
  • 网络romanov;Romanoff
  1. 罗曼诺夫家族的公主娜塔丽帕蕾(nataliepaley)在逃往西方国家之前,家族大多数成员都被杀害。

    The Romanov Princess Natalie Paley saw most of her family murdered before reaching the West .

  2. 随着时间的推移和不断的练习,罗曼诺夫开始参加比赛,并不断获奖。

    With time and a lot of practice , Romanov began participating in competitions - and winning them .

  3. 当时复仇者们已经分道扬镳,罗曼诺夫也回俄罗斯去和自己仅有的“家人”团聚,也就是她的三个特工同事(分别由蕾切尔·薇姿、大卫·哈伯和弗洛伦丝·皮尤饰演)。

    The Avengers have gone their separate ways , so Romanoff heads to Russia to reunite with the only family she has , three fellow secret agents played by Rachel Weisz , David Harbour and Florence Pugh .

  4. 罗曼诺夫探员,请�护送班纳博士回他的…

    Agent Romanoff , would you escort Dr Banner back to his ...

  5. 你是来杀我的吗,罗曼诺夫小姐

    Are you here to kill me , Ms Romanoff ?

  6. 罗曼诺夫探员,想我没

    Agent Romanoff . You miss me ?

  7. 你问这些是出于爱吗,罗曼诺夫探员

    Is this love , Agent Romanoff ?

  8. 和经常被误解的天蝎座一样,黑寡妇娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫非常善于隐藏自己的情绪。

    Just like this misunderstood zodiac sign , Natasha Romanoff is incredibly adept at hiding her feelings .

  9. 此外,他还让自己的两位朋友教罗曼诺夫基本的音乐知识以及如何识读乐谱。

    He credits two friends for teaching him the basics of music and how to read notes .

  10. 罗曼诺夫目前就读于鞑靼斯坦共和国首府喀山市的寄宿学校,两年前被人领养。

    Romanov , who is at boarding school in Tatarstan 's capital Kazan , was adopted two years ago .

  11. 她的侄子女们取罗曼诺夫为姓,1613年米哈尔?罗曼诺夫当选为沙皇,从而开始了罗曼诺夫王朝。

    Her nephews assumed the surname Romanov , and the dynasty began with the election of Michael Romanov as tsar in1613 .

  12. 该店坐落在一家公园的周边地带,过去这里是属于罗曼诺夫家族(沙皇家族)的领地,离末代沙皇被谋杀的地点不远。

    It sits on the edge of a park that once belonged to the tsars , not far from where the last of them was murdered .

  13. 亚历山大。格雷厄姆。贝尔如果是一个身不由己的奴隶,住在罗曼诺夫庄园的一个偏僻村子里,那他也无法发明电话。

    And Alexander Graham Bell would not have invented the telephone if he had been a conscripted serf and had lived in a remote village of the Romanow domains .

  14. 而提到究竟是谁鼓舞了他,罗曼诺夫说:“冥冥之中似乎有一种无形无尽的精神之源,从中我可以汲取力量。”

    As for who inspires him , he said : " Sometimes it seems that there is an invisible , endless spiritual source out of which I can draw strength . "

  15. 十六岁的神童罗曼诺夫来自鞑靼斯坦共和国一个名为泽廖诺多利斯克的小村庄。两年前,受到莫扎特和维瓦尔第的作品的启发,他开始接触音乐。

    Sixteen-year-old prodigy Romanov from Zelenodolsk , a village in the Republic of Tatarstan , first took up music two years ago after being inspired by the works of Mozart and Vivaldi .

  16. 1917年3月,当一场具有空前规模的世界战争正在激烈进行时,俄国爆发了二月革命,统治俄国300多年的罗曼诺夫王朝被推翻了。

    In March , 1917 , when an unprecedented scale world war was intensely carrying on , Russia broke out February Revolution . Romanoff dynasty , who had ruled the Russians for more than 300 years , was overthrown .