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  1. 北京市密云县古北口镇文化旅游开发研究

    The Study on the Exploitation of the Cultural Tourism in Gubeikou

  2. 荡口镇是一个繁华的大市镇,华氏是其中一个人口众多的大家族。

    Dangkou was a prosperous town , and the group with family name Hua was influential .

  3. 以湖南省中部地区平口镇为例分析了目前其垃圾处理状况,并提出了相应的对策。

    Taking Pingkou town as an example , its existing waste treatment statue was analyzed and related countermeasures were put forward .

  4. 以三峡库区湖北省兴山县峡口镇移民迁建新址为例,研究了在滑坡防治工程的基础上,结合移民建设进行土地开发利用方案。

    The utilization program of landslide mass is researched on the basis of landslide controlling engineering taking the resettlement site of Xiakou , Hubei as an example .

  5. 文化遗址位于泰山南麓泰安市郊区大汶口镇,大汶河东西贯穿,将其分为南北两片。

    Cultural sites in the south of Taishan Dawenkou the outskirts of the town of Taian City , Dawen River runs through East and West , North and South will be divided into two .

  6. 公司坐落在浦阳江边,紧靠浙赣线的“中国南方五金城”、“华东气配水暖城”&店口镇。

    Our company is located in Puyang Riverside and close to Diankou Town , which is called " Hardware City in south China ", or " Auto Parts and Water Heating City in East China " .