
  1. 凭借DNA技术,数以千计的罪犯超越时空在成千上万的嫌疑人中神奇地被钉上十字架;凭借DNA技术,数以百计的无辜之人,在幸免于死刑或蹲了几年监狱后,重新获得了自由。

    Relying on the DNA technology , thousands of criminals can be nailed up mysteriously by sorting from tens of thousands of suspects ; hundreds of innocent people have escaped from death penalty or have newly obtained the freedom after staying in jail for several years .

  2. 然而,网络安全公司FireEye的首席运营官凯文•曼迪亚(KevinMandia)说,公司有理由害怕被迫披露所遭受的网络攻击,因为在一个“指名道姓指责的环境中”,一些公司曾被“钉上十字架”。

    But Kevin Mandia , chief operating officer of cyber security company FireEye , said companies were right to fear being forced to disclose attacks as some were " crucified " in a " point and blame atmosphere . "

  3. 玛丽亚在耶稣钉上十字架时就已经怀孕了。

    Mary was pregnant at the time of the crucifixion .

  4. 难道耶稣本该拒绝走上十字架?

    Should Christ have refused the cross ?

  5. 我们需要回去克莉丝汀会把我钉上十字架

    We gotta go back , man . Christine will fucking crucify me , Miles .

  6. 基督被钉上十字架时;

    When Christ was crucified ;

  7. 因而基督徒们的心理会很自然而然毫无疑问地联系到即将上十字架的耶稣。

    The Christian whose mind will have no trouble conjuring up the association of Jesus just prior to his crucifixion .

  8. 皮拉多的刽子手将耶稣钉上十字架,虽然他们钉上十字架的上帝,是被处死刑,作为牺牲。

    Pilate 's executioners crucified Jesus , though the God they nailed to the cross was put to death as a sacrifice .

  9. 她经常以展开双臂的形象出现,据说这其实是暗指“圣人被钉上十字架”这个含义。

    She is usually drawn with her arms spread out , and claims that it looks like it says ," The saint was crucified " .

  10. 上帝,《圣经》说他“仁慈”,把自己的儿子送上十字架,替罪人赎罪。

    God , who the Bible says is " rich in mercy ," sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross for guilty sinners .

  11. “提帕农”的布局有十分严格的规定,每一个“提帕农”都必须有一个犯人被钉上十字架的场景。

    " Petipa farmers " in the layout have very strict rules , each a " Petipa " farmers must have a scene of prisoners being crucified .

  12. 耶稣为人类背上十字架,圣父、圣子、圣母一家,作为一种人类渴望幸福圆满的象征,在油画作品中屡屡出现。

    As a symbol of people longing for happiness , the cross of Jesus , the Father , the Son , the Virgin Mary are often seen in the painting .

  13. ??耶稣也知道,很快他就会走上十字架,亲自背负这个年轻人的罪,以及所有一切人的罪。

    Jesus knew that soon He Himself would go to the cross to die for the sins of this young man , and for the sins of the whole world .

  14. 如果她是正确的,那么神子被钉上十字架,便是同时成为了“受害人和祭司”,这种至高牺牲便容易理解了。

    If she is right , then the paradoxical Christian teaching that God the son , being crucified , is both " victim and priest " in an act of supreme sacrifice becomes easier to understand .

  15. 他们放火烧了这座城市,而且屠杀了所有的居民。大英雄在雾霭中降临城堡,在城堡前屠戮并将巨龙升上十字架。

    They set fire to the city and massacred all the inhabitants . The protagonist arrives at midnight in the middle of the fog , he slays the dragon and crucifies it in front of the castle .

  16. 据说就是这个约瑟保存了耶稣的杯子,并在耶稣被钉上十字架时用杯子承接了耶稣的血液。

    Joseph of Arimathea , the man who gave up his own tomb so that Jesus could be buried in it , kept the Grail and collected Jesus'blood in it when Jesus was put to death on a cross .

  17. 耶稣默默地承受人一切的羞辱,谩骂,鞭打,最后被钉上十字架,他是不是为你承担了对罪的惩罚?

    When Jesus quietly allowed wicked men to curse Him and spit on Him , to beat Him and then nail Him to a cross , was He taking punishment for His sin ? No , for He never sinned .

  18. 圣经里讲,亚利马太的约瑟领取了耶稣的遗体,将他葬在自己的墓穴里。据说就是这个约瑟保存了耶稣的杯子,并在耶稣被钉上十字架时用杯子承接了耶稣的血液。

    Joseph of Arimathea , the man who gave up his own tomb so that Jesus could be buried in it , kept the Grail and collected Jesus " blood in it when Jesus was put to death on a cross .

  19. 你看见那个教堂顶上的十字架了吗?

    You see that cross over on top of that church steepie ?

  20. 屋顶上的十字架象征着耶稣。

    The cross at the top symbolizes Christ .

  21. 他抓住的是挂在身上的十字架,下一个就是他自己的狗牌牌了。

    He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags .

  22. 你们看啊呀!耶稣为了我们的罪然而被钉死于其上的十字架,正是上帝的审判。

    You see , the Cross of Christ where he died for our sins , that was a judgment .

  23. 你挂在脖子上的十字架,那只是个装饰,还是你的确是个真正的基督徒?

    That cross you wear around your neck , is it only a decoration , or are you a true Christian believer ?

  24. 一个戴勋章的小老头,还有一个脖子上挂十字架的德裔官员,走到谈话的人们跟前。

    A little old gentleman with a star , and a German official with a cross on his neck , joined the group .

  25. 读经台上的十字架、福音书以及从读经台上垂下来的飘带,他都圆满地做成了。

    He is perfectly successful in the cross on the lectern , the gospel , and the drapery that hangs down from the lectern .

  26. 那就是为什么不论你叫得出名字的哪一位大师,他们都没有一个人会认为自己是受害者――虽然许多人真的被钉上了十字架。

    That is why , no matter which Master you might name , none imagined themselves to be victimized & though many were truly crucified .

  27. 正如浪漫时期的诗人所说的那样,这片大地仿若被钉上了十字架般受尽磨难,等待着复活的一天,而直到1918年,它才重获新生。

    The country had been crucified , as the poets of the Romantic era put it , awaiting a resurrection which did not occur until 1918 .

  28. 墙壁上刻着十字架。

    Crosses were etched into the walls

  29. 在傅立叶谱中频的环上且靠近十字架附近,并以十字架的一边作为对称轴的矩形区域中嵌入水印,然后使用一个单向HASH函数来确定图像DFT变换后水印嵌入具体位置。

    Watermark is embedded on the mid-frequency spectrum , and the positions are considered in a rectangle which is symmetric to one side of the cross . While the specific embed positions are determined by a one-way hash function .

  30. 从被标榜为骗子,到被指责策划了一场庞氏骗局,Goel被“钉上了”十字架。

    From being branded a fraudster to being accused of running a Ponzi scheme , Goel was " crucified " on the cross of cynicism .