
  • 网络literary attainment
  1. 除了自身的文学素养,韦尔蒂的成功也得益于南方民间口头文学的潜移默化。

    Besides her own literary attainments , Welty has profited from the Southern customs of storytelling .

  2. 凭借宽广的视界,他不断开拓鲁迅研究的范围,并由于精深的古典文学素养,能够实现超脱情境规定而接近美学的阐释;

    Relying on the broad view , he had been opened up the range of " Lu Xun study " constantly , and because of his profound classical literary attainments , he could surmount regulation of " situation " and approach aesthetics explanation .

  3. 科学家除了要能处理数字,还应该具有文学素养和善于表达。

    Scientists should be literate and articulate as well as able to handle figures

  4. 散文对提升人的文学素养影响较大。

    Prose has a great influence on raising people 's literary quality .

  5. 论英语专业学生英美文学素养的加强

    On Strengthening English Major Students ' Study of English and American Literature

  6. 我们其实就是把这个奖颁给那些表现出杰出文学素养的作家。

    We just give it to authors who show an extraordinary literary quality .

  7. 谈中学生的文学素养

    On the Quality of Middle-school Students in Literature

  8. 语文教师文学素养的改善等。

    Literary attainments of Chinese teachers etc. .

  9. 小学教育专业本科生儿童文学素养的培养研究

    A Research on Training of Children 's Literature Literacy for Undergraduate Major in Primary School Education

  10. 隋代对佛教十分重视,隋代的许多僧人都有较高的文学素养。

    Buddhism attaches great importance to the Sui Dynasty , Sui Dynasty monk has many high quality literature .

  11. 他也积极参加各种社团活动,在这种集体活动中展现自己满腹才华的同时,也提升自己的文学素养。

    He is also actively participated in various societies . in this group activity through his own talent , the literature quality .

  12. 语文教学中要有效培养学生的文学素养,一是要在教学中实施情感教育;

    Chinese teaching should effectively cultivate students'literary knowledge , which can be done from the following several aspects : first is to implement an emotional education ;

  13. 加强英语专业学生的英美文学素养培养,有助于提高其思想修养,同时,又能提高学生的英语水平。

    Strengthening the English major students ' study of American and English literature can help improve the students ' minds and sentiments and can also improve the students ' English .

  14. 在语文教学中开展扩展性阅读,就是引导学生诵古文,读经典,读时文,通过诵读培养他们的语言感受能力和文学素养。

    We carry out the extensive reading in the Chinese teaching , so that we can help the students chant ancient Chinese prose , read classics and enjoy the modern articles .

  15. 提高秘书的文字表达能力等方面。秘书要提高文学素养,就要勤于读书、培养广泛的学习兴趣;

    To improve their literary accomplishments , secretaries should be diligent in reading , striving to cultivate extensive interest in learning and to intentionally read some outstanding literary works in China and foreign countries .

  16. 并且由于统治者大力提倡中原文化,宫廷女性的文学素养较之以前有所提高,另一方面儒家礼教文化和汉族妇女观也在此过程中逐渐改变了金代后妃的思想观念。

    Due to the rulers strongly advocated the central culture , the overall literary quality of concubines had improved than before . On the other hand , the female consciousness had been changed gradually .

  17. 经典诗歌具有权威性、典范性、广涵性、审美性、超越性等特性,在传统诗教中发挥了提高个人修养、规范伦理、发展认知、学习语言、提升文学素养与审美能力等功能。

    Classic poetry has authority , exemplary , wide connotation , aesthetic transcendence and other features . Classic poetry can enhance personal accomplishment , ethics , cognitive , language learning , literary accomplishment and aesthetic ability .

  18. 第五部分是唐代征妇的受教育情况,较于前代,征妇的受教育程度比较高,征妇的文学素养表现在她们对诗歌的创作上。

    The fifth part is about their education . Compared with women in the former dynasty , wives of the recruited men in Tang Dynasty are higher , and their literary quality is reflected by poem creations .

  19. 吉尔曼先生广博的历史学识和文学素养,加之其巧妙的讲解方式,使我切实体会到了学习的轻松与快乐,这完全不同于我在课堂上被灌输的那些教条性知识。

    Mr. Gilman 's broad views of history and literature and his clever explanations made my work easier and pleasanter than it could have been had I only read notes mechanically with the necessarily brief explanations given in the classes .

  20. 青少年时期的学习和生活经历,为作家以后的创作奠定了文学素养方面和情感方面的基础,并形成了飞蛾扑火,非死不止的追求精神。

    Adolescent learning and life experiences , as Ding Ling later laid a literary quality creative and emotional aspects of the foundation , and the formation of a " moth to flame , non-death more than " the pursuit of spirit .

  21. 开发利用好大阅读品牌下的校本课程对于优化学校课程结构、提高学生文学素养、提升教师课程管理能力、扩大学校品牌效应都具有积极而深远的影响。

    Development and utilization of " General Reading " school-based curriculum has a positive and profound impact for the optimization of the structure of the school curriculum , it can improve students ' literary quality , enhance teachers ' curriculum management capabilities , expand school brand .

  22. 最后,关注在古诗文教学中实施情感教育要注意的问题,要求教师有更高的文学素养和专业素质,也要在教学中更注重贴近学生的实际情况。

    Finally , attention in implementing emotional education is looked teaching should pay attention to the problem , requires teachers to have higher literature accomplishment and professional quality , also in teaching should be paid more attention to close to the actual situation of each student .

  23. 因此,在音乐教学中,既要重视学生音乐技能的训练,也要重视对学生文学素养的培育,尤其是诗词鉴赏力的培育,以提高音乐专业学生的艺术品位和整体素质。

    Thus , in music teaching . we should not only pay attention to the student 's music skill , but also their cultural level , especially the training in poetry , in order to improve the artistic taste and the whole level of the music majors .

  24. 中学语文课外阅读是中学语文阅读教学的延伸,它对于拓展学生的知识面,提高文学素养和完善人格都具有重要的意义,同时它为目前语文研究性学习架起了桥梁。

    It is the extension of Chinese Teaching of Reading . It is of great importance for the students to expand their knowledge , enhance quality and improve the literary personality and at the same time , it served as a bridge between the current research learning .

  25. 读者不再是单纯的接受者,而是主动的创造者,他的审美趣味,生活经验、文学素养等综合起来形成的审美期待填补了文学作品中的空白和不确定性,决定了他对作品的理解和再创造。

    Readers are no more than receivers but the initiative creators . Their aesthetic taste , life experiences , and literary appreciation build up the expectation which fills the indeterminacy and uncertainty of the literary works . At the same time , it determines their understanding and recreation .

  26. 相比词汇量小、文学素养匮乏、科技知识小白、不关心国家大事的人而言,那些读书多、口才好、博学的人似乎升职更快(更频繁)哦。

    It could even aid in your career , as those who are well-read , well-spoken , and knowledgeable on a variety of topics tend to get promotions more quickly ( and more often ) than those with smaller vocabularies and lack of awareness of literature , scientific breakthroughs , and global events .

  27. 中小学语文教师亟待提升儿童文学的素养

    Attainment of Children 's Literature in Teachers of Chinese in Primary and Middle Schools Be Urgently Improved

  28. 对纪录片摄影师来说,他必须具有导演的才能,具有广泛的社会知识、文学艺术素养和电视专业技巧。

    As far as the cameramen are concerned , they should possess the directing abilities , extensive knowledge of the society , literary and artistic attainments as well as TV professional skills .

  29. 浅阅读潮流下网络原创文学的媒介素养教育

    Primary Analysis of Media Literacy Education on Network Original Literature in the Trend of Light Reading

  30. 文学与人文素养

    Literature and Cultivation in Humanities