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wén xīn diāo lónɡ
  • Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature;classical book of literary criticism
  1. 诠释风骨&《文心雕龙·风骨》篇研究小空心钉内固定治疗跟骨关节内骨折

    Small cannulated screw fixation for the treatment of intra-articular calcaneal fractures

  2. 《周易》:《文心雕龙》的思想之本

    Zhouyi : the root of the thought in Wen xin diao long

  3. 《文心雕龙》和古典历史主义

    The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and the Classical Historicism

  4. 《文心雕龙》文论体系建构的现代意义

    The Modern Significance of the Theoretical Construction of Wen Xin Diao Long

  5. 第二部分:《文心雕龙》的修辞内容研究。

    The second part : " Wen-hin Tiao-lung " Rhetoric of content .

  6. 《文心雕龙》折衷四论

    The Four Discussions on " Zhe Zhong " of Wen Xin Diao Long

  7. 《文心雕龙》的应用写作理论

    Theory of Applied Writing on Wen Xin Diao Long

  8. 《文心雕龙》意想说是中国古代第一个系统的理论学说。

    Wen-Hsin Tiao-Lung 's Image Theory was the first Chinese ancient systematic theory .

  9. 以刘勰《文心雕龙·谐隐》中对隐语特征的揭示为依据,辨析在此问题上的四种理解,进而为隐语文学确定义界。

    It discriminates the four kinds of understanding and defines the Argot Literature .

  10. 六朝文化与《文心雕龙》之关系

    Relationship Between Culture of the Six Dynasties and Mind of Literature and Carving Dragons

  11. 《文心雕龙》论非形式谬误

    Informal Fallacy Criticism in " The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons "

  12. 这些特点标志着《文心雕龙》文评论所达到的理论高度。

    All these characteristics indicate the theory standard reflected in the literature criticism theory .

  13. 刘勰历史编纂学思想刍论&《文心雕龙·史传》读后

    On Liu Xie 's Historical Compilation Science

  14. 关于会计确认的探讨论《文心雕龙》中的互证结构

    Toward the Mutual Confirmation Structure in The Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon

  15. 《文心雕龙》与白居易的文学思想

    On the Relations between Wen Xin Diao Long and the Literature Thoughts of Bai Juyi

  16. 《文心雕龙》:中国第一部写作心理学论著

    The Literary Mind and the Carving Dragon : China 's First Book on Writing Psychology

  17. 《文心雕龙》师圣师心辨

    Learning from Saints or Learning from Heart

  18. 《文心雕龙》的写作之道及其现代意义

    The Dao of Writing Theoretical Construction and Its Modern Significance of Wen Xin Diao Long

  19. 刘勰《文心雕龙》里的古代公文论

    Comments on official documents in Liu Xie 's Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature

  20. 论作者创作动机的树德建言说&兼论刘勰《文心雕龙》的创作动机

    On Writer 's Motives in Writing

  21. 《文心雕龙》与汉代诗学的渊源关系

    On the Relationship between Poetics in Han Dynasty and The Literary Mind and the Carving Dragon

  22. 从功用上看,《文心雕龙》与《文选》对文学的价值取向存在着巨大差异。

    From the functional perspective , the two works have significantly different value orientation on literature .

  23. 第一,六朝文学创作的繁荣给《文心雕龙》的产生提供了肥沃的土壤;

    First , the literary prosperity in the Six Dynasties provides a fertile soil for it ;

  24. 《文心雕龙》创作论的现代绎说

    A Modern Interpretation of the Creation Theories in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons

  25. 词的差异在英语写作中的作用公文的炼意与炼辞&读《文心雕龙·熔裁》札记

    The Influence of Word Differences on English Writing Refinement of Sense and Word in Document Writing

  26. 《文心雕龙》创作论对中学写作教学的指导

    The Directing of the Writing Theory of Wen Xin Diao Long to Middle School Students Writing Teaching

  27. 2000镇江《文心雕龙》国际学术研讨会综述

    2000 The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons International Symposium ( Zhenjiang ) & A Summary

  28. 刘勰《文心雕龙》是六朝骈文的优秀代表,是对联写作与研究不可或缺的一部重要著作。

    On the Chinese Couplet-composing and Its Examples in Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature ;

  29. 古代文学理论批评的功能嬗变&从先秦文论到《文心雕龙》

    Function Transformation of Ancient Literature Theories and Criticisms & From the Pre-Qin Period to Wen-xin Diao-long ;

  30. 刘勰的《文心雕龙》是我国古代文艺理论方面的巨著,其“体大虑周”的内容体制对中国古代文学的许多方面都产生了深远的影响。

    Wen Xin Diao Long , a significant theoretical masterpiece , affects diverse areas of Chinese ancient literature .