design and implement of real-time MIS and monitoring alarm system in engine room

  4. 集中监视报警系统的研制

    Development of Centralized Monitor in g Alarm System

  5. 铁路客车轴温集中监测报警系统是采用模拟温度传感器和数字式温度传感器进行轴温检测和报警,并完成对轴温检测数据的记录和存储。

    Analog temperature sensor and digital temperature sensor are adopted in the axle temperature monitor and alarm system of the passenger train to detect and alarming the axle temperature .

  6. 通用多路集中火灾报警显示系统

    General Multiplex Centralized Fire-alarm Display System

  7. 疏浚作业仿真训练器集中监控报警及优化系统

    Doing Homework Integrative Monitoring , Alarming and Optimizing Systems of Dredging Process Training Simulator

  8. 船舶集中控制与监测报警系统

    Ship centralized control monitor and alarm system