
  • 网络Environmental description;description of environment
  1. 三是《聊斋志异》的环境描写与道教神仙信仰。

    Third , the description of environment and the immortal faith of Taoism .

  2. 传统小说较现当代小说而言,讲究人物形象、故事情节和环境描写,是为小说的三要素。

    Contemporary fiction is different from the traditional novel , which pay attention to characters , plot and description of environment and that is seen as the three elements of the novel .

  3. 试析《雷雨》第三幕环境描写

    Experimental Analysis of Environmental Description in Act 3 , Thunderstorm

  4. 其中的环境描写在整篇小说中起着举足轻重的作用。

    The environmental description plays a very important role in the whole novel .

  5. 当代微篇小说环境描写的基本类型

    On the Types of Environmental Description of Contemporary Mini-Stories

  6. 环境描写的加强。

    The circumstance description was streng the ned ;

  7. 第三章分析了受道教影响的唐传奇的环境描写。

    Third chapters have analysed the environment accepting Tang Chuanqi that Taoism affects depicting .

  8. 谈鲁迅小说中环境描写的审美超越

    A Discussion on the Aesthetic Exceeding of Environment Description in Lu Xun 's Fictions

  9. 第三章论述了《红楼梦影》在语言风格、环境描写以及习俗描写方面的特色。

    The third chapter analyzes the linguistic style , descriptions about surroundings and folk custom .

  10. 微型小说的环境描写,依托于具体的景与物的描写。

    Environmental descriptions of micra-novels , depend on descriptions of the sight and the sub-stance .

  11. 论自然环境描写在《还乡》中的角色地位

    On the Role the Natural Environment Description Plays in " The Return of The Native "

  12. 在艺术上,《姑妄言》在章回体式、人物塑造、心理刻画、环境描写以及结构和语言等方面都很有特色。

    It has characteristics in style , characterization , mentality , surrounding , and language , etc.

  13. 鲁迅小说中的环境描写

    Environmental Description in Luxun 's Novels

  14. 别具一格的现实主义创作方法是通过新颖的历史叙事、典型化的人物塑造和环境描写来突显的;

    The novel historical narration , representative characters and environmental description highlight his distinctive realistic writing way ;

  15. 这些建筑的环境描写与人物的性格、情感及其命运的遭际、结局紧紧地统一融合在一起。

    The environmental description on the Grand View Garden knits tightly together with the characteristics , emotions .

  16. 环境描写是文学作品的重要组成部分,也是极具审美价值的因素。

    Setting descriptions form an important part in any literary , works and always has great aesthetic values .

  17. 笔墨简练意蕴丰富&浅谈鲁迅作品的环境描写技巧

    Brief In Words ′ Rich In Meaning & On the Technique Of Setting Description in Lu Xun ′ s Works

  18. 文章通过分析小说中的人物性格、自然环境描写和主题寓意,探讨作者在小说中表现出的生态主义思想。

    The paper discusses the characterization , the nature description and the theme of the novel from an ecological perspective .

  19. 当代中国微篇小说环境描写的类型,大致可以概括为三种:浓缩之境、暗示之境和泛化之境。

    The types of environmental description of the Chinese contemporary mini-stories roughly fall into three categories : the environment of concentration , indication and generalization .

  20. 通过夜宿驿舍的环境描写,真实地表达了作者谪徙羁旅的苦境和凄凉寂寞的心情。

    It truthfully reveals the poet 's blight for his banishing trip with his forlorn and lonely feeling by capturing the atmosphere of a courier-stop on a cold night .

  21. 该部分分为斑斓瑰丽的环境描写、精深入微的语言展示和鲜活独特的个体言说等三个部分。

    This part is divided into three aspects , which consists of colorful magnificent environment description , language display of the deep penetrating , fresh and unique individual statements .

  22. 小说是文学体裁的一种,它以刻画人物形象为中心,通过完整的故事情节和环境描写来反映社会生活。

    Fiction is one of the literature styles , which focuses on the depiction of the personality and reflects social life by its complete plot development and setting description .

  23. 小说的主题虽然严肃而深刻,但人物刻画栩栩如生,浑圆丰满,环境描写详尽而具体,所以小说仍不失为一部引人入胜的儿童历险小说。

    Although the theme is serous and profound , it 's still an interesting and compelling children 's adventure story with realistic descriptions of the environment and vivid , convincing characters .

  24. 第一章:本章考察环境描写中的绘画特色,这也是哈代绘画特色体现最明显的地方。

    This thesis is composed of three chapters : Chapter One : This chapter studies the painting feature in the depiction of environment , which embodies the painting feature most evidently .

  25. 二是具有木刻版画的力度特征,环境描写、人物刻画处处刀锋毕现,道劲有力,有一种力之美。

    Second , it possesses the force character of block print in woodcut that the depiction of environment and personage are powerful and profound everywhere and with a " force beauty " .

  26. 摘要新派武侠小说与哥特小说,一个属于古老的东方民族,一个来自于遥远的西方世界,但在题材、人物塑造、环境描写等方面有着异曲同工之妙。

    The new-style swordsmen novel and the Gothic novel , though against different cultural back-grounds , they do share some things in common in topics , molding of characters and description of surroundings .

  27. 不足之处是心理描写过多,可以在动作、场面上的描写多一些,另外,还可以加入环境描写,这样文章会显得更生动。

    Deficiency is the psychological description is overmuch , can be in action , rub depictions of some more , in addition , can also add environment description , this article will look more vivid .

  28. 本文从以下方面探讨了海明威的“冰山”理论在其长篇小说《永别了,武器》中的体现:对话的简洁性,环境描写的暗示性,象征与讽刺的含蓄性及空白结局的魅力。

    This article analyzes the theory embodied in his novel a farewell to arms from the following aspects : succinct dialogue , suggestive settings , implicit symbolism and irony , and the magic of zero ending .

  29. 本文拟从《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中玫瑰标题的寓意、爱米丽小姐的庄园及其周边环境描写的象征意义和爱米丽小姐的爱情悲剧根源这三个方面来透视福克纳这份难以割舍的南方情结。

    This paper is to probe into his southern complex from the following aspects , i.e.the symbol of the rose , the house and its surroundings as well as the source of Emily 's tragedy of love .

  30. 作者运用了环境描写、人物语言、心理描写、矛盾冲突及对比手法等高超的写人艺术,塑造出如此众多鲜明独特的人物形象。

    By taking advantages of the means of environment description , description of the dialogue and psychology of characters , and that of the conflicts , and comparison , the author created a number of live images .