
  • 网络environmental right
  1. 该文认为,我国法院在现行法律框架下可以适用社会财富最大化原则解决环境权利冲突引致纠纷。

    This article claims that law courts can apply the wealth maximization principle to smooth the conflicts of environmental rights .

  2. 公民环境权利是环境保护的基础,同时也是环境保护的目的和手段。

    It is very important to acknowledge environmental rights of civics by law for the reasons of administrative system in China .

  3. WTO涉及环境权利义务规则之分析

    Analysis of the WTO Rights-Obligations Regulations Concerning the Environment

  4. 其中的主要根源是环境权利在论证上是不可接受的。

    The primary cause is the argumentation of environment right is unacceptable .

  5. 权利主体所拥有的环境权利,包括不可让渡权利和可让渡权利。

    The subject of object has the environmental right , including cannot transfer the right and may transfer the right .

  6. 民间环保组织享有非营利组织普遍享有的一般性权利,而环境权利对于民间环保组织来说具有特别的意义。

    Environmental NGOs have the common rights as other non-profit organizations . But environmental rights are especially significant to environmental NGOs .

  7. 法律权利的实质、本源及衍生发展的必备要素等问题,成为环境权利法定化的重要依据。

    The essence , origin , derivatives , development , and so on , are the essential elements of the problem that the environmental right becomes one kind of legal right .

  8. 环境权利成本理论、公共信托理论和可持续发展了理论为构建环境税法律制度打下了坚实的理论基础。

    The theory of environmental right and cost , the theory of public trust and the theory of sustainable development has laid a solid theoretical foundation for building environment tax law system .

  9. 民事诉讼作为保护环境权利与解决纠纷的衡平机制,它的产生是基于当事人对司法救济的需要。

    The civil case in court is the environmental protection right with solving the even mechanism of the dispute , its creation is according to demand of the party concerned to judicial succour .

  10. 环境权利体系则试图把环境权利内容扩展至生物多样性,赋予生物物种生存权利。主体范围和权利内容扩展的目的是确立可持续发展的权利体系。

    After the comparison of ecocentrism and anthropocentrism , the scope of subject is extend to the biological diversity , the basic right is given to the species , and the environmental right system is integrated .

  11. 然后,从法学理论和法律实践两个方面,对环境权利予以阐述。

    Then , he discusses the environment right from two sides , both theory and practice of law , and refers to the difficulty on theory for the environment to be a new kind of law right .

  12. 光污染的防治工作对于公民环境权利的保障,创造清洁舒适的生存环境,使经济发展与环境协调,保障人的身体健康都有着积极的意义。

    Light pollution prevention and control work for the protection of citizens ' environmental rights , Create a clean and comfortable living environment , Economic development and environmental coordination , The protection of human health have a positive significance .

  13. 最后,文章分别从明晰矿产资源产权、合理界定环境权利、建立资源耗竭补偿机制、完善资源价格形成机制等方面给出了促进我国矿业经济可持续发展的几点政策建议。

    Finally , the article puts forward several suggestions in policy from the aspect such as clarifying the property rights of mineral resources , defining the environmental rights rationally , establishing the resources depletion allowance system , consummating the forming system of resources price etc.

  14. 可持续发展观警示人们,必须把改造自然与保护自然、环境权利与环境责任有机地统一起来,这样才能真正保持经济、社会和文化等各种因素的全面、健康的发展。

    The concept of continuous development has warned people that the nature 's reform and protection , and the environment 's privilege and responsibility should de combined organically so that overall and healthy development of economy , society and culture can de really pledged .

  15. 它应该成为环境法权利体系的核心。

    It is the core of the right system of environmental law .

  16. 该组织阐明了其保护环境的权利。

    It stated their rights to protect their environment .

  17. 鉴于我国现行的环境实体权利的保护尚未完善,程序性环境权利的保护就显得尤为重要。

    In view of the imperfect of protection of our current environmental substantive rights , procedural environmental rights protection is particularly important .

  18. 最后,在探析环境与权利两个概念之后,笔者对法律上环境权利进行界定并分析说明其特征。

    Last , after making it clear about the two conceptions , environment and right , in law , the author analyses the conception of environment right and its character .

  19. 再次,结合中国环境管制权利层级分配,通过寻租成本收益来分析环境管制的最优化实施。

    Thirdly , by combining the normal level of Chinese environmental control distribution , by analysis the cost benefit to the rent-seek of environmental regulation in order to the better implementation .

  20. 网络隐私权的保护客体主要包括:网络个人信息,个人私事领域,个人在网上的活动踪迹,互联网上的通信秘密及网络环境下权利人所应享有的生活安宁。

    Network privacy protection object mainly includes : personal information , personal affairs field , personal activities on the Internet , the Internet communication privacy and the peaceful life under the Internet environment .

  21. 尽管我不会向你作任何形式的检椌,但是我希望你可以遵守港铁静音车厢的规则,并且尊重其他正在使用静音车厢的乘客享有宁静的环境的权利。

    Although I 'm not going to make prosecutions in any mean , I sincerely hope you to obey the rules of Quiet Car and respect the other passengers'right to enjoy their quiet MTR journeys .

  22. SA8000标准是一种以保护劳动环境和劳工权利为核心内容的管理标准体系。

    SA8000 is a management system standard , the core of which is to protect the environment and labour rights .

  23. 我国律师执业环境及执业权利的保护

    The Protection of the Operation Environment and Operation Rights for the Lawyers in our Country

  24. 环境权力与权利的重构&论民法与环境法的沟通和协调

    The Reconstruction of Environmental Rights and Powers

  25. 传统上,环境法律有权利设定和政府规制两种规范方式。

    Private rights setting and government regulation are two basic conventional regulatory approaches in environmental law .

  26. 反思环境法的权利基础&对环境权主流观点的一种担忧

    Reflecting on the Right Base of Environmental Laws & Concern for the Mainstream Views of Environmental Rights

  27. 但是最近,库克慢慢开始在一些公开场合表达自己对从环境到公民权利等问题的看法和意见。

    In recent years , however , he has begun speaking out more openly about issues ranging from the environment to civil rights .

  28. 第二章分析技术进步与精神权利的关系,从技术进步与版权制度的关系作为引导,深入分析了数字技术和互联网环境对精神权利的挑战。

    Part II of this article presents the relationship between the copyright and progress of technology so as to profoundly analyze the challenges brought by digital technology and internet against the moral rights .

  29. 代际公平问题,主要是指在场的当代人与不在场的后代人之间在利用自然资源和保护环境上的权利与义务的划分问题。

    The problem of intergenerational justice , mainly means a problem of dividing right and obligation about making use of natural resources and protecting environment between the living people and the future people .

  30. 其次,或许也是更根本的,民主的印度仍困在意识形态斗争里,还在纠结于在追求增长与保护环境和土地权利之间求得平衡。

    Second , and perhaps more fundamental , democratic India is still caught in an ideological battle over where to strike the balance between pursuit of growth and protection of the environment and land rights .