
  • 网络Private Banking;personal banking;private banking service
  1. 花旗(Citibank)驻纽约的私人银行业务部门的时尚零售集团主管伊达•刘(IdaLiu)表示:我最不愿迎合的就是性感。

    The last thing I want to play to is sex appeal , says Ida Liu , head of the fashion retail group in Citibank 's private banking arm in New York .

  2. 只有少数驻亚洲的私人银行业务主管公开赞成这样一种理论:随着当前的扩张热潮让位于行业整合,中型私人银行将被挤出市场。

    Mr Haberer is one of the few Asia-based private banking heads who openly subscribes to the theory that medium-sized houses will be squeezed out of the market as the current expansion frenzy gives way to consolidation .

  3. 对中国银行(bankofchina)来说,入股法国洛希尔银行(rothschildfrench)私人银行业务,目的在于提高自己为新富客户服务的专业能力。

    For Bank of China , taking a stake in the Rothschild French private banking operation is intended to provide it with more expertise for its newly wealthy customers .

  4. 今年10月份,汇丰曾接近收购荷兰国际集团(ing)的亚洲私人银行业务。

    In October , HSBC came close to acquiring the Asian private banking assets sold by ing , the Dutch group .

  5. 1999年收购美国利宝银行集团(RepublicNewYorkCorporation)和SafraRepublicHoldings之后,汇丰银行在过去10年中一直在扩张自己的私人银行业务。

    The bank has expanded its private banking operations in the past 10 years after the acquisition of Republic New York Corporation and Safra Republic Holdings in 1999 .

  6. 在爱多士领导JP摩根私人银行业务的两年中,她见证了财富的爆炸。

    In her two years as head of the private bank , Ms Erdoes has witnessed an explosion of wealth .

  7. 瑞银(UBS)股价昨日下跌,此前这家瑞士银行报告第三季度出现大于预期的亏损,其私人银行业务继续流失大笔资金。

    Shares in UBS fell yesterday after the Swiss bank revealed a bigger-than-expected loss in the third-quarter as its private banking operations continued to haemorrhage funds .

  8. 最近数月,瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)的亚洲私人银行业务可能不是很顺利,但有强烈迹象表明,该业务正重新步入正轨。

    The Asian private banking operation of Credit Suisse may not have been a happy ship in recent months , but there are strong signs that the business is getting back on course .

  9. 苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)私人银行业务分支coutts已经成立了一个定制慈善部,旨在帮助其富裕客户制定捐赠策略。

    Coutts , the private banking arm of Royal Bank of Scotland , has set up a bespoke philanthropy unit aimed at helping its wealthy clients create a strategy for giving .

  10. 为了抓住亚洲迅速成长的富有客户基础,作为相关举措的一部分,汇丰银行(hsbc)正准备把自己的私人银行业务推向中国。

    HSBC is preparing to push its private banking operations into China as part of a move to tap into the emergence of a fast-growing wealthy customer base in Asia .

  11. 瑞信(creditsuisse)最近表示,“超级”客户是其私人银行业务增长最快的部分,并公布了相关计划,在未来3年内把从这些客户获得的税前收入提高一半。

    Credit Suisse recently said that " ultra " customers represented the fastest-growing part of its private banking business and revealed plans to increase pretax income from these customers by half over the next three years .

  12. 本研究采用案例分析与比较分析相结合的方法,研究了GS银行私人银行业务的营销策略问题。

    This research adopts methods of case analysis and comparative analysis of a combination of marketing strategy , studies the problem of private banking , private banking business of GS bank .

  13. 除了为世人瞩目的瑞银集团,还有稍逊的竞争对手瑞士银行(creditsuisse)外,受益于相对稳定私人银行业务,金融部门避开了信贷危机的最坏时期。

    With the notable exception of UBS and , to a lesser extent , the rival Credit Suisse , the financial sector had avoided the worst of the credit crisis thanks to its concentration on relatively stable private banking .

  14. 劳埃德tsb银行(lloydstsb)已开始在全英国范围内主要街道上的分支机构中,开设私人银行业务厅,为其客户提供专享服务。

    Lloyds TSB has started opening private banking lounges in high street branches around the UK to offer an exclusive service to its clients .

  15. 这是宝盛自2005年从瑞银(UBS)收购4家财富管理公司以来,规模最大的一笔收购,也标志着自3年前决定专注于私人银行业务以来,宝盛向前迈出了最大的一步。

    The acquisition is Julius Baer 's largest since it bought four wealth management businesses from UBS in 2005 , and it marks its biggest leap forward since deciding to concentrate on private banking three years ago .

  16. 瑞士信贷英国私人银行业务负责人杰里米•马歇尔(JeremyMarshall)说:这是个渐进的过程,但越来越多的客户正在减少投入股票和债券的资金量。

    It 's a gradual process but more and more clients are reducing the amount they would have in equities and bonds , says Jeremy Marshall , UK chief executive of private banking at Credit Suisse .

  17. 瑞士信贷已聘用瑞银高管马赛尔•克赖斯(MarcelKreis)担任其亚太私人银行业务主管,从而填补了公司高层的一个空缺。

    Credit Suisse has plugged a gap at the top by hiring Marcel Kreis , a senior UBS executive , as head of its Asia Pacific private banking arm .

  18. 毕马威(kpmg)将在周一首度发布的一项调查报告显示,信托公司在中国扮演着一个独特角色,集私人银行业务、资产管理和私人股本业务于一体。

    Trusts play a unique role in China , bringing together private banking , asset management and private equity operations , according to an inaugural survey of the sector by KPMG , which was released on Monday .

  19. 法国巴黎银行(bnpparibas)一位高级银行家日前表示,由于成本难题和竞争加剧,最近在亚洲设立私人银行业务的外国中型银行,可能会被迫撤出该地区。

    Mid-sized foreign banks that have recently been building up private banking operations in Asia could be forced to withdraw because of cost difficulties and heightened competition , according to a senior banker at BNP Paribas , the French bank .

  20. tokai将其称之为私人银行业务,涵盖了西方传统私人银行提供的大部分服务,包括投资咨询、税务咨询和遗产咨询。

    Tokai calls this private banking , and it can cover most of the services conventional private banks offer in the west , including advice on investment , tax and inheritance .

  21. 第二章是私人银行业务概述。

    The second chapter is the summary of private bank operation .

  22. 我国商业银行的私人银行业务经营模式

    China ′ s Private Banking Business Model in Commercial Bank

  23. 私人银行业务是金融服务的重要组成部分,且被公认为金融行业最赚钱的业务之一。

    Private banking business is one of important parts of financial services .

  24. 汇丰银行近年来一直在拓展自己的私人银行业务。

    HSBC has been expanding its private banking operation in recent years .

  25. 私人银行业务正发展得如火如荼。

    The private banking business is on a roll .

  26. 瑞银集团私人银行业务分析及对我国银行业的启示

    The Analysis of UBS Private Banking Business and Its Inspiration to Chinese Banks

  27. 私人银行业务这个短语也没有严格定义。

    There is also a lack of rigour about the phrase private banking .

  28. 私人银行业务:高端客户争夺之战

    Private Banks Are Competing for High - end Clients

  29. 私人银行业务的规模出了名地难以量化。

    The scope of the private banking business is notoriously hard to quantify .

  30. 基于委托-代理理论的私人银行业务分析

    Analysis of private banking business based on principal-agent theory