
dònɡ wù yǔ yán
  • animal language
  1. 但既然你能通动物语言。

    But since you have got the gift of gab .

  2. 遥远距离的动物语言频率分析以及互联网接入的地震勘测系统。

    Distant from the frequency analysis of the language of animals , as well as Internet access system of the seismic survey .

  3. 我们研究动物语言,经常关注它们的手势、姿势和呼叫声,因为这些是我们人类语言沟通的重要组成部分。

    Studies on animal linguistics often focus on gestures , postures , and calls because these are the main components of our language .

  4. 没有动物具有语言能力。

    No animal has the power of language .

  5. 亚里士多德式政治科学的语言,是人类的语言,政治动物的语言。

    The language of Aristotelian political science is the language of man the political animal .

  6. 小伙子不懂动物的语言,但他很温柔地抚摸它。

    The lad did not know the animal 's language , but he touched it softly .

  7. 科技英语中的动物词语言测试术语及其运用&有关语言测试术语的几点介绍

    Animal terms used in English for science and technology On Terms of English Test in g

  8. 我认为我生来就是这样的。我觉得我能理解动物的语言。

    Orren : I think I was just born that way . I feel like I can understand what animals are saying .

  9. 人是逻各斯的动物,语言的本质即为逻各斯。

    Language is the existence of the people * people are the animals of logos , the essence of language is the logos .

  10. 猫科动物的身体语言不会传递精确的信号。

    Feline body language is not intended to deliver refined signals .

  11. 在动物王国,语言是最令人不可思议的行为。

    Language is the most astonishing behavior in the animal kingdom .

  12. 动物词语在语言中也具有同等作用。

    So do animal words in language .

  13. 其他动物能掌握语言吗?

    Can other animals acquire language ?

  14. 本文着重就狼、熊等动物在英语语言文化中的寓意进行分析和探讨。

    This paper presents a discussion on the implications of some common animals in English culture .

  15. 他认为动物没有使用语言的能力,因而不具有信念。

    He believes that animals do not have the ability to use language , and thus does not have the faith .

  16. 从结构主义符号学的角度来看,这里的牛羊之别,是经验中的有生命的动物牛与语言中的无生命的羊概念之间的区别。

    In line with the structuralist semiotics , the differences between the two are those between the animal ox with life and the word sheep without life .

  17. 鸟是自然界除人类之外最具复杂发声行为的动物,鸟类语言与人类语言在很多方面都有相似之处,尤其是发声学习的听觉反馈。

    The birds are the most sophisticated vocal behavior animals in nature except human being . Birds languages have something in common with human 's , especially the auditory feedback of vocal learning .

  18. 其次,汉英动物两种语言中隐喻存在差异性归因于以下几个方面:汉英民族不同的思维方式、审美标准、自然环境和社会习俗以及语言形式。

    Secondly , differences of animal metaphor in Chinese and English can be explained in the following aspects : different ways of thinking , aesthetic standards , natural environment and social conventions , and linguistic forms .

  19. 我常常思索,人和动物之间没有语言,他们心中互相认识的界线在哪里。也就是必须在从传统到现代这一线索中寻求认识中国社会特性的理路。

    I often wonder where lie hidden the boundaries of recognition between man and the beast whose heart knows no spoken language . In another word , we can found the social characteristic of china with the help of the clues from tradition to modern this .

  20. 同样,动物词汇在人类语言中也占据着重要地位。

    Also , animal terms play important role in human languages .

  21. 动物会不经由语言思考,就像我们大多数时候那样。

    Animals think without words , as do we most of the time .

  22. 从动物比喻看英汉语言差异

    A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Language from the Perspective of Animal Metaphors

  23. 动物有自己的语言吗?

    Do animals have their own languages ?

  24. 我希望和家人在海滩嬉戏,我希望和动物们不受语言障碍的交流;

    I wanted to play games on the beach with my families ; I wanted to communicate with animals without language barrier ;

  25. 动物隐喻是指语言中被隐喻化了的表达,其内涵能够被同一语言社区的成员所理解和接受。

    Animal metaphor may be defined as the metaphorical expressions with animal images in a language , the connotations of which can be understood and accepted by the people in the same speech community .

  26. 因此不能仅以动物象征来确定有关动物词语的语言色彩。

    Some animal words according to the color meaning of form the focus of the morpheme words to express the emotional color of words . So not only to animal symbol to determine relevant animal language color words .

  27. 这是作为认知对象的自然语言划分,在本然的自然中,人类是以种群的单位归属在动物群落中,动物群落是自然语言生物词类的一部分。

    It is as natural language understanding by an object , in the authentic nature , human population is attributable to the units in the animal community , the animal community is a natural part of the language of biological parts of speech .

  28. 这项研究将会发表在7月份的《动物认知》上。而几个星期之前还有另一位研究动物行为的专家说,未来我们将使用手机大小的电子产品和动物进行语言交流。

    The study , which will be published in the July issue of Animal Cognition , comes just weeks after an expert in animal behaviour claimed we will one day be able to talk to animals using mobile phone-sized gadgets .