
  • 网络high voltage fuse;high-voltage fuse
  1. CVT高压熔断器;熔断;铁磁谐振;饱和;分析。

    CVT high voltage fuse ; blow ; ferromagnetic resonance ; saturation ; analysis .

  2. 10~35kV中性点不接地系统中防止PT高压熔断器熔断的方法

    An effective method for preventing high voltage fuse of Pt from breaking in 10 ~ 35 ? Kv isolated neutral system

  3. 35kV电容式电压互感器高压熔断器熔断的原因分析

    Analysis of High-voltage Fuse Blow for 35 kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer

  4. 35kV电压互感器高压熔断器的改进

    Improvement on High-voltage Fuse of Potential Transformer in 35 kV Network

  5. 分析了高压熔断器加真空接触器(FC)回路的技术、经济特性,并对FC回路的保护特性进行详细介绍。

    This thesis analyses the technical and economical characteristics of high-voltage current-limiting fuse & vacuum contactor combined ( F-C ) loop , and introduces the protective characteristics of F-C loop .

  6. GB15166.3-1994交流高压熔断器喷射式熔断器可变射流形式喷雾水枪泡沫发生器

    Alternating-current high-voltage fuses & Expulsion fuse variable-pattern water fog nozzle foam-maker

  7. 高压熔断器原理及分类

    Principles and Calas si fications for High - voltage Fuses

  8. 一种具有限流特性的新型跌落式高压熔断器

    A New High Voltage Dropout Fuse with Current Limiting Characteristics

  9. GB15166.5-1994交流高压熔断器关联电容器外保护用熔断器

    Alternating-current high-voltage fuse & Fuses for the external protection of shunt power capacitors

  10. 欧式斜屋顶渗漏治理可控跌落式高压熔断器的研制

    Corrosion Handle on European Oblique Roof Research on Remote Controlled High-voltage Expulsion Fuses

  11. 限流式高压熔断器的发展

    The Development of High Voltage HRC Fuse

  12. GB15166.2-1994交流高压熔断器限流式熔断器

    Alternating-current high-voltage fuses & Current-limiting fuses

  13. 高压熔断器的更换请严格按照随机提供的环网高压开关柜使用说明书进行。

    Replacing HV fuse should refer to the operation instruction of HV switchgear delivered with the product .

  14. 本文主要介绍限流式高压熔断器的现状和今后发展的方向。

    In this paper the author mainly introduces the present situation and future development of high-voltage HRC fuse .

  15. GB/T15166.1-1994交流高压熔断器术语

    Alternating-current high-voltage fuses Terminology

  16. 并联电容器单台保护用高压熔断器容性开断电流试验方法的研讨

    On the Capacitive Cut & Out Current Test Method of High Voltage Fuse for the Individual Protection in Parallel Capacitors

  17. 跌落式高压熔断器又称喷射式熔断器,正常运行时串联在电力线路中,熔丝处于拉紧状态,活动关节被锁紧。

    When running normally , a high-voltage explosion fuse is in series with the electrical circuit , the fuse wire is strained and the active joint is locked .

  18. 简要说明了配电系统电压互感器选型及其保护元件选择应注意的问题(如对额定电压因数的要求和互感器励磁特性的要求),对电压互感器的保护元件(如高压熔断器)的选择。

    The paper briefly explained the problems of type selecting of voltage transformer and its protection element selection in distribution system , such as the requirements for specified voltage factor and the total excitation property , the requirements for high voltage fuse .

  19. 电压互感器高压侧熔断器一相熔断误判分析

    Analysis for Error Conclusion of Single Phase Fusing in Potential Transformer High-Voltage Side Fuse

  20. 对高压交流熔断器的选型设计进行了分析,给出了具体的选型标准,确定了选型范围。

    It has analyzed high voltage AC fuse , give the standard of type choice , decided the scope of type choice . 4 .

  21. 新型高压跌落式熔断器在配电变压器中的应用

    The Application of New High-pressure Drop Fuse in the Distribution Transformer

  22. 高压限流熔断器低过载电流开断性能的试验研究

    Experiment Research on Breaking Phenomena of HV Fuses under Low Overcurrent

  23. 高压限流熔断器与真空接触器的组合应用

    The application of high-voltage current-limiting fuse vacuum contactor combined loop

  24. 甄别交流高压限流熔断器的若干问题

    Some Problems of High Voltage AC Limiting Current Fuse

  25. 选用并联谐振电路测试高压限流熔断器的时间-电流特性

    Using Parallel Resonance Circuit to Measure Time-Current Characteristics of High Voltage Current-Limiting Fuses

  26. 高压限流熔断器&负荷开关开断电路时转移电流的分析

    Analysis of transfer current when breaking circuit by high-voltage current-limiting fuse and box-load switch

  27. 高压限流型熔断器热电耦合瞬态温度场的计算

    Calculation on Thermo - electricity Coupled Transient Temperature Field of High Voltage Current Limiting Fuse

  28. 高压限流熔断器作为熔断器家族中的重要一员,具有开断短路电流能力大和显著的限流效应。

    High-voltage current-limiting fuse is able to break big short circuit and limit current effect significantly .

  29. 为了使高压限流熔断器更好的配合其它保护电器,本文研究其弧前时间-电流特性的仿真计算,这也为今后全范围熔断器的设计奠定基础。

    In order to make the fuse cooperate with other protection devices preferably , the simulation of pre-arcing time current characteristics was obtained in this paper .

  30. 现有的户外交流高压跌落式熔断器在结构上存在有产品笨重的技术缺陷,也为装配于供电线路带来许多不便。

    The existing outdoor AC high-voltage falling type fuse has the technical disadvantage of bulky structure , and inconvenience is brought to assembly on a power supply line .