
  1. 然而我是叙述者,他却不是叙述者,因而,叙述人称的概念是不周延、不确切的。

    So the concept of narrative person proved to be inaccurate .

  2. 目标信息和叙述人称对情境模型加工的影响

    The Effect of Goal Information and Personal Narrative on Processing Situation Model

  3. 较之于传统散文,九十年代思想散文的叙述人称更多样,叙述视角更丰富。

    Compared with traditional prose , and essays of the 1990s described themselves more kind , described perspective richer .

  4. 目前一些研究者对叙述人称正在寻找新的科学的名词代替它。

    Instead of narrative person , some researchers are trying to find out another scientific nouns to replace them .

  5. 从故事讲述方式和叙述人称的游戏、对古老文本的戏仿和元小说写作探讨这种文本的游戏中隐含着的艺术精神。

    The author probes the spirit of art implied in the ' game of text ' from the viewpoints of narrative style , parody narration and metafiction narration .

  6. 管窥《沉沦》叙述的人称策略

    On Personal Pronoun Tactics in Sinking Into

  7. 本文通过分析叙述的人称与叙述的角度的关系,探讨不同叙事视角所具有的不同功能。

    The paper expounds the different functions of different narrative perspectives through the relationship of the narrative persons and narrative angles .

  8. 英汉叙述语篇人称指称对比分析

    A Contrastive Analysis of Personal Reference in English and Chinese Narrative Texts

  9. 泰国学生汉语叙述体语篇人称指称偏误研究

    Research on Textual Errors of Person Reference in Chinese Narration of Thai Students

  10. 第一人称叙事视角可分为第一人称内视点叙述和第一人称外视点叙述。

    The first-person narration includes the inner first-person narration and the exterior first-person narration .

  11. 但是我们若把他的叙述与第一人称叙述者我的叙述加以比较,就可以发现这些否定理由并不能成立。

    Through the comparing of the narratives of HE and I , we can see that those arguments are unreasonable .

  12. 第二章着重从叙事学的角度,结合实例,在叙述视角、人称、时空处理、叙事悬置等方面解析影视叙事中的留白。

    Chapter two focuses on the study of narratology and analyses blank-leaving theory in the narration of movies and TV dramas from these aspects : narrative perspective , person , time-space settings and narrative suspension .

  13. 在这部小说中,作者主要使用象征隐喻以及独特的叙述视角和叙述人称等高超的写作手法。

    The symbolism and metaphor are widely used in this short novel as well as the typical narrative methods and narrative perspective .

  14. 本文探讨了几位重要小说家有关小说叙事的观点,从书信体与第一人称叙述、第三人称全知叙述的发展、小说家的关注重心等几个方面对这一时期的小说叙事理论进行梳理评述。

    The present article examines the views on fictional narrative by several important novelists and presents a survey of the narrative theory in this period , covering epistolary and first-person narrative , third-person omniscient narrative , and the novelists ' special interests .

  15. 在这一部分中,我们主要关注的是坡小说中的叙述视角,第一人称叙述视角的大量运用明确体现了坡在文学创作中主体意识的觉醒以及创作技巧上的自觉;

    In this part , we mainly discuss the narrative point of view of Poe 's novels , and make clear that , the overuse of the first person narrator embodies the awakening of the writer 's subject consciousness and the self-consciousness of his writing techniques .

  16. 因此,人称不仅仅是称谓问题,同时也是一种叙述关系,所以又有叙述人称的说法。

    Therefore , person is not only a problem of appellation , but also a relationship of depiction . So there is a saying of depiction person .

  17. 探究电视散文生存的叙事策略,还可以从文本叙述方式的叙述主体、叙述人称和叙述话语等三方面解读对于事的叙述。

    To explore the narrative strategies of survival of TV prose , description of matter can also be described in the text the way from the main narrative , and narrative description of discourse states that the three reading .