
  • 网络DC System;hvdc
  1. 基于ARM的直流系统接地故障检测应用程序设计

    Applied Program Design of DC System Grounding Fault Detection Based on ARM

  2. 基于ARM微处理器的直流系统接地故障检测装置的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of DC System Grounding Fault Detecting Device Based on ARM

  3. 基于RTDS的交直流系统实时数字仿真方法研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Real-Time Digital Simulation Method of AC-DC Power System Based on RTDS

  4. 110kV变电站直流系统的配置

    Configuration of the 110 kV Transformer Substation DC System

  5. 以含有多馈入直流系统的互联电网为研究对象,采用近似线性化的方法得到整个系统模型,设计了线性最优控制(LQR)直流电流调制控制器。

    Based on approximately linearized system model , a linear quadratic regulator ( LQR ) DC current modulation controller for multi-infeed HVDC system is presented .

  6. DC&2B便携式直流系统接地故障检测仪

    Dc - 2 B portable detector for DC system grounding fault

  7. 多馈入直流系统非线性变结构控制的研究

    The Research of Nonlinear Variable Structure Control in Multi-infeed HVDC Systems

  8. 基于复值小波变换的直流系统接地故障检测

    Detection of DC system grounding fault based on complex wavelet transform

  9. 变电站直流系统尾瓶改造问题的探讨

    A Study on the Reform of Direct Current Bottom-vase in the Substation

  10. 直流系统接地故障定位仪的研制

    The Development of a Grounded Fault Locator for DC System

  11. 基于小波熵的直流系统环网接地故障诊断

    Loop net grounding fault diagnosis of DC system based on wavelet entropy

  12. 调度员培训仿真器中直流系统的动态全过程仿真

    Dynamic process simulation of DC system in Dispatcher Training Simulator

  13. 多种控制方式下交直流系统潮流算法改进

    Advanced AC - DC Power Flow Algorithm Considering Various Controls

  14. 换相失败是直流系统的最常见故障之一。

    Commutation failures are one of the common faults in HVDC systems .

  15. 利用光纤传感器对直流系统绝缘的监测

    Monitoring to the Insulation of Direct Current System with Optical Fiber transducer

  16. 直流系统中蓄电池组的容量性能检测与分析

    Test and Analysis of Capacity Performance of Battery Set in the DC System

  17. 用于直流系统内部过电压测试的分压器

    Voltage Dividers for Internal Overvoltage Measurements in HVDC Systems

  18. 直流系统接地故障综合检测方法

    Integrated methods to detect earth fault in DC systems

  19. 直流系统中两种典型接线方式的选择

    Selection of Two Typical Wiring Pattern in DC Systems

  20. 直流系统绝缘监测仪运行方式的改进

    Technical improvement of insulation monitor used for DC system

  21. 直流系统运行中可靠性完善

    Improvement of Reliability of Direct Current System In Operation

  22. 采用基于频域调制的谐波平衡法进行交直流系统的谐波分析

    Analysis on Harmonics of AC-DC System Using Harmonic-balance Method Based on Modulation Theory

  23. 交直流系统可靠性评估

    Reliability evaluation of hybrid ac / dc power systems

  24. -48V整流器配置与直流系统设置

    - 48V Rectifier Configuration and DC System Setting

  25. 直流系统电缆电线与断路器熔断器热稳定配合

    The Adaptation of Thermal Stability Between Cable Wire in DC System and Circuit-breakers Fuses

  26. 直流系统接地故障监测研究

    Research on Grounding Fault Monitoring of DC System

  27. 变电所直流系统自动调压装置的研制

    Development of Voltage Autoregulator in Substation DC System

  28. 变电站直流系统总保险熔断问题分析及解决方案

    Main problems and its countermeasures of the head fusing in power substation DC system

  29. 变电站直流系统微机监测控制装置的研究

    Research of substation DC system microprocessor control monitor

  30. 三峡二期工程直流系统核心设备的选择与计算

    Selection and Calculation of Key Equipment for DC System in TGP , Phase II