
  • 网络Market Day;Fair Day;market day m.d. m.d.s
  1. “你可知道,塞缪尔,”他说,“明天是尤托克西特集市日,我们的货摊必须摆出去。”

    " You know , samuel ," he says ," that tomorrow is market day at uttoxeter , and our stall must be attended to . "

  2. 下次集市日是在15日。

    The next market is on the 15th .

  3. 喂,对不起,先生;大约上个集市日的这个时候,我们在这条路上遇见了,我说'您好',你也回答说'您好,约翰爵士',就像刚才说的一样。

    ' Now , sir , begging your pardon ; we met last market-day on this road about this time , and I said Good-night , and you made reply Good night , Sir John , as now . '