
kǒu yǔ nénɡ lì
  • oral ability;oracy;articulateness
  1. 记忆/注意集中困难、书写困难、动作技能、口语能力及社会适应能力的缺陷可能是汉语SRD儿童临床普遍伴发的症状。

    Memory and attention disorder , writing disorder , movement ability , oral ability and social adaptability disorder may be the ubiquitous concomitant symptoms of Chinese SRD children .

  2. 谈背诵对提高高职学生英语口语能力的作用

    Recitation Function for Vocational College Students to Improve English Oral Ability

  3. 本文介绍口试中基于被测试对象交际语言能力的Weir和Bygate的口语能力构想理论,探讨实现口语测试构想效度的方法。

    This paper introduces Weir and Bygate 's competence-based oral competence construct and put forward the ways to realize construct validity in oral tests .

  4. 本文以Gardner的二语习得的社会教育模式为框架,采用问卷的方法对影响非英语专业大学生英语口语能力的主要动机因素进行研究分析。

    This paper explores the influence of motivation elements on non-English major college students ' oral English learning based on Gardner 's Socio-Educational Model in Second Language Acquisition . The research method is questionnaire .

  5. 公共英语口语能力培养及策略研究

    The Way and Strategy of Training Students ' Oral Public English

  6. 公式化语言与英语口语能力的提高

    Formulaic Language and the Development of Language Learners ' Oral Communicative Competence

  7. 如何评价大学生的英语口语能力

    On the evaluation of college student 's English speaking ability

  8. 有效提高学生英语口语能力的策略研究

    Strategies Study on Effectively Improving Students ′ Spoken English Level

  9. 论师范院校民族生口语能力的培养

    On training for the minority national students ' spoken language

  10. 对大学非英语专业学生口语能力培养的思考

    On Development of Oral English Ability of Non-English Major Undergraduates

  11. 文化教学及其对提高大学生英语口语能力的意义

    Culture Teaching and Its Significance to College Students ' Oral English Proficiency

  12. 视觉障碍儿童口语能力的初步分析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Spoken Language Ability on Children with Visual Handicap

  13. 论影响学生英语口语能力的因素及解决方法

    Cause of Students ' Poor Spoken English and the Countermeasures

  14. 以《实用英语》课文为材料,促进学生口语能力的提高

    Improve students ' speaking ability with aid of texts in practical English

  15. 具有英语阅读、书写能力和一般口语能力。

    Both English reading and written ability and normal English verbal ability .

  16. 词块教学法与大学生英语口语能力的发展

    Lexical Approach and Development of College Students ' Oral Proficiency

  17. 模仿、背诵、复述策略与成人英语学习者口语能力的培养

    Imitation-Reciting-Retelling Strategy in Adult English Learners ' Oral Competence Development

  18. 大学生英语口语能力的现状及对策

    On the Improvement of College Students ' English Speaking Competence

  19. 论高校办公室工作人员与口语能力

    On the Speaking Ability Capability of Office Clerks in Colleges

  20. 口语能力在高中英语学习中是十分重要的。

    It indicates that spoken English is important in high school English learning .

  21. 但是,之前的相关研究更多关注其与口语能力的相关性。

    However , the previous studies paid more attention to the oral proficiency .

  22. 我觉得班上任何学生的英语口语能力都比我好。

    I always feel that other students speak English better than I do .

  23. 你们应该继续提高英语口语能力。

    You should continue to improve your spoken English .

  24. 分包商代表需具备流利的英语写作和口语能力。

    The contractor 's representative shall be fluent in written and spoken English .

  25. 具备很好的英语口语能力和人际沟通技巧。

    Good oral English capabilities and interpersonal communication skills .

  26. 电大学生英语口语能力的培养

    Improvement of ability in oral English for the students of Radio and TV University

  27. 论英语专业学生口语能力的提高

    On Improving the Speaking Ability of English Majors

  28. 我每天大声朗读英语来提高我的英语口语能力。

    I read English passages loudly everyday to enhance my ability of speaking English .

  29. 深化英语教学改革,提高大学生的口语能力

    How to improve the college students ' oral English while continuing English teaching reform

  30. 大学生英语口语能力滞后原因及改革举措

    Analysis on College Students ' Poor Oral Ability and Suggestions on College English Teaching Reform