
  1. 性不再被认为是羞耻或难以说出口的事了。

    Sex need no longer be regarded as shameful or unmentionable .

  2. 那是一件难以说出口的事。

    That was a nasty thing to say .

  3. 就是在这个条约里,美国除了强迫中国接受五口通商等事而外,强迫中国接受美国人传教也是一条。

    In this very treaty , the United States compelled China to accept American missionary activity , in addition to imposing such terms as the opening of five ports for trade .

  4. 先听听那口教堂古钟的事吧!

    We will now follow the career of the old bell .

  5. 聪明之手勿做愚蠢之口所言之事。

    The wise hand doth not all that the foolish mouth speaks .