
  • 网络Roman provinces
  1. 罗马行省建立的历史动因

    The Reason of the Establishment of Roman Provinces in the History

  2. 罗马行省是罗马大规模向外扩张的历史产物。

    Roman provinces were the historical product of the large-scaled Roman expansion .

  3. 罗马行省是历史发展的产物,同时又随着历史的变迁而发展变化。

    Rome Province was a product of historical development , it also developed and changed with the changes of history .

  4. 罗马帝国行省体系中的皇帝&以罗马不列颠为例

    Emperor in the Province : with Roman Britain as a Sample

  5. 论罗马帝国行省军团与社会秩序的维持

    Maintaining Law and Order in Porvince by the Roman Army

  6. 论共和末叶至帝国初期罗马对行省的治理具有尖硬末端的叶尖

    On the Government of the Roman Provinces from the End of the Republic to the Beginning of the Empire

  7. 然而,罗马对行省的治理并不是一成不变的,更不是没有缺陷的。

    Of course , It was obvious that the early government of the Roman province has a lot of defects .

  8. 古代中国的朝贡制度和古罗马的海外行省制度&中华法系和罗马法系形成的制度基础

    On Tribute System Of Ancient China And Overseas Administrative Regions System Of Ancient Rome

  9. 罗马统治者对行省人民的盘剥,为罗马帝国初期的繁荣提供了雄厚的物质基础。

    This thesis mainly discusses the plunder and exploitation of Rome on its provinces , and emphasized the reason on the prosperous of Early Empire .

  10. 在执政权任期内,总督是罗马以外治理行省的最高权力。

    In the year following his term of consulship , the proconsul held imperial authority outside of Rome in whichever province he was assigned to govern .

  11. 罗马军队在行省和边界地区的驻防,不但为当地的经济与文化的发展提供了和平、稳定的环境,而且军队修筑的桥梁、道路等设施也为罗马文明的扩张奠定了基础。

    The garrison of the Roman army in the provinces and the frontiers provided a peaceful and stable environment for the development of local economy , and the infrastructures that the army constructed laid a foundation for the expansion of the Roman civilization .

  12. 奥古斯都、元老院、罗马民众和行省,他们从各自的立场出发对传统宗教进行了改造利用以实现自己的目的,但是在实际的操作过程中,都没有完全地达到自己设想。

    Augustus , upper house , the Roman populace and the province , which embarked from respective standpoint to reform the traditional religion for their own goals , but in the actual operating process , did not achieve the goals they had conceived completely .

  13. 罗马帝国早期的行省分为元首行省和元老院行省。

    Provinces were divided into Senate provinces and Princeps provinces .

  14. 军队为城市化的发展提供了人力和技术支持。另外,罗马军队与西部行省城镇的产生和发展也有着密切的关系。

    The Roman army provided the technical and personnel support for the development of the urbanization , and it was also closely related with the emergence and development of the cities and towns in the western provinces .

  15. 行省在罗马帝国中占有重要地位,而目前国内对罗马行省制度的研究还不够全面、深入。

    But it is not enough of the current study of the provincial system of Roman in our country .