
tú jí
  • atlas;land charts and census registers;map of territory and census register
图籍 [tú jí]
  • (1) [atlas;land charts and census registers]

  • (2) 图簿,地图和户口册。常指疆土、百姓

  • (3) 文籍图书

图籍[tú jí]
  1. 明人私撰日本图籍及其对日本的认知

    Private Writings of the Japanese Books and Pictures and Their Cognition of Japan in the Ming Dynasty

  2. 为治之法图籍为本&宋代韩琦档案思想及其影响

    Records Are Foundation of administering a Country : The Archival Thoughts of Han Qi in the Song Dynasty And Their Influence

  3. 袁学诚主编.1996。中国地球物理图籍。北京:地质出版社。

    Yuan Xuecheng ( ed. ) . 1996.Atlas of Geophysics , China . Beijing : Geological Publishing House ( in Chinese ) .

  4. 我国南朝时期的梁朝,官府藏书事业兴旺发达,藏书数量巨大,藏书处所众多,所编新型图籍颇具影响,为传承中华文明作出了贡献。

    During the Liang dynasty , feudal government book collection has obtained great development . A huge number of books many collection agencies and new books made contribution to Chinese civilization .

  5. 满文档案是指清代各级国家机关及官员用满文书写的公文和公文会抄档册以及图籍等。

    File is in the Qing Dynasty Manchu state organs and officials at all levels with documents written in Manchu will copy files and documents and plans registered membership and so on .

  6. 后来又出现依官职守典籍,这是一种被动的图籍分类法,但对后世的图书分类产生了巨大的影响。

    Later there has been a passive classifying way that guarding books according to the official position . But this way brings tremendous influence on the classifying of books in the aftertime .

  7. 本文从版本的角度介绍中国地质图书馆的几种地学珍本图籍典藏。本程序文件的中文版优先于英文版。

    This paper introduced several precious geoscience document recently found in the National Geological Library of China . The Chinese version of the Rules of Procedure takes precedence over the English one .