
qū fú
  • yield;give in;succumb;surrender;submit;bow to;submission;cave;capitulate;knuckle under;at the feet of;bend and undulate
屈服 [qū fú]
  • (1) [surrendor;yield;knuckle under;at the feet of]∶降服;折服

  • 妥协屈服

  • (2) [bend and undulate]∶弯曲起伏

  • 众人之息以喉,屈服者,其嗌言若哇。--《庄子》

屈服[qū fú]
  1. 对精神健康(MH)有影响的因素为屈服、家庭人均收入。

    The mental health ( MH ) of patients influenced by surrender and their average family income .

  2. 约翰·d·洛克菲勒拒绝向美国矿工联合会屈服。

    John D. Rockefeller , refused to surrender to the UMW .

  3. 她不向那几个坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。

    It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies .

  4. 她知道自己会屈服于对方的威势。

    She knew that she 'd let herself be steamrollered .

  5. 那支队离开球场,虽尝败绩,却并未屈服。

    The losing team left the field bloody but unbowed .

  6. 我绝不会屈服于压力签署任何东西。

    I won 't be bullied into signing anything .

  7. 首相说他的国家永远都不会屈服于压迫。

    The Minister said his country would never succumb to pressure .

  8. 面对要求其隐退的压力越来越大,她会屈服吗?

    Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire ?

  9. 我坚决不向病毒屈服。

    I was determined not to succumb to the virus .

  10. 抗议者指责威尔逊屈服于右翼宗教团体。

    Protesters accused Wilson of buckling under to right-wing religious groups

  11. 我们认为试图迫使他们屈服会适得其反。

    We think an attempt to bully them into submission would be counterproductive

  12. 还不到两个小时,科恩就屈服了,接受了几乎一切要求。

    In less than two hours Cohen capitulated to virtually every demand .

  13. 政府声称不会屈服于新闻媒体的压力。

    The government says it will not be bullied by the press .

  14. 我就向他屈服了,从那以后我一直后悔。

    I simply gave in to him , and I 've regretted it ever since

  15. 迪伦在格林尼治村的许多朋友都认为他已经向商业主义屈服了。

    Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism .

  16. 他们的方法就是迫使你屈服。

    Their approach simply bludgeons you into submission

  17. 如果你总是屈服于人,你最终会觉得自己像一个受气包。

    If you always give in to others you will end up feeling like a doormat .

  18. 我们的目标是使该政府屈服,迫使它走上谈判桌。

    Our aim is to bring this government to its knees , to force it to the negotiating table .

  19. 示威者不应该屈服于警察的威胁。

    The protesters should not be cowed into submission by the police .

  20. 只有懦夫才向命运屈服。

    Only a coward gives in to his fate .

  21. 他没有向对手屈服。

    He didn 't yield himself to his rival .

  22. 无论如何我都不会屈服的。

    In no circumstances will I give in .

  23. 他们没有向敌人屈服。

    They did not submit to the enemy .

  24. 我尊重法律,不会屈服于任何压力。

    I won 't yield to any pressure in my respect for the law .

  25. 我们决不会向侵略者屈服。

    We will never yield to invaders .

  26. 我们不能向入侵者屈服。

    We can never bow the neck to any invaders of our country .

  27. 他屈服于这种不公平的待遇。

    He submitted to the unjust treatment .

  28. 他眼珠子咄咄逼人地盯住郭世富,企图逼他屈服。

    He looked at Guo Shifu compellingly . He wanted to force him to submit .

  29. 他们不作抵抗就屈服了。

    They yielded without resistance .

  30. 我因惧怕而屈服。

    I obeyed from fear .