
tè qiǎn duì
  • task force;detail
  1. 美国正要派遣一支海军特遣队赶赴该地区疏散美国公民。

    The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens .

  2. 应急特遣队〔医疗辅助队志愿架构〕

    Emergency Response Task Force [ Auxiliary Medical Service volunteer structure ]

  3. 海豹突击队狐狸五队X特遣队

    SEAL . Team Six ? Fox Force Five ? Suicide Squad ?

  4. 除了为香奈儿,Fendi,巴宝莉等大牌站台以外,这位伦敦女性还参演了电影《X特遣队》和《镇纸》。

    In addition to fronting campaigns for the likes of Chanel , Fendi and Burberry , the Londoner has starred in films including Suicide Squad and Paper Towns .

  5. 《人质危机》里,赏金猎人特遣队中有一个名叫Robonino的家伙。

    In " Hostage Crisis ," there was this bounty hunter special ops guy named Robonino .

  6. 我在想给你的特遣队一些新任务。

    I was thinking of offering your team the new slot .

  7. 我们是海豹特遣队,这是我们的职责

    We are SEALS . And this is what we do .

  8. 特遣队发现了仅距,3英里远的敌军。

    The party scouted out the enemy force only three miles away .

  9. 还有一架飞机负责运送海军陆战队特遣队,花费跟上边那架差不多。

    A second plane brings a Marine Corps contingent at similar cost .

  10. 他只想用特遣队吗?

    Does he want to use the assault team only ?

  11. 我们需要一个特遣队,去威尼斯阻止他。

    We need a team to get to Venice and stop him .

  12. 我刚才和我们所谓的保安特遣队谈过了

    So I just spoke to our so-called security detail ,

  13. 这支特遣队由最适于执行这项特殊任务的人组成。

    The draft consists of those best qualified for the special assignment .

  14. 偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第五阶段后工作组

    Post-Phase V Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-Owned Equipment

  15. 司令员派出一特遣队侦察这个地区看有没有水。

    The commander sent a patty to scout out the area for water .

  16. 特遣队所属装备偿还程序改革工作组;

    Working group on the reform of the reimbursement procedure for contingent-owned equipment ;

  17. 请努力保持你的职业特遣队的性能。

    Please try to maintain your professional detachment .

  18. 杰克·福治警探,特遣队的。

    Detective Jack Forge , special task force .

  19. 特遣队的代号是“打倒国王行动”

    It 's -- the task force is designated " Operation King Breaker . "

  20. 财产管理和特遣队所属装备核查股;

    Property management and contingent-owned equipment verification unit ;

  21. 特遣队会继续加强执法行动,取缔非法屠房和无牌烧腊工场。

    The operations will continue to weed out illegal slaughtering and meat roasting activities .

  22. .队长派出十人特遣队炸桥。.

    Eg. The captain sent a detail of ten men to blow up the bridge

  23. 队长派出十人特遣队炸桥。

    The captain sent a detail of ten men to blow up the bridge .

  24. 更何况还有全国最顶尖的特遣队会帮你。

    Besides , you got the best seal team in the country backing you up .

  25. 永不止息的夜暗潜行者&美国陆军第160特遣队

    Night Stalkers Never Quit Task Force 160

  26. 希腊驻南塞浦路斯特遣队

    Greek Contingent in South Cyprus

  27. 反走私特遣队无线电通信系统

    Anti-smuggling Task Force Radio System

  28. 特遣队所属装备索赔股

    Contingent-Owned Equipment Claims Unit

  29. 运送特遣队所属的装备

    Transport of contingent-owned equipment

  30. 从美海军陆战队特遣队塔拉瓦有助于打开仓库后,与一女子袋面粉。

    A US Marine from Task Force Tarawa helps a woman with a bag of flour after opening a warehouse .