
  1. 历史上的复古风格起源于文艺复兴时期,如帕拉迪奥设计的别墅重新诠释了重新发现的罗马建筑风格。

    Historical revivalism was born in the Renaissance , and Palladio 's Villas reinterpret the rediscovered principles of Roman architecture .

  2. 于是,圆柱、圆屋顶和拱形天花板成为了古罗马建筑风格的典型特征之一。

    Along with columns , domes and vaulted ceilings , the arch became one of the defining characteristics of the Roman architectural style .

  3. 这些仿清建筑,幽雅别致,古色古香。古希腊与古罗马式的建筑风格。

    These imitations of Qing-dynasty-style Buildings are of quiet elegance and classic Beauty .

  4. 模仿和借鉴古希腊罗马匀称、庄重建筑风格的艺术形式,盛行于18世纪末,19世纪初。

    A style modeled after proportion and restraint of Greek and Roman classical antiquity . ( late18th , early19th century . )