
  • 网络animal print
  1. 新艺术风格图案的花边和燕尾服效应的细节,蓬松的边缘和动物图案之间的对话。

    A dialogue between Art Nouveau patterned lace and tuxedo-effect details , fluffy fringing and animal prints .

  2. 35年来,这家店铺一直在供应古老的旅行明信片、地图、花朵和动物图案印刷品。

    For 35 years , the shop has offered old travel posters , maps and flower and animal prints .

  3. 1988年,英国艺术家PaulMiddlewick首次把伦敦地铁轨道线、站点和换乘点相链接,创造了这些动物图案。

    The animals , created using the tube lines , stations and junctions of the London Underground map were first spotted by Paul Middlewick in1988 .

  4. 他设计的衣服使用了很多动物图案。

    He uses many patterns of animals on the clothes he designs .

  5. 图案:可提字母,商标,动物图案等。

    Design : words , flowers , dots , animals ect , as your request .

  6. 2012年11月5日,深圳市的一支树干上涂有色彩斑斓的动物图案。

    A tree trunk is painted with a colorful animal image in Shenzhen , Nov 5 , 2012 .

  7. 印有动物图案的童毯铺、盖两相宜,婴儿好伙伴。

    The children 's blankets , printed with animal patterns and suitable for both bedding and covering , are good mates of infants .

  8. 两个翅膀为完整的动物图案,相互对称,当今世界极为罕见。

    There are two complete symmetrical animal patterns in the wings of this butterfly and rarely can be seen anywhere else in the world .

  9. 其中动物图案中的四神纹样被广泛使用,这些四神纹样的形态、位置以及表现手法不尽相同,它们所蕴涵的意义值得我们深思和探讨。

    The four-god dermatoglyphic pattern which has different forms , locations and way of expressions . their implication is worth us thinking deeply and discussed .

  10. 2012年11月5日,深圳市的一个公园的树干上涂有色彩斑斓的动物图案。

    A tree trunk is painted with multicolored animal patterns at a park in Shenzhen , South China 's Guangdong province , Nov 5 , 2012 .

  11. 动物图案有龙、凤、鹤、鹊,都是吉祥之物,象征高贵、财富、长寿、好运。

    Patterns of animals include the dragon , the phoenix , cranes and magpies because they are all auspicious animals that represent nobility , fortune , longevity and luck .

  12. 与铸于鼎面的动物图案的神秘巫术意义同样,鼎三足也被赋予了重要的喻象意义。

    Similar to the meanings of animal patterns carved on the facets of the tripods by mysterious sorcery , the three legs of the tripod were given important symbolic meanings .

  13. 在郁郁葱葱的打扮从头部到脚趾的动物图案,毛皮及装饰图案,吉塞勒在五个形象梅特与马库斯运动开枪射击。

    Decked from head to toe in lush animal prints , fur and decorative patterns , Gisele is on fire in the five image campaign shot by Mert & Marcus .

  14. 有些人认为岩石艺术发源于欧洲,并且发展了数千年,形成了2万年前拉斯西奥斯和阿塔米亚洞穴中更加复杂的动物图案。

    Some argue that rock art originated in Europe and developed over thousands of years , resulting in the more sophisticated representations of animals at Lasceaux and Altamira 20000 years ago .

  15. 一件具有明朗轮廓以及柔顺线条的单色动物图案连衣裙,可以让你看起来非常时髦并且光彩夺目;而一件线条优美的豹纹上衣会给你的牛仔裤增添一份靓丽,同时也不会显得太过张扬。

    A monochrome animal print dress with a clean shape and smooth lines looks striking and stylish , while a slinky leopard print top will smarten up a pair of jeans without being overpowering .

  16. 不过在那时,硬币上画着动物图案。如果你查看一个背面有牦牛像的五分镍币时,不要以为它非同寻常。

    At that time , animals were pictured on the coins . You won 't think that this is so unusual if you examine a nickel and see the buffalo on the back of it .

  17. 这些阴刻了几何或动物图案的方形图章,具有经济凭证的作用。至于钏影楼这个名儿,我用得最多,有好几方图章,都是刻着钏影楼的。

    These square seals , carved in intaglio with geometric or animal motifs , served as economic documentation . Chuan Ying Lou is the name I have used most frequently . I have several seals engraved with this name .

  18. 我们把动物的图案涂绘在墙上。

    We paint animals on the walls .

  19. 在各国的国旗中,你可以见到如彩虹般的各种色彩,还有星星、条纹甚至动物的图案!

    Among the world 's flags , you can see all the colors of the rainbow , complete with stars , stripes , and even animals !

  20. 当地美国人说到他的时候,甚至会将他列入到图腾柱沿侧动物,其他的图案我们知道一般是熊和鹰。

    The native Americans spoke of him and even added him onto their totem poles along side animals we KNOW are real like bears and eagles .

  21. 但泳衣上印有动物图像和抽象图案的“三维立体画”,可以混淆人类视觉,使周围的人只能看到实色衣料。

    However the garment is covered in'magic eye ' - style animal prints and abstract patterns which confuse the eye so onlookers can only see a solid block of fabric .