
èr yuán yùn suàn
  • binary operation
  1. 设G为在模糊二元运算下的模糊群.给出了G的子模糊群和正规子模糊群的定义。

    In this paper , G is a fuzzy group on fuzzy binary operation , the definitions of sub fuzzy group and normal sub fuzzy group of G are introduced and some properties of them are discussed .

  2. 二元运算表为群的一个判定

    A criterion for which the binary operation table is a group

  3. 基于二元运算关系的汉语计算语法模型

    The Chinese computable structure model based on binary operation relations

  4. 加、减、乘、除都是二元运算。

    Addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division are binary operations .

  5. 测试二元运算乘法表是否构成群表的算法设计

    Algorithmic Design of Testing with Computer whether the Multiplication Table of Binary Operation Forms Group Table

  6. 在这一节及下一节中,我们将讨论一些在其定义为二元运算的特殊代数集合。

    In this and next section , we shall consider some particular algebraic sets having binary operations defined on them .

  7. 类似地,除了可能的就地方式,由增量赋值执行的二元运算和普通的二元运算也是一样的。

    Similarly , with the exception of the possible in-place behavior , the binary operation performed by augmented assignment is the same as the normal binary operations .

  8. 利用二元运算,将符号图案和线状要素的轴线作为运算元素,从而使符号的配置过程独立于具体的符号或图形。

    Symbol patterns and axes of linear elements are regarded correspondingly as two kinds of components in two-component operation so that the process of allocating patterns is independent of various symbol patterns .

  9. 关于一般二元运算和命题联结词运算结合律的几个问题我们历来讲,这是个战略问题,是决定我们命运的问题。

    On Relation between Associative Law of Binary Operations and Sentential connective ; We constantly stress that it is a question of strategic importance on which the very destiny of our Party depends .

  10. 利用变换作为运算定义的基础,分析了变换在符号配置中的特点,使二元运算的定义简单清晰。计算界面简单清晰,计算速度快,精度高。

    This process is based on transformations , which simplifies the definition of the two-component operation . The program has the features of friendly interface , simple and clear graphes , high computing speed , accurate results .

  11. 针对具有不同粒度语言判断矩阵形式的偏好信息的群决策问题,提出了一种基于二元语义运算的群决策方法。

    With respect to the group decision making problem with multi-granularity linguistic preference relations , a method based on two-tuple linguistic information processing for aggregating individual preference relations is proposed .

  12. 本文主要论述了二元关系对运算的一些守恒性质。

    This paper discusses some conservation 's properties of operation to binary relation .

  13. 通过对二元关系核运算性质的研究,定义出任何一个二元关系的商集。

    Through study on Rernel operation nature of duality relation , the definition of quotient set for every duality relation was presented .

  14. 本文还根据MV-DYL电路的特点,提出一种高速的多值逻辑与或通用阵列,阐明用100个规律排列的MV-DYL与门可以实现二元十值逻辑运算功能。

    A high-speed AND-OR universal array of multiple valued logic is proposed , and 10100 different decimal logic functions of two variables can be realized by use of 100 MV-DYL AND gates regularly arranged .

  15. 基于空间滤波技术的二元图象光逻辑运算

    Optical logical operations of binary images based on the technique of spatial filtering

  16. 二元关系的闭包运算在网络、语法分析以及开关电路中的故障检测和诊断等领域有着重要的作用。

    Closure operation of binary relation plays an important role in network , parsing and detection and diagnosis of malfunction in switch circuit .