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jí zhōnɡ zhǐ huī
  • centralized command
  1. 地铁运营操作控制中心(OCC)对地铁安全运营起着至关重要的作用,它是电力调度员、行车调度员和环控调度员对全线电力调度、行车调度和环境控制进行集中指挥的中心。

    The metro operation control center plays a crucial role in security operation , it is the centralized command center of power dispatcher , traffic dispatcher and environmental dispatcher for power supply , traffic organization and environmental conditions .

  2. 反对绝对的集中指挥,承认相对的集中指挥;

    Oppose an absolutely centralized command , and favour a relatively centralized command .

  3. 然而游击战争不是不要任何的集中指挥就能够顺利地发展的。

    However , guerrilla warfare cannot be successfully developed without some centralized command .

  4. 因此,就在这种游击区或根据地里面,发生了统一指挥,即集中指挥的问题。

    Consequently , the problem arises of setting up a unified or centralized command in such guerrilla zones or base areas .

  5. 在战役的指挥关系上,对于前者,用集中指挥的原则;对于后者,用分散指挥的原则。

    As for the relationship of command in campaigns , we should apply the principle of centralized command in the former and that of decentralized command in the latter .

  6. 随着改革开放,中国发展战略重点转移到经济建设上,我国的经济建设方针政策从计划经济的集中指挥转向商品经济的市场调控。

    With the applying of open and reform policy , the focus of Chinese development shifts to economy . Our policy of economy construction changed from the planned economy to market economy .

  7. 高度集中统一指挥的铁路运输调度

    Highly centralized and unified railway traffic control

  8. 但南方从未意识到电报的这一潜力它可以建立一个集中的指挥和控制系统

    But the South never grasps the potential of the telegraph in creating a centralized command and control system .

  9. 铁路实行股份制有诸多困难:使铁路集中统一指挥的难度加大;

    The difficulties of carrying out shareholding system in railway lead to more difficulties in centralized control of railway , and is unfavourable to comprehensive construction of networks ;

  10. 二是在运输上,采取经济手段和行政手段相结合的办法,保证全路的集中统一指挥,确保运输畅通。

    Employ the method of combining economic and administrative means to ensure centralized and unified direction to the entire railway system so as to guarantee all green lights for the traffic ;

  11. 为了确保城市轨道交通列车运行的安全、可靠、准点、高密度和高效率,实现列车运营的集中统一指挥,城市轨道交通系统必须配备专用的、完整的、独立的通信系统。

    This thesis has reached the following conclusions : City 's trail transportation must be equipped with special , complete and independent communication system in order to ensure the transportation 's security , reliability , punctuality and efficiency , and also to enable an uniform direction over all runnings .

  12. 建立了基于任务、面向结构、具有集中-分布式指挥控制关系的作战编队组织结构。

    A combat team organization , which is based on structure and combat mission and has a centralize-distribution command control relation , was proposed .

  13. 该计划要求一个松散的没有集中领导或指挥的武装反对派,承担与一支有组织的军队同样多的责任。

    It puts as much onus on a loose network of armed opposition men , with no central leadership or command , as it does on an organised army .

  14. 争论焦点在于:两军团是集中行动、统一指挥,还是分开行动、各自直受军委指挥?

    Focuses of the controversy were : Would the two corps act together and be put under unified command or act separately under direct command of the Military Commission ?

  15. 指出:紧急事件中的应变意识,首先就是要迅速启用应急机制并运用超常规的方式相对集中应急工作的指挥权,以随时准备完成最艰巨任务的意识。

    It points out , the contingency awareness in handling emergent incidents requires quick emergence - response mechanism and super routine methods to concentrate the commanding power in order to fulfill the most difficult tasks .

  16. 在改革长江三峡通航管理体制过程中,长江三峡通航管理局以其大胆改革,组建三峡河段集中领导、统一指挥的通航管理机构;

    During the reform of the management system for the Changjiang Three - Gorges , the Changjiang Three - Gorges Navigation Administration Bureau boldly reformed and formed a navigation administration organization featuring concentrated leading and united directing for the Three - Gorges reach ;