
  1. C.做谓语,直接描写事物的数量特征,有多的意义;

    C. As predicate , directly describing the quantitative feature of matter and reflecting the meaning of " many ";

  2. 作品中并没有直接描写种族压迫,种族冲突,但是种族主义却以一种非常微妙的形式出现&即占社会主导地位的白人审美观念。

    However the racial oppression and racial conflict are not directly portrayed .

  3. 描叙型意象是指直接描写叙述人物、事件与环境等物象形态的意象类型。

    The descriptive imagery is that it often describes the image such as figures , events or environments , etc.

  4. 因此,其作品对性行为的直接描写,也便是对性符号的超越。

    Therefore , the direct description of sexual acts in his works is a kind of transcendence of sexual symbols .

  5. 人物刻画上,小说可用的方法多种多样,可以直接描写,亦可间接陈述,可以用对比,亦可用烘托,可以第一人称亲眼目睹,亦可第三人称全知全能等,不一而足。

    Characterization , the novel methods available variety , can be directly described , but also indirect statements , can be compared also with the contrast , can be the first person I saw it , also the third person omniscient , etc. to name a few .

  6. 惠特曼因在《草叶集》中对性意象进行了直接地描写而遭到了当时评论家和广大读者的批判。

    Whitman received negative criticism not only from the critics but also from most of the readers of his time , owing to his open and direct description about sexual image in his Leaves of Grass .

  7. 本文作者选择上海市C棚户区为典型个案展开研究,力图通过对C棚户区具体日常生活的直接观察,描写本地居民的日常生活,以及与外来者之间的冲突与裂变、矛盾与融合过程。

    In this paper , the author chooses C Penghu Block in Shanghai as a study case and tries to describe the daily life of these native dwellers and their conflict , fission , contradiction and integration with intruders through direct observation .

  8. 和其他十九世纪现实主义小说家不同的是她从不直接涉及或描写社会问题和革命。

    Unlike other realists in the 19th century , she has never dealt with social problems and revolutions directly .

  9. 凭借执导和共同创作《末代皇帝》而获得两次奥斯卡奖的他,以大胆的视觉风格和在《巴黎最后的探戈》里直接的性描写所引发的争议而闻名。

    Winner of two Oscars , for directing and co-writing The Last Emperor , he was known for his bold visual style and the controversy stoked by Last Tango in Paris 's explicit sexual content .