- 网络Upper Burma;upper Myanmar

He has also held the posts of education officer for Pegu Division and Kachin State , and director of the Upper Burma Basic Education Department .
In the past wars frequently broke out between Burma and its two neighboring countries .
The first route of expansion is from Bay of Bengal to Bay of Siam , and then to low Burma , finally occupied up Burma .
Burmese language signs in the market are testament to the Burmese in the community .
Burma also came up in a separate House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing focusing on China and the2008 Olympics .
During its four-monthly meeting in Naypyidaw this week , Burma 's military junta reportedly decided to reshuffle its regional military commanders and other senior military posts .
In the horizontal profile at the depth 90 km , a low velocity stripe from Myitkyina , Myanmar to Donghai , Vietnam seems to be related to Honghe fault belt .
Food traders join a train leaving the Burmese city of Rangoon .
The Relations of Jadeite Development and Trade Between Myanmar and Tengchong in History
Speaking to a regional Asian security and defense seminar in Singapore Saturday , U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates ' assessment was blunt .
So , as some of the constraints , the international constraints , as they get removed , then there is even greater possibility for India and Burma to cooperate .
In a rare gesture , at a meeting with foreign diplomats and representatives of U.N. agencies and international aid organizations , the military government said it welcomed humanitarian assistance .
Aid agencies say the junta 's grip appears to have loosened slightly since the country 's leader , General Than Shwe , told visiting U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last Friday that Burma would allow relief workers regardless of nationality .
The trip has all the trappings of an elaborate chess game aimed at reining in Chinese influence in the region .
Secondly , Burmer , Cambodia , Laos and Thailand were influenced by India law because they were geographically close to India .
Last month , the Burmese government offered to issue certificates of identity to migrant workers in Thailand who wanted to return home .
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon , who met with Burma 's leaders last week , said he believed they would allow in foreign aid workers .
And the reports we are getting back from them is that international relief supplies transported by the Burmese military have been arriving in disaster areas .
However , a military build-up on the Burmese side last month prompted Bangladesh to put its border force on alert , and to deploy 3000 more troops .
Mr. Ban 's top humanitarian official , John Holmes , arrived in Burma on Sunday , and Monday visited three badly hit areas , including Labutta in the Irrawaddy Delta .
The fact that Iran has been dragged back to the negotiating table and Myanmar is veering back towards democracy contradict Mr Bremmer 's thesis that sanctions are becoming ever less effective .