
  • 网络concentration;Concentrated force;focus;force
  1. 科学家们发现,减去多余的体重的将提高大脑的工作能力,比如说更加良好记忆与集中力。

    Scientists say substantial weight loss improves cognitive functions like memory and concentration .

  2. 游戏要求玩家利用集中力将一个小球上升至一根透明的管中。

    The game calls for players to lift a ball inside a transparent tube using their powers of concentration .

  3. 集中力作用下两相饱和介质二维位移场Green函数

    Green Function on Two-Phase Saturated Medium by Concentrated Force in Two-Dimensional Displacement Field

  4. 有限宽板边裂纹面上受一对集中力时的应力强度因子K1

    Stress Intensity Factors K_1 for Rectangular Plates with Point-Loaded Edge Cracks

  5. 周边固支碳/环氧正交铺设圆层合板中心受集中力P作用时的挠度分析及实验研究

    Deflection analysis of periphery fixed carbon / epoxy and normal anisotropy laminated circular plate is excepted concentrate force

  6. 周边固支圆厚板受偏心集中力的弯曲问题的Fourier级数解

    Fourier Series Solution for Bending of a Circular Thick Plate with Fixed Edge Loaded by an Eccentric Concentrated Force

  7. 半空间Burgers粘弹性体受集中力的理论解

    Solutions of Half space Burgers ' Viscoelasticity Subjected to Concentrate Load

  8. 多层地基内部作用集中力时Biot固结方程的求解

    Solution to Biot Consolidation Equation in the Interior of Multi-layered Foundation Bearing Force at a Point

  9. 提出四个主要影响参数k1,k3、t2/t1及μ和悬臂行车道板受集中力作用时根部负弯矩的近似表达式。

    Four mam parameters , that is , k_1 、 k_3 、μ and t_3 / t_1 , are put forward , and the functions of the transversal hogging moment at the root are presented .

  10. 周边固支厚圆板受中心集中力弯曲的BESSEL级数解法

    Bessel Series method for Bending Problem of a Thick Circular Plate with Fixed Edges Loaded by a Centric Concentrated Force

  11. 把静定梁的变形曲线简化为由单元节点位移所组成的多边形,把DP效应的附加弯矩转化为节点上的集中力,较方便地考虑了这一效应。

    The DP effect is regarded as the forces applying at the nodes of the elements by simplifying the deflection curve into polygon in statically determinate beam .

  12. 根据Mindlin解所得的Geddes应力公式将桩端阻力、桩侧阻力简化为集中力。

    Geddes stress formula deduced from Mindlin solution simplifies the shaft resistance and tip resistance into centralized force .

  13. 本文分析了半无限Burgers体在界面上受均布力或集中力作用下的应力场和位移场。

    In the present paper , the fields of stresses and displacements for the semi-infinite Burgers body were analysed by uniform load or concentrated load applied to the free surface .

  14. 本文原理性地介绍了长征二号E大推力运载火箭捆绑结构的传力特性,并简要地介绍了上下支点处的捆绑加强结构的设计及承受集中力的问题。

    This paper describes in principle the force transfer characteristics of the strap-on structure of the LM-2E heavy lift launch vehicle , and gives a brief introduction of the design and the concentrated force of the strengthening strap-on structure both on upper and lower ful-crums .

  15. 利用镜像点法和Dirichlet等值性原理,本文推导了等厚双层薄膜涂层材料受表面集中力作用的平面问题理论解。

    The theoretical solution of a concentrated force acting on the free surface of coating materials with two same thickness layers has been deduced by introducing mirror point method and Dirichlet uniqueness theorem .

  16. 通过使用集中力作用的Kelvin基本解,最后使问题归为解一组非耦合的奇异积方程,此组方程可使用奇异积分方程的数值法求解。

    Through the Kelvin 's fundamental solution of a concentrated load , the inclusion problem is reduced to a set of uncoupled singular integral equations which can be solved by the numerical method of singular integral equation .

  17. 这不是魔术,而是玩具制造商Mattel的最新游戏,它允许玩家仅仅凭着集中力去移动一个小球,使它绕过沿路上的障碍前进。

    It 's not magic , but rather the latest game from toy maker Mattel , which allows players to move a ball around an obstacle course by using just their powers of concentration .

  18. 利用Hankel变换及矩阵理论,获得了位于水平刚性基础上的弹性层在其内部受垂直于边界的集中力作用下的精确解,推广了已有的结论。

    In this paper , an exact solution of an elastic layer on a rigid foundation subjected to an internal concentrated force perpendicular to the boundary is obtained by the use of the Hankel transform and matrix theory .

  19. 应用Fourier-Bessel级数方法求解了周边简支Reissner型厚圆板受偏心集中力的非轴对称弯曲问题。

    In this paper , the bending problem of a Reissner thick circular plate with simple supported edges and loaded by an eccentric concentrated force is discussed and solved by using the Fourier-Bessel series .

  20. 采用Muskhelishvili复势理论和Riemann-Hilbert问题的解法,给出了裂纹表面受伪集中力作用时的基本解。

    The fundamental solutions for a crack under concentrated pseudo-traction are given by using the Muskhelishvili ′ s complex potential theory and by the solution of Riemann-Hilbert problem .

  21. 作为Elastica理论的推广,本文分析了弹/理想塑性矩形截面水平悬臂梁在自由端受竖直集中力作用下的大挠度变形全过程。

    An extention of the Elastica theory is developed to examine the entire process of large de-flection of an elastic-perfectly plastic rectangular cantilever subjected to a vertical concentrated force at its tip .

  22. 对该方程进行Hankel变换,并利用半无限饱和土表面的边界条件以及集中力作用面处的连续性条件,可得出变换域内的位移、应力和孔隙水压力的解。

    By utilizing the Hankel transform technique and boundary conditions of the half space surface and continuous conditions at the plane of the concentrated force acting , the displacements , stresses and pore pressure expressions can be obtained in the transform domain .

  23. 就G2p≥4kD的情况给出了双参数地基上无限大板受集中力作用的两个新解。

    Two new solutions to an infinite plate on two parameter foundation under a concentrated force are given for G 2 p ≥ 4kD respectively .

  24. 集中力作用处剪力滞效应与其它截面相比明显增大,我国现行桥规(JTJ023-85)中关于有效宽度取全桥等宽的说法需要进一步研究。

    The shear lag effect of the section under concentrated load is more remarkable than that of other sections . National Standard ( JTJ023-85 ) is worth discussing further .

  25. 《混凝土设计规范》(GB50010-2002)中对多种荷载作用下钢筋混凝土独立梁,在计算斜截面承载力时根据集中力产生的剪力值占总剪力值的比例分别采用不同的计算公式。

    According to Code for Design of Concrete Structures ( GB 50010-2002 ), ultimate shear capacity of RC independence beams under various load is calculated by using different formula based on the ratio of shear value generated by concentrated force to total shear value .

  26. 作为Plastica理论的应用,本文分析了理想弹塑性矩形截面梁在自由端承受倾斜集中力作用时塑性区扩展阶段的大挠度变形。

    Based on the Plastica theory ( see ref. [ 12 ] ), the large deflection of an elastic-perfectly plastic cantilever subjected to an inclined concentrated force at its tip , before the unloading in the plastic region occurs , is analyzed in this paper .

  27. 悬臂矩形板在任意位置的集中力作用下的弯曲

    Flexure of Cantilever Rectangular Plate under Concentrated Load at Any Point

  28. 半无限饱和土内部作用集中力的初值解

    Initial solution of semi-infinite saturated soil loaded by internal concentrated force

  29. 移动集中力作用下的局部脱空地基梁的振动

    Vibration of Foundation Beam with Local Void under Moving Concentrated Load

  30. 集中力处非均匀区主应力场的分离

    Separation of Principal Stress Fields of Non-uniform Region under the Concentrated Load