
  1. 爱斯基摩人会说二史利批。

    The Eskimos would say two sleeps .

  2. 二是史现上对传统思想的大胆批判。

    Second is to criticize traditional ideas bravely in the aspect of the viewpoints .

  3. 第二章史地学派的学术理念与方法,考察了他们对于史学这一人文学科的基本认识,以及他们的历史哲学观、基本学术理念和学风。

    Chapter II , On the Scholarly Concept and Method of Historical and Geographical School , researches into their fundamental cognition of this piece of humanities , namely , historiography , and into their historical philosophical concept , their fundamental scholarly thought and study style .

  4. BoxOfficeMojo称,霍比特人第一部《意外旅程》(AnUnexpectedJourney)全球票房超过10亿美元,第二部《史矛革之战》创出9.5亿美元以上的高票房,不过较第一步有所下降。

    The first ' Hobbit ' film , ' An Unexpected Journey , ' grossed more than $ 1 billion at the worldwide box office , according to Box Office Mojo , but ' Desolation of Smaug 's ' take , while still a whopping $ 950 million-plus , marked a decline .

  5. 但是第二天我史黛阿姨过世了

    But the next morning , my Aunt Stacy was dead .

  6. 第二章科学史对于科学本质的启示。

    Chapter two discusses the relationship between history of science and nature of science .

  7. 第二,数学史知识融入命题教学。

    Second , the knowledge of mathematical history is put into the propositions teaching .

  8. 中西词类二分学说史的比较

    Historical Comparison of Chinese and Western Linguistic Theories

  9. 第二章文学史概念的提出&乡土文学,主要阐述鲁迅在《导言》中提出的乡土文学概念所具有的文学史意义。

    The second chapter , emerging of the concept of literature history-local literature , mainly details historical sense of the concept " local literature " mentioned by Lu Xun in the Compiler .

  10. 这个讨论的结果是建立起主流的柏拉图人治论,肯定了人治和法治二元斗争史。

    The results of this discussion is to establish the mainstream of the Platonic " rule of man " theory , certainly the " rule of man " and " rule of law " dual history of the struggle .

  11. 朋克乐队AllTimeLow也登上了本周的专辑排行榜,凭借新发布的《FutureHearts》(Hopeless)位居第二,为有史以来的最好成绩。《FutureHearts》的销量和播放量分别为7.5万和260万。

    Also on the album chart this week , the pop-punk band All Time Low reaches an all-time high of No. 2 with its latest release , " Future Hearts " ( Hopeless ) , which had 75000 sales and 2.6 million streams .

  12. 中国第二次世界大战史研究会

    Chinese Research Association of History of the Second World War

  13. 第二部分是地方史开发的背景。

    The second part studies the background of Local History .

  14. 国际第二次世界大战史委员会

    International Committee on History of the Second World War

  15. 第二,关于史学史资料的编撰和理论问题的研究。

    The second part is about the study of compilation and theory of the history material .

  16. 《第二次世界大战史》近现代中西文化论战史

    World War II : Global Repercussions The History of Battle between Chinese and Western Cultures in Modern China

  17. 第二章对有史以来的银行危机、银行安全网的演化作了分析,对银行危机理论进行了综述和分析,提出了关于银行危机的5个假说。

    In the second chapter it analyzes the evolution of banking crisis and banking safety net and the theory on banking crisis .

  18. 第二部分描述思想史当中的两种德性观的演变,从而追溯休谟思想的源头。

    Part II elaborates both evolution of the concepts of virtue in the history of thought , thereby retrospecting the source of Hume ' thought .

  19. 纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年&《第二次世界大战史》再版序言

    The sixtieth Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-fascist War in the World & Preface to the Second ( or the Third ) Edition of The Second World War

  20. 第二部分从学术史和教育史的角度评述数种清代书院研究论著。

    The second part of the paper comments on several scholarly works on the academies of classical learning of Qing Dynasty , from the angles of the history of academy and history of education .

  21. 第二部分,数学史的教育功能,从激发学生兴趣、改变学生的数学观、培养学生的数学思维和自信心、帮助学生理解数学等方面论述了数学史的作用。

    The second part of the history of mathematics education functions , from students to stimulate interest of students to change the mathematical concept , students of mathematics thinking and self-confidence , to help students understand math , and other aspects of the history of mathematics .

  22. 两千年来读者们对二湘的解读,构成了二湘接受史。

    Readers ' understanding of the " Two Xiangs " for the past two thousand years has formed the acceptive history of the " Two Xiangs " .