
  • 网络moral structural
  1. 美国对工作和玩乐的道德结构缺失。

    US has no moral structure about work or play .

  2. 因此,学校整体上必须是一个道德结构,必须是道德性的机构。

    Therefore school must be a moral structure .

  3. 论社会主义市场经济道德结构

    Study on the Moral Constructure in Socialist Economy

  4. 分离基础上的互补&再论当代社会的道德结构

    The Implementing Relation Based on the Divison & On the Moral Structure of Contemporary Society

  5. 论道德结构

    To talk about the Morals Structure

  6. 底线伦理·共同信念·终极关怀&论当代社会的道德结构

    Base Line Ethics , Common Faith and Ultimate Care & On the Moral Structure of Contemporary Society

  7. 略论传统道德结构

    On Traditional Moral Structure

  8. 一个社会的完整道德结构应该是国家教化伦理与民众生活伦理的统一。

    So a perfect moral structure pertaining to a society should be unity of instructional ethics with living ethics .

  9. 伦理观是道德结构的一个层面,其中的伦理实质是表现各种道德之差异的重要属性之一。

    Ethics is one layer of the structure of morality and ethical substance is one of the standards to distinguish various models of morality .

  10. 因而中国传统道德结构便是以二元道德本体、道德表达方式、道德实施途径相互协调、相互制约的有机系统。

    So the traditional moral structure in China was an organic system coordinating and conditioning each other among the dual morality , its expression and way to enforce .

  11. 从结构上看,行政人格是一个复杂的结构系统,包含了心理结构、能力结构、观念结构和道德结构四个体系,每个体系又包括多个层次的结构部分。

    Judging from characteristic of the administration personality , it is a complicated structure system which is composed of mentality structur , ability structure , concept structure and morality structure .

  12. 摘要当代开放、平等、多元社会的道德结构应当包括底线伦理、共同信念和终极关怀三个基本要素。

    In the moral structure of contemporary society which is open , equal and diversified , there are three basal elements , that is , the base line of ethics , common faith , and ultimate care .

  13. 对道德结构和层次的这种把握对于当代中国社会道德建设的启迪在于:基于道德结构的不同要素,必须将人的美德和善行作为道德建设的重要价值目标;

    Edification to contemporary moral construction arising from moral structure and hierarchy lies on the following parts : Based on different factors of moral structure , we must regard virtue and benevolence as important targets of moral construction ;

  14. 韦伯伦理&经济理想类型的道德哲学结构

    Max Weber 's Ideal Type Ethics-Economics and Its Moral Philosophical Structure

  15. 大学生思想道德素质结构及其优化

    University Student 's Ideological and Ethical Standards Structure and Optimization

  16. 道德的结构、层次与当代中国道德建设

    Moral Structure , Hierarchy and Contemporary Moral Construction of China

  17. 第四部分,提出了如何优化大学生思想道德素质结构的原则、战略和途径。

    Fourth , has put forward the strategy , principle and way to optimize the structure of university student 's ideological and ethical standards .

  18. 生命最高的审美原则就是存在本身,而既非作为人类内在性的道德主体结构,也非与此相对而生的外在的人的对象化力量。

    The highest aesthetical principle in life is the survival itself rather than man 's inner moralist structure or man 's outer objective force .

  19. 还依据交往的三种类型与交往范围的变化,探讨了个体道德判断结构的转换机制。

    He also investigates the mechanism transforming the structure of individual moral assessment on the basis of changes in the three types and ranges of interactions .

  20. 第二部分通过对大学生道德接受结构研究,揭示了其特征,为研究大学生道德接受的机制打下基础。

    Part Two expounds the structure of college students ' moral reception , revealing its characteristics , therefore , providing grounds for the studying of its mechanism .

  21. 解读领导干部道德素质的结构与功能

    An Analysis of the Structures and Functions of the Leaders ' Qualifications

  22. 论道德需要的结构和功能

    On the structure and functions of moral - need

  23. 社会道德操作的结构和特点

    The Structure and Characteristics of Social Morals Conduct

  24. 教师道德情感的结构是多层次、多侧面且复杂的。

    The structure of teachers ' moral emotion is multi-level , multi lateral and complex .

  25. 家庭道德与家庭结构

    Family 's Morals and Family 's Structure

  26. 环境、中介和人的思想政治道德素质的结构方程分析

    The Study of the Equation of Environment , Intermedia and Structure of Political Moral Diathesis of Human Bings

  27. 教师职业道德的主体结构是三个维度,即敬业维度、育人维度、师表维度。

    Teacher professional morality consists of three aspects : respecting the profession , nurturing students , and modeling .

  28. 道德以我结构包括五个维度:整体道德自我,同伴道德自我、集体道德自我、家庭道德自我和个体道德自我。

    The structure of moral self includes five dimensions : general moral self , peer moral self , group moral self , family moral self , and individual moral self .

  29. 邦格提倡一种相对论的观点。在他看来,是不是不道德取决于社会结构。

    Bonger advocated a relativist position . In his view , what is considered immoral depends on the social structure .

  30. 道德调节系统的结构与功能分析

    Analysing the Structure and Function of Morality Adjustment System