
  1. 动作描写即描写人物在做什么以及如何做。

    Action concerns what a person does and how he does it .

  2. 动作描写简洁传神。

    Action description is concise and vivid .

  3. 下面写一篇短文,用形象生动的动词,把你的一系列动作描写出来。

    Please use some lively verbs to describe your series actions by writing a short passage .

  4. 其次,从微观上看,体育竞赛中的技术动作描写也采用了隐喻,体现了新闻语言的艺术特色和审美价值。

    Then , from the specific point of view , the descriptions of a single skillful act in sports also adopt metaphors , which expresses the artistic characteristics and aesthetic functions of the language in news texts .

  5. 我绕到房子的前面,坐在台阶上,哭了一阵之后,我感到阵阵心痛,我的父亲心里肯定也有一点不好受。简析:动作描写,情真意切。

    I went around to the front of the house , sat down on the steps , and , the crying over , I ached , And my father must have hurt , too , a little .