
  • 网络Roche Group
  1. 罗氏诊断作为罗氏集团旗下两大业务部门之一,是全球领先的体外诊断公司。

    Roche Diagnostics is the premier In-Vitro diagnostics company , one of two business divisions of F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd ( generally known as Roche Group ) .

  2. 罗氏集团的真正扩张是在2005年之后才开始的,当时加拿大、欧盟(EU)和美国的纺织品进口额度最终取消。

    Its expansion there took off only after 2005 , when quotas on imported textiles in Canada , the EU and the US finally ended .

  3. 如今,官司已了结,他的37岁孙子罗正杰(BoscoLaw,上图)作为家族所有的小型企业集团、业务涵盖服装制造、零售和房地产的罗氏集团(Lawsgroup)的行政总裁,正试图践行上述关于谨慎为人处世的箴言。

    Now , with the row settled , his 37-year-old grandson Bosco Law is trying to live out the exhortation to cautious living in his role as chief executive of Lawsgroup , the family 's mini-conglomerate , which spans clothes manufacturing , retail and property .

  4. 尽管罗氏集团的规模远远不及李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)和李兆基(LeeShau-kee)等香港大亨创建的综合企业,但该集团结合了企业家精神和保守主义,这是打造香港占主导地位的家族企业的典型方式。

    While the business is much smaller than the conglomerates built by Hong Kong tycoons such as Li Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee , Lawsgroup 's combination of entrepreneurial endeavour and conservatism is typical of the approach that built the city 's dominant family businesses .

  5. 罗正杰的焦点是管理罗氏集团进军新市场的项目。

    Mr Law 's focus is on managing Laws-group 's moves into new markets .

  6. 罗氏集团这样的保守型家族企业不受时代变迁和股市压力影响,往往更容易挺过艰难时期。

    Free from the vicissitudes and pressures of equity markets , conservative family companies such as his find it easier to endure difficult times .

  7. 与其他一些制造商不同,罗氏集团没有针对人民币汇率波动进行对冲操作,罗正杰更喜欢关注基础业务。

    Unlike some other manufacturers , Lawsgroup has not taken out hedges against renminbi volatility but Mr Law prefers to concentrate on the fundamental business .

  8. 罗氏集团曾于1987年在香港上市,后来旗下房地产和零售部门分拆上市,成为一个独立实体,而主要控股集团在1998年被收归私有。

    Lawsgroup was listed in Hong Kong in 1987 and a separate property and retail arm spun off into their own listings before the main holding group was taken private in 1998 .

  9. 始终在寻找更廉价劳动力的罗氏集团,去年在缅甸商业之都仰光以北两小时车程外的地方开设了第一家缅甸工厂,雇用了2000多人生产T恤。

    Always searching for cheaper labour , Lawsgroup opened its first factory there last year and employs more than 2000 people making T-shirts two hours " drive north of Yangon , the commercial capital .

  10. 鉴于制造业腹地广东的工厂员工现在每月收入超过500美元,罗氏集团正在扩张进入薪资水平不到中国一半的国家,如缅甸、越南和孟加拉国。

    With factory workers in the manufacturing heartland of Guangdong taking home more than $ 500 a month , Lawsgroup is expanding in countries where wages are less than half the cost , such as Myanmar , Vietnam and Bangladesh .

  11. 他拒绝公布任何表明该公司规模的数据,但作为该公司雄心的证据,他谈到了最近罗氏集团向缅甸扩张;缅甸吸引了大量关注,但几乎没有投资者愿意冒险。

    He declines to release any figures indicating the size of the company but as evidence of its ambitions , cites its recent expansion into Myanmar , which has attracted much attention but where few investors are willing to take the plunge .

  12. 1975年,在“香港制造”热潮的最鼎盛时期,罗定邦创建了一家纺织工厂。如今,罗氏集团在孟加拉国、中国内地、香港、缅甸和越南雇用逾2万名员工。

    Lawsgroup , which employs about 20000 people in Bangladesh , China , Hong Kong , Myanmar and Vietnam , was founded as a textile manufacturer by Law Ting-pong in 1975 in the heyday of the " made in Hong Kong " boom .