
  1. 英国文化局长亨特(JeremyHunt)告诉议会,默多克接管英国实力最强大的广播BSkyB的投标已经递交给竞标官方。

    The British Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told parliament that Mr Murdoch 's bid to take over Britain 's richest broadcaster BSkyB will be referred to the competition authorities .

  2. 文化局长杰瑞米·亨特在对此项收购对媒体多元化的影响的进行磋商后,似乎终于于7月9日批准了这一交易。

    Jeremy Hunt , the culture secretary , looked set finally to approve the deal after a consultation on its impact on media plurality ends on July 8th .

  3. 当丹尼尔力求与该省文化局长达成一份协议时,翻译描述了他的家乡克利夫兰,离芝加哥很近,于是文化局长把谈话带到了意料之外的方向。

    When Daniel pitches for a contract to the cultural minister of the province , the translator describes his home town , Cleveland , as close to Chicago , and the minister takes the conversation in unexpected directions .

  4. 韩佳,这书局的局长和文化局的局长谁官大呀?

    Han Jia , is the chief of a book bureau more high-ranking than a cultural bureau chief ?