
  • 网络Naphthenate;Naphthenic Acid;RCOOH
  1. 引入纳米蒙脱土、环烷酸稀土等填充物使MC尼龙强度、尺寸稳定性和耐热性能明显提高;

    By introducing the nano-montmorillonite or rare earth of naphthenic acid etc. , the strength , the stability of size and the heat resistance of MC nylon are obviously reinforced ;

  2. 耐环烷酸腐蚀SF-5T阀门密封面材料

    Naphthenic Acid Resistant SF-5T Seal Surface Material for Valves

  3. 酸碱溶液中pH值计算超高碱值环烷酸镁研制

    PH calculation in acid and alkali liquor the development of the magnesium naphthenate with super-high base number

  4. 环烷酸萃取制备高纯Y2O3工艺的研究

    Extraction of High Purity Y_2O_3 with Naphthenic Acid

  5. 采用环烷酸&TBP体系对混合稀土中的La进行分离提纯。

    Naphthenic acid & TBP system is used to separate Lanthanum from other rare earth elements .

  6. 萃取有机相的FT-IR研究环烷酸皂萃取稀土体系

    FT-IR Study of Rare Earth Naphthenates in the Extract Phase

  7. 空气-氩气冷却ICP-AES测定环烷酸镍中的镍、铁、镁和钙

    Determination of Elements in Nickel Naphthenate by Air-Argon ICP-AES

  8. ICP-AES测定环烷酸锰、环烷酸钴中锰和钴含量

    Determination of Manganese , Cobalt in Manganese Naphthenate and Cobalt Naphthenate by ICP-AES

  9. Mo含量对不锈钢在环烷酸介质中腐蚀与冲蚀的影响

    Effect of Mo content on the corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion of stainless steel in oil containing naphthenic acid

  10. 通过电子轰击(EI)质谱(MS)分析得到的环烷酸。

    The analysis results of naphthenic acids were obtained by the use of MS and EI techniques .

  11. 环烷酸和N,N二(1甲基庚基)乙酰胺的混合体系萃取稀土元素的行为与机理的研究

    A Research in the Behaviour and Mechanism of the Extraction of the Rare Earths by Means of Mixed System of Naphthenic Acid and N N-Di ( 1-methylheptyl ) Acetamide

  12. 在液体石蜡中采用微波技术原位合成了油溶性环烷酸铅(LN)和十二烷基水杨酸铅(LAS)。

    Oil soluble lead naphthenate ( LN ) and lead alkylsalicylate ( LAS ) were in-situ synthesized by microwave assisted-technique in liquid paraffin .

  13. 在高油汽流冲刷下和高温环烷酸腐蚀环境下,碳钢表面形成的FeS膜不具备保护性。

    FeS film is not protective , under the conditions of erosion caused by oil and gas and corrosion produced by naphthenic acid .

  14. 以高纯环烷酸为原料,合成了一系列含咪唑啉环的新型离子液体Ⅰ~Ⅴ,探讨了阳离子咪唑啉基团中N(3)原子上取代基与缓蚀性能的关系。

    A series of new ionic liquids ⅰ & ⅴ with imidazoline ring were synthesized from highly pure naphthenic acids . The relationship between the alkyl connecting with N_ ( 3 ) of imidazoline ring and corrosion inhibition performance was investigated .

  15. 催化剂的最佳陈化方式为:于50℃将HMPA加入到环烷酸镍(简称Ni)中,使其充分络合,然后加入三异丁基铝(简称Al)。

    The good catalyst preparation method was adding HMPA to nickel naphthenate ( Ni ) and stirring completely , and then adding triisobutlyaluminum ( Al ) at 50 ℃ .

  16. 本工作用WAXD法对以环烷酸稀土盐为主的催化剂合成的丁二烯和异戊二烯共聚物(Ln-PBI)在低温下的结晶行为进行了研究。

    Using WAXD method , the crystalline behaviours of poly ( butadiene-co-isoprene ) ( Ln & PBI ) at low temperature were studied .

  17. 介绍了减压塔受环烷酸腐蚀的严重程度,探讨了腐蚀机理和应用316L不锈钢抗腐蚀的效果。

    The excessive naphthenic acid corrosion of the vacuum distillation tower was introduced . The corrosion mechanisms was explored and the corrosion-resistance of the 316L stainless steel was studied .

  18. 研究了液体环烷酸稀土稳定剂的应用性能,通过比较试验说明复合的液体环烷酸稀土稳定剂对PVC的热稳定性和抗冲击、拉伸性能与液体CaZn稳定剂相当。

    The application property of liquid naphthenic acid rare earth stabilizer is studied . For PVC , complex liquid naphthenic acid rare earth stabilizer is equal to liquid Ca Zn stabilizer in thermal stability , impact resistance and tensile properties through comparative tests .

  19. 蒸馏装置应用SF-5T合金作阀门的密封面材料抵抗环烷酸腐蚀

    Applying SF-5T alloy as valve sealing material TO-RESIST naphthenic acid corrosion in distillation unit

  20. 研究了SBS质量分数、环烷酸镍质量分数、nAl/nNi、反应氢气压力、反应温度等工艺条件对SBS加氢度的影响。

    The hydrogenation technological factors including the ρ _ SBS , w _ Ni , n _ Al / n _ Ni , hydrogen pressure and reaction temperature were researched to find the reaction condition of SBS hydrogenation .

  21. P-350和TBP对环烷酸萃取(钅兰)钕铁钙性铜能的影响

    The Characteristic Effect of P-350 and TBP upon the Extraction of Lanthanum , Neodymium , Iron , Calcium and Copper by Naphthenic Acid

  22. 通过红外光谱、快原子轰击电离质谱电离(FAB-MS)等方法对所分离出的石油酸进行检测,得到了有关环烷酸结构与组成的分析结果。

    The relations to composition and structure of naphthenic acids were obtained by the use of IR and MS techniques .

  23. 将其更换为316L(00Cr17Ni14Mo2)材质塔盘,以抵抗高温环烷酸腐蚀。实际应用证明,耐蚀情况良好。

    When they were replaced with 316L ( 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 ) trays to resist high-temperature naphthenic acid corrosion , the unit has been running very well without corrosion problems .

  24. 工业应用证明LPEC渗铝钢是耐高温硫和环烷酸腐蚀的一种高效材料。

    The commercial application demonstrated that LPEC aluminum-diffused steel is a high-performance material which resists high-temperature sulfur and naphthenic acid corrosions .

  25. 在实验条件下,环烷酸P350和环烷酸TBP萃取体系的正协萃或负协萃效应都不太显著。

    Under these experimental conditions , the positive and negative synergistic effects in all naphthenic acid P350 and naphthenic acid TBP extraction systems are not so notable .

  26. 讨论了Cu2+、环烷酸和吡啶萃取分光光度法测定石油酸中环烷酸和脂肪酸含量的测定条件、干扰因素和计算方法并与酸碱滴定法、尿素络合重量法进行了比较。

    When the content of naphthenic acid and grease acid in the petroleum acid has been determined by the extraction-photometric method of Cu2 + and naphthenic acid and pyridine , the measuring conditions and disruption factors and calculation method have been discussed in this paper .

  27. 虽然这种氧化膜同时受到环烷酸的溶解作用、以及Cl-渗透、s的影响,但FeAl合金层可以提供足够的Al来保持Al2O3膜,这是渗铝钢耐高温环烷酸腐蚀的主要原因。

    Although this Al2O3 scale is attacked by naphthenic acid and affected by Cl - 、 S , sufficient Al atoms can be supplied by FeAl intermetallic layer to maintain Al2O3 scale . That is the main reason why aluminized mild steel can resist hot naphthenic acid corrosion effectively .

  28. 并对注碱、不锈钢应力腐蚀、含酸对环烷酸腐蚀的影响、VGO铁离子的来源以及高温缓蚀剂使用等问题作了详细的探讨。

    The caustic injection , the stress corrosion of stainless steel , the effect of sulfur on naphthenic acid corrosion , the sources of iron ions in VGO and the adoption of high-temperature corrosion inhibitor were studied in detail .

  29. 通过研究,综述了炼油废碱液的利用技术主要有熬制工业硫化碱、结晶提取Na2S、废碱液造纸制浆、沉淀法再生废碱液和中和法回收环烷酸等。

    After the study , the utilization of lye change consists of production of alkali sulfide with evaporation process for industry purpose , extracting Na2S after crystallisation , paper pulp making , regenerating lye with precipitation measure and recycling naphthenic acid with neutralization method .

  30. 环烷酸和硫化氢腐蚀体系的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic analysis of naphthenic acid hydrogen sulphide corrosion in oil distillation