
  • 网络Fever To Tell;Masking
  1. 他们很爱传闲话,而且常常口无遮拦。

    They were gossipy and not always discreet

  2. 他经常喝醉,而且一喝醉就口无遮拦。

    He talked too freely when , as was too often the case , he was in his cups .

  3. 而当电话响起,他却口无遮拦,屡屡失言

    When the microphones were on , gaffes gushed from his lips .

  4. 她知道我口无遮拦,洪晃表示。

    She knows I have a big mouth , Hung says .

  5. 你可以口无遮拦的和一罐啤酒说话。

    You can say whatever you want to a beer .

  6. 考生们常犯的错误就是口无遮拦,毫不思考。

    The common mistake student make is that they tend to speak without even thinking first .

  7. 这么口无遮拦,毫无自律我怎么能给他重任呢

    And how do I give him that when he shows absolutely no discretion , no discipline ?

  8. 英雄更愿意感性的倾吐自己的情感而成为对现状口无遮拦的批评家。

    Heroes are willing to sensationalize their feelings and self-perceptions to become outspoken critics of the status quo .

  9. 不过他最引人注目的却是在政治社交圈中的口无遮拦。

    Yet it is the unashamedly politically incorrect comments he makes that have attracted the most attention over the years .

  10. 为一句歌词而征求许可是一种非同寻常的事,特别是对于韦斯特这样的人,口无遮拦是他最大的资产。

    Seeking permission for a lyric is an extraordinary step , especially for Mr. West , whose loose tongue is his greatest asset .

  11. 过去我曾口无遮拦地对古斯特主厨的那句名言“人人都能做菜”加以嘲讽。

    In the past , I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau 's famous motto : Anyone can cook .

  12. 很明显它们造成了一些伤害一名原本亲美的新加坡政客公开警告他的官员,与美国人交谈时不要过于口无遮拦。

    Clearly they caused some as when an otherwise pro-US politician in Singapore publicly cautioned his officials against speaking too freely to Americans .

  13. 她跟人谈起我来并不是口无遮拦,而是用心良苦,一心只想维护我的最大利益。

    She doesn 't blab in a careless way , she blabs in a fully calculated way , with my best interests at heart .

  14. 口无遮拦不仅会使你求职失败,还可能让你丢掉现在的饭碗。

    As well as missing out on the jobs they were aiming for , the frankness of some also cost them their current employment .

  15. 你有点冲动,做什么事情也停不下来。你可能口无遮拦、行动迅速,然而却缺乏远见、不计后果。

    You are very impulsive and restless now and you are likely to act or speak too quickly without sufficient forethought or concern for the consequences .

  16. 同时,一向口无遮拦的马尔奇奥尼对多个话题都滔滔不绝,这些话题从欧元的未来到克莱斯勒首次公开募股无所不包。

    Meanwhile , the always-tangy Marchionne held forth on a variety of topics , ranging from the future of the euro to the timing of a Chrysler IPO .

  17. 他说话口无遮拦,并且有一种贴近大众坦诚交流的天赋,这些特点使他能和社交媒体完美契合。

    His inability to censor himself , combined with his talent for speaking frankly and intimately to a mass public , aligned him perfectly with the mood of social media .

  18. 医疗小组发现尼克有额叶抑制性症状,这导致了他说话口无遮拦,表现的就像豪斯一样。

    The team realizes Nick has frontal lobe inhibition , which causes him to speak his mind having no control over what he says and making him just like House .

  19. 这次,口无遮拦,曾在竞选演说里称内贾德是“疯子”,“怪胎”,“疯狂总统”的美国副总统乔·拜登,也一反常态的保持了沉默。

    Even his vice-president , Joe Biden , who on the campaign trail called Mr Ahmadinejad a " madman "," that wacko guy " and " the crazy president ", kept his mouth uncharacteristically shut .

  20. 当你突然给予了一群人话语权,那他们难免会口无遮拦。

    You give a bunch of people a voice that they didn 't think they had and they think they can talk to the masses , they 're going to say what 's on their minds .