
  • 网络cultural hegemonism;Cultural hegemony;cultural imperialism
  1. 现今的生态翻译学建立在人类中心主义和文化霸权主义的基础之上,并非真正意义上的生态翻译。

    The current eco-translatology is based on the " anthropocentrism " and " cultural hegemony " which is contrary to the real spirit of eco-translatology .

  2. 回到以核心价值为内容的品格教育,已经成为现代学校克服多元主义和文化霸权主义,在道德教育方面真正发挥主导作用的一种积极尝试与努力。

    The returning of Character Education to core value has became a kind of positive attempt and effort by which modern schools try to conquer pluralism and Cultural Hegemony and exert the leading function .

  3. 文化霸权主义给民族国家带来了极大的挑战。

    The cultural hegemonism lays a great challenge in front of other nations .

  4. 文化霸权主义的新特征

    The New Features of Cultural Hegemonism

  5. 许多国家在反对文化霸权主义的旗帜下,加速发展本国的文化产业。

    They accelerate the development of their own culture industries to argue against the culture hegemonism .

  6. 在当前全球化趋势不断强化的形势下,文化霸权主义和文化极端主义已经成为威胁人类文明健康和谐发展的严重障碍,也是对文化多样性的严峻挑战。

    Under the trend of globalization , culture hegemony and ultraism become an impediment of threatening human civilization development and challenge of culture diversity .

  7. 西方国家特别是美国推行文化霸权主义,对社会主义文化形成严峻挑战;

    The west , especially the United States , promotes - the cultural hegemonism , which becomes the rigorous challenge to the socialism culture ;

  8. 正确把握这一实质,是我们抵制文化霸权主义,有效解决和整合文化价值观念冲突的前提。

    To grasp the point properly can promise us to resist the culture hegemony and solve and integrate the conflict of the culture values .

  9. 因此我们应该因势利导,增强民族的凝聚力和向心力,同时抵制文化霸权主义的侵袭。

    By making " cultural nationalism " correspond to different situations , we can enhance national cohesion and solidarity while fighting against the intrusion of cultural hegemony .

  10. 因此,抵制文化霸权主义,发展文化的民族性,求同存异,和谐共处,是有效解决文化价值观念冲突的关键。有利于反对文化霸权主义,在文化上维护世界和平;

    Therefore , to resist hegemonism , to develop the cultural nationalization , to seek common ground while reserving differences , to live together in perfect harmony , are the keys to solve validly the conflict .

  11. 要反对文化霸权主义,保护多元文化的发展,当务之急是要强化文化自觉,加强多极均势之间的对话和沟通。

    To oppose Imperialist hegemony and to protect the development of multiple cultures , the top priority task at the present is to strengthen cultural self-consciousness and make further dialogue and communication on equality among different cultures .

  12. 在这种条件下,正确认识研究西方文化霸权主义对我国的影响过程以及发展状态,探讨有效的应对策略,抵制西方文化殖民,发展和创新民族文化,是我国政府当前面临的现实问题。

    Under this circumstances , realizing the influence that western culture hegemonism brings to us , planning the strategy that to the question , rejecting cultural colonization , and developing our national culture are the problems that Chinese government is facing now .

  13. 本文从全球化的视野中,分析了以美国为首的西方文化霸权主义的兴起、表现以及它对社会公正和人类多元文化现状及发展的威胁,并探讨了文化霸权对回族社会带来的负面影响。

    From the eyeshot of globalization , this article analyzes the rise and behave of Hesperian cultural hegemonism as well as its menace to social equity and the status quo and development of human multiculture , and discuss cultural hegemony bring opposite influence to the Hui society .

  14. 本文的目的就是通过对西方文化霸权主义社会历史根源的分析,在研究西方文化霸权主义在我国发展过程及其影响的基础上,探讨一条符合我国实际的发展先进文化、抵制西方文化霸权主义之路。

    By analyzing history and root of western culture hegemonism , researching its development process in China and its impact on Chinese culture , we are aiming to find out practical strategies to develop the advanced culture in China and to reject culture hegemonism from the western countries .

  15. 美国文化的霸权主义渊源和文化霸权主义国际上,反霸斗争更加发展,霸权主义更加孤立。

    The Source of Hegemonism in American Culture and Cultural Hegemonism ; On the international scene , the struggle against hegemonism has grown and the hegemonists are increasingly isolated .

  16. 通过不同的方式,我们可以反对文化上的霸权主义,促进不同文化的共同繁荣和发展;

    We can object to the cultural hegemonism , and promote the mutual prosperity and development of different culture indifferent way .

  17. 在多元文化的浸入和霸权主义文化的扩张下,在跨国公司和外资机构的经济利益冲击下,我国高等教育主权面临着前所未有的挑战。

    With the immersion of the plurality of culture and the expansion of hegemonist culture , and the impact of economical interest of transnational corporation and organizations of foreign capital , higher education in China is faced with unprecedented challenge .

  18. 近年来,西方文化扩张战略和文化霸权主义愈演愈烈,中西方文化软实力的竞争逐渐白热化。

    In recent years , cultural expansion and hegemonism are becoming stronger and stronger and the competition of the soft power of Chinese and western is becoming hot .

  19. 费耶阿本德的思想也是倡导一种文化多元论,对于反对文化霸权主义、发展我们的民族文化具有重要的实践意义。

    Feyerabend advocated cultural pluralism , it had significant practice meaning to oppose culture hegemonism and develop our folk culture .

  20. 这种欧洲认同的出现加上欧洲共同的文化政策在文化全球化和霸权主义的压力下,在许多欧盟的经济,政治和科技政策无能为力的领域中对欧洲一体化的进一步深入发挥了极大的作用。

    However , the most notable development is the construction of a common European identity , which together with the European multicultural policy , facing the pressure of the cultural globalization and hegemony plays a very important role in the process of further integration of the EU .

  21. 文化全球化不等同于“文化殖民化”或“文化霸权主义”;

    The globalization of culture does not mean any " colonization of culture " or " cultural hegemony " .

  22. 然而在信息化时代,传统民族国家文化认同的一致性遭受到不同形式的解构,文化霸权主义的盛行又加速了这一进程,使这些国家在文化主权以及经济和政治利益方面面临着巨大的威胁。

    However , in the information age , the consistency in nations ' cultural identity is undergoing deconstruction in one way or another . Cultural hegemonism accelerates the deconstruction , imposing a great threat on the cultural sovereignty , and economic and political benefits of these countries .

  23. 保护和发扬土著文化最关键的是要坚持文化多元化的方针,坚决抵制文化霸权主义。

    The most essential of preserving and developing the aboriginal culture is adhering to the principle of cultural diversification and combating firmly cultural hegemony .

  24. 作为文化之一部分的文艺理论,也受到西方某些大国所推行的文化霸权主义的影响,既有积极的一面,又有消极的一面,要批判地吸收,筛选取舍,融合沟通,进行综合创造。

    Being a part of culture , literary theories are affected by the hegemonism promoted by some western great powers especially America , which has the positive effects as well as passive part .

  25. 直面全球化进程中的文化软权力扩张及对我国的危害,就如何加强文化软权力建设以抵制文化霸权主义进行探讨。

    Aimed at of the soft power of culture in the globalization process , the author explores how to construct our soft power of culture in order to resist cultural hegemony .

  26. 在当前的文化转型期,各国文化多元共生,平等互补,人们在文化交流的意识形态上采取既反对文化霸权主义又反对民族中心主义的策略。

    At the period of the current cultural transformation , cultures of different nations co-exist peacefully on equal terms and mutual benefit is one of the main features of cultural communication .

  27. 历史终结论主张文化一元主义,将西方的制度作为一种普适的社会制度,体现出西方中心主义和文化霸权主义的心态,这与当今世界文化多元化的趋向不相符合。

    It advocates cultural monism and considers the Western system to be one that can be used in every country , which shows the psychology of regarding the West as the centre of the world and cultural hegemony , which is not in conformity with the world pluralism today .

  28. 文化多元化是当代文化全球化的主要形态,面对文化全球化,我们首先要树立并坚持多元文化主义的观点,时刻警惕和坚决抵制文化霸权主义。

    Cultural diversity is the main form of contemporary cultural globalization . Facing of cultural globalization , we must first establish and insist the views of multiculturalism , always vigilant and resolutely resist the cultural hegemony .

  29. 有利于扩大对外文化交流等。负面影响主要表现为:我国加入WTO后西方(尤其是敌对势力)将更便于利用种种手段推行其价值观念,实行文化霸权主义。

    Nevertheless , some Western countries ( especially for those hostile forces ) may make use of the chance to pursue hegemony of culture and values .