
kǒu jiǎo
  • corner of the mouth;quarrel;bicker;wrangle


kǒu jué
  • quarrel;bicker;spat;wrangle
口角 [kǒu jué]
  • (1) [corner of the mouth] 嘴边

  • 口角流涎

  • (2) 另见 kǒujué

  • [quarrel;bicker;wrangle] 争吵

  • 两人口角

口角[kǒu jiǎo]
口角[kǒu jué]
  1. 周围性面瘫(面神经麻痹)是一种原因不明的急性非化脓性面神经损害,主要累及面部功能,如微笑时,面部不对称,甚至出现痉挛、脸睑闭合困难、口角下垂等。

    Peripheral facial paralysis is an acute facial damage with uncertain pathogeny , and not suppurative , which implicates facial function , such as facial asymmetry when smiling , even tic , having trouble in closing eyelid , corner of the mouth prolapse , etc.

  2. 我没有跟他口角的理由。

    I have no reason to quarrel with him .

  3. 我和一些反对我们拍摄的人发生了小小的口角。

    I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming .

  4. 这两个女人经常发生口角。

    The two women bickered constantly .

  5. 此口角由误会引起。

    The quarrel originates in a misunderstanding .

  6. 今天夜里两家的口角就好像是一个师傅教出来的

    The discussions to-night were a sort of seeming plagiarisms of each other .

  7. 她的父母经常有些小的口角。

    Her parents always have spats .

  8. 但imf仍然依赖于美国的支持美国国会最近就imf融资问题发生的口角,就证明了这一点。

    But the IMF still relies on us support as the recent spat in Congress on IMF funding shows .

  9. vi.争吵,发生口角;争论n争论,口角

    to dispute angrily or noisily

  10. 你和devon有过口角吗?

    Did you and Devon ever argue ?

  11. ABC援引警方提供的消息说,他们抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯的第二天晚上,一位特工与别人发生了“口角”,而且还遭到了殴打。

    One of the agents got into an " altercation " after a night on the town and was beaten , the television news organization said , citing police reports .

  12. (为琐事)争吵,发生口角同义词:bicker我的姐妹正为看哪个电视节目争吵。

    to argue noisily about sth that is not very important My sisters were squabbling over what to watch on TV .

  13. 吴仪把批评的矛头指向美国贸易官员,而没有提及美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)。这一迹象表明,两国对话可能不会受到双方口角日益升温的干扰。

    In a sign that the dialogue could proceed unimpeded by the growing spat , Ms Wu focused her criticism on US trade officials and did not mention Hank Paulson , the Treasury secretary .

  14. 戴姆勒(Daimler)免除了一位负责中国业务的高管的职务,此前他被指在北京因一个停车位与人发生口角并发表种族主义辱骂言论。

    Daimler has removed a senior executive from his role running a Chinese business after he was accused of yelling racist abuse during an altercation over a car parking space in Beijing .

  15. 通过实验研究进一步发现,不同的口模入口角对实验材料表现出不同的Bagley校正因子和可回复弹性应变。

    More results were found by experiment that the entrance angle of die has different Bagley end correction and recoverable elastic strain on different experimental materials .

  16. Drake也收到多伦多猛龙的来信,他被雇为全球说唱大使,因在系列赛揭幕战,猛龙112-113输给骑士的加时赛中与肯德里克·帕金斯发生口角。

    Drake also heard from the Toronto Raptors , who employ the rapper as a global ambassador , about his spat with Perkins during the club 's 113-112 overtime loss in the series opener .

  17. 这个男人有可能只是和Shabani有过口角然后编造了这个故事,Gheriani说。

    The man may only have had a quarrel with Shibani and could have been fabricating the story , Gheriani pointed out .

  18. 同时,不同的圆锥入口角,表现出不同的Bagley校正因子对应不同的挤出胀大值,反映了聚合物熔体在不同圆锥入口角短口模挤出过程拉伸弹性形变特性的差异。

    And meanwhile , different conical entrance angles exhibited different Bagley correction factors and corresponding die swell . This phenomenon expressed the differences of the characteristic of tensile elastic deformation of LDPE melt which flows through cone entrance and short die land with different entrance angles during extrusion process .

  19. 将该方法应用于YB380型液力变矩器叶栅进出口角的优化,结果表明,通过优化使计算工况最高效率由0.866提高到0.9,从而证明本方法的可行性。

    It is applied to the optimization of inlet and outlet angle of blade cascade of torque converter ( YB380 ) . The result indicates that the maximum efficiency of calculated work condition is improved from 0.866 to 0.9 and that this method is feasible .

  20. 涡轮流量传感器的等出口角原理

    Principle of Equal - outlet - angle of Turbine Flow Sensors

  21. 他和他哥哥发生过口角。

    He and his elder brother got into a verbal clash .

  22. 这场口角还波及到中日军事关系。

    The spat has also spilled over into Sino-Japanese military relations .

  23. 你有没有跟她在婚礼上发生口角?

    Did you have an altercation with her at the wedding ?

  24. 他的脸刮得很干净,口角很富有诱惑力。

    He was clean-shaven , and his mouth was very attractive .

  25. 他后悔说出了导致口角的急躁的话。

    He regrets his hasty words that are productive of quarrels .

  26. 口角轴的基础解剖及其三维立体结构研究

    The Elementary Anatomical Study and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Facial Modiolus

  27. 但是口角游戏可不是我想要的关系。

    But verbal volleyball is not my idea of a relationship .

  28. 我觉得你们俩只是情人之间有点小口角。

    I think you two have had a lover 's tiff .

  29. 啊,但12号,恋人会发生口角。

    Op , but the twelfth brings a lover 's spat .

  30. 由于误解他们产生了口角。

    They got into a verbal clash because of a misunderstanding .