
zì shuō zì huà
  • say to oneself;act on one's own
自说自话 [zì shuō zì huà]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [act on one's own]∶独自决定;自己说了算

  • 他自说自话地把公司承包给他人了

  • (3) [say to oneself]∶自言自语

  • 精神病人普遍存在自说自话现象

自说自话[zì shuō zì huà]
  1. 兼松雄一郎自说自话地写道:这款设备预计今年十月就会投放市场。他补充道,苹果公司已经订购的配件数量足够每月组装300-500万块iWatch。

    It is expected to hit the market in October , he wrote , citing no source whatsoever , adding that Apple has ordered up enough parts to build 3-5 million a month .

  2. 这些都是一个民族在自说自话的标志。

    Such are the markers of a nation that talks past itself .

  3. 结果他们就只是拨通电话,作一番自说自话的推销演说。

    Getting on the phone and giving a one-way pitch is the result .

  4. 他们喜欢侃侃而谈,而且只爱自说自话。

    They dominate conversations and only talk about themselves .

  5. 你这就是在自说自话了。

    COEN You are talking to yourself now .

  6. 没人喜欢大话王。他们喜欢侃侃而谈,而且只爱自说自话。

    Nobody likes a braggart . They dominate conversations and only talk about themselves .

  7. 他们整天忙着自说自话、东奔西走或是其他事情。

    They 're too busy listening to themselves or rushing around impatiently , or whatever .

  8. 这样的研究虽有推进,但基本上在各自的领域自说自话。

    Although there is some progress , they are investigated in their own field separately .

  9. 第二天的三角函数课和西班牙语课上,我惊讶地发现杰西卡不像往常一样滔滔不绝地自说自话了。

    The next day , I was surprised that Jessica wasn 't her usual gushing self in Trig and Spanish .

  10. 这种自说自话完美展示了在金融危机期间几乎自我毁灭的银行体系的弱点。

    This dialogue of the deaf perfectly illustrates the weaknesses of a banking system that nearly destroyed itself during the crisis .

  11. 那种公开地自说自话变成了隐秘地自说自话,但是思考仍然以一种喉音习惯出现。

    that overt talking to oneself becomes covert talking to oneself , but thinking still shows up as a laryngeal habit .

  12. 如果克利夫兰和克利夫兰曾经对过话,那无疑只能是自说自话,因为他们是同一个人。

    Had Cleveland and Cleveland ever spoken , it would have been a decidedly one-way conversation , since they were the same man .

  13. 近二十年中国文论的进展有目共睹,其弊端则一言以蔽之,曰缺乏有效性,或曰自说自话。

    Literary criticism in the last twenty years has constantly engendered a lack or abuse of the validity of the discourse in literary theory .

  14. 至于达沃斯世界经济论坛,他认为,在过去10年中,它已成为某种自说自话的回音室。

    As for the World Economic Forum in Davos , he said that over the last 10 years it had become an echo chamber of sorts .

  15. 多尔扎尔的事还没平息,另一则警世故事又闹了起来,这一次,故事挑战得是美国白人自说自话的那一套进步迷思。

    Not far into the flap over Dolezal , another alarming story took over the news , a story that challenged the myths white America tells itself about progress .

  16. 他关了电灯,继续在自说自话。亮固然要很亮,但也必须是个干净愉快的地方。

    Turning off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself , It was the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean a'nd pleasant .

  17. 在幼儿园里我是个顽皮的女孩,我不喜欢午饭后的午睡,常常躺在床上自说自话。

    I was a naughty girl in the kindergarten and did not like to take nap after lunch , and always kept talking to myself when lying in the bed .

  18. 表面上热闹的课堂,由于缺乏师生之间和生生之间的倾听成为了自说自话,而非真正的交流。

    Due to lack of listening between instructor and student , the ostensibly lively classroom , have actually became a kind of soliloquize , which can not be seen as communication .

  19. 关联理论将合理的解释由于最大关联和最佳关联所产生的反差而产生的幽默。但它无法解释无关联所产生的幽默,如当交际者处于心理失衡状态时,他们会忽略听话者而自说自话。

    The Relevance Theory can explain the humor produced by the gap between the maximal relevance and the optimal relevance , but it can not explain the irrelevant communication , that is to say , when the speaker is in the unbalanced mental situation , they ignore the hearer .

  20. 问题最终归结为,这些预测数据到底是那些为孤儿寡母理财的投资经理们进行投资决策的依据,还是只是行业内部自说自话的产物,根本无足轻重?这个问题一直没有答案。

    The question always came down to , are these fiduciary numbers that investment managers charged with keeping money for widows and orphans rely on , or are they just inside baseball for the industry to squabble over and not all that important ? That question has never been answered .