
  1. 因此,他们能从“上帝视角”来看自己市场内外的活动。

    So they have a " God 's eye view " of activities in their own markets and beyond .

  2. 因为在一起,我们真正是上帝视角下的一个国家。

    because together , we are truly One Nation Under God .

  3. 你是否曾经梦想过展翅高飞,用上帝的视角从天堂向下看。

    Have you ever dreamed of flying high , looking down from heaven with god 's eyes .

  4. 对于西方近代哲学,人们常从认识论,或从某一方面以实体、观念、自然、精神、人等等为题展开研究,而从基督教神学上帝的视角进行研究的则还不够。

    Researches on modern western philosophy always choose epistemology or such perspectives as substance , idea , nature , spirit , human , etc.