
huán jìnɡ jiū fēn
  • environmental dispute
  1. 在第三节中,笔者对在《环境纠纷调整委员会设置法》中怎样规范环境民事纠纷行政性ADR机制运行当中的行政机关进行了论证。

    In the third quarter , the " environmental dispute set law of adjusting committee " how to specifies the administrative organ is demonstrated .

  2. 论我国环境纠纷的行政处理

    The Study on the Environmental Dispute Administrative Processing of Our Country

  3. 环境纠纷行政性ADR机制的构建

    How to Build an Administrative ADR Mechanism for Settling Environmental Disputes

  4. 行政性ADR处理环境纠纷具有优于诉讼的特性。

    The administrative ADR ( Alternative Dispute Resolution ) has an advantage over litigation when settling environmental disputes .

  5. 我国环境纠纷行政调解制度研究

    Research on the Administrative Mediation System of Environmental Disputes in China

  6. 然而,通过法院诉讼解决环境纠纷也是有限度的。

    However , to resolve environmental disputes through court proceedings is limited .

  7. 电力企业环境纠纷的特点及对策

    Characteristics of Environmental Dispute of Power Enterprise and its Resolution

  8. 环境纠纷的行政处理机制探析

    A Probe into the Administrative Disposal Mechanism of Environmental Disputes

  9. 论环境纠纷处理与环境损害赔偿专门立法

    On Special Legislation of Enviromental Disputes Settlement and Compensation for Environmental Damages

  10. 非诉讼环境纠纷解决机制之重构

    On Reconstruction Of Alternative Dispute Resolution of Environmental Dispute

  11. 论多元化视野下环境纠纷行政调解机制

    On the Pluralistic Vision of the Environment under the Administrative Dispute Mediation Mechanism

  12. 在出现的环境纠纷中,存在很多自力救济的事例。

    In these environmental disputes , there have been many examples of self-help .

  13. 目前,我国的环境纠纷呈现高发趋势。

    At present , China showed a high incidence trends in environmental disputes .

  14. 试论建立我国环境纠纷的仲裁机制

    On Establishing Arbitration Mechanism for Environmental Dispute in China

  15. 第二部分回顾了行政调解制度及环境纠纷行政调解制度的历史发展;

    Part two introduces the history of administrative mediation ;

  16. 环境纠纷是时代发展的产物。

    Environmental disputes are the result of Times development .

  17. 因此,运用仲裁能够很好地解决环境纠纷。

    Therefore , the use of arbitration can solve environmental disputes very well .

  18. 环境纠纷解决机制探究

    Discussion on the Mechanism of Settling Environmental Disputes

  19. 有效解决环境纠纷是目前关注度较高的一个话题。

    How to resolve environmental disputes effectively is a pop concerning question at present .

  20. 再次,环境纠纷行政解决的方式比较单一、甚至相当的模糊。

    Thirdly , the ways to resolve environmental dispute by administration are very limited .

  21. 这些问题,为行政机关处理环境纠纷带来了极大的不便。

    These issues for the executive authorities to deal with environmental disputes brought great inconvenience .

  22. 第三部分总结了环境纠纷行政调解制度存在的必要性及意义;

    Part three summarizes the necessity and advantages of the administrative mediation of environment disputes ;

  23. 论环境纠纷的司法救济

    On the Judicatory Relief of Environment Dispute

  24. 司法独立的缺位导致法院难以公正审判环境纠纷案件;

    The shortage of judicial independence makes the courts difficult in fairly judging environment dispute cases .

  25. 希望笔者的论述对环境纠纷仲裁处理机制的整体确立提供一些力所能及的建议和帮助。

    Hope this paper can provide possible advice and help to build environmental dispute arbitration mechanism .

  26. 最后,环境纠纷行政处理决定缺乏强制执行的法律效力。

    Finally , the decision of environmental dispute administrative settlement lack of enforcement of law concerned .

  27. 环境纠纷具有复杂性、不确定性和社会性等特点。

    The environmental dispute is complicated , full of uncertainty , and it involves much public interest .

  28. 环境纠纷与冲突中的居民行动及其策略&以上海A城区为例

    Resident 's Action Types Strategies in Environmental Dispute Conflict A Case Study of Distract A in Shanghai

  29. 随着环境纠纷的日趋社会化,环境保护明显呈现出公益化特点。

    With the growing environmental dispute the socialization of environmental protection , presents the characteristics of public obviously .

  30. 在环境纠纷的非诉讼解决机制中,环境纠纷的行政处理制度是一项十分重要的制度。

    In the non-lawsuit resolution of environment disputes , the administrative disposal mechanism is a very important system .