
  1. 你为什么不跟李萍试一下你的英语水平呢?

    Why don 't you try your English out on Li Ping ?

  2. 李萍和李晶看上去一样。

    Li Ping and Li Jing look the same .

  3. 李萍和王艳芳是好朋友。

    Li Ping and Wang Yanfang are close friends .

  4. 李萍昨天本无须打电话给我,因为我知道那件事。

    Li Ping needn 't have called me yesterday because I knew it .

  5. 同事弄得李萍,那个恶作剧的受害者,非常尴尬。

    The colleagues made Li Pen the victim of the practical joke very embarrassed .

  6. 李萍的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直做英语教师。

    Liping 's father has been an English teacher since he graduated from Peking University .

  7. 由于微博受到学生以及各大高校的追捧,于是很多像李萍一样的家长也成为了新一代的微博控。

    Parents like Li have become fresh converts to micro blogs as a result of their popularity with students and universities .