
  • 网络Private;private cloud
  1. 她目前在领导向公共云和私有云技术推广Rational品牌的采用。

    She currently leads the Rational brand adoption of public and private cloud technologies .

  2. 这些经过增强的最佳WebSphereApplicationServer配置实践随时可以部署到私有云。

    These hardened , best-practice WebSphere Application Server configurations are ready to be deployed to a private cloud .

  3. 部署的结果是一个在您的私有云上运行的定制WebSphereApplicationServer虚拟系统。

    The result of the deployment is a customized WebSphere Application Server virtual system running in your private cloud .

  4. 最后,读者将了解从何处可以找到关于IBM私有云解决方案的更多信息。

    Finally readers will learn where to find out more about the IBM solutions for private cloud .

  5. 在需要对包含WebSphere的私有云进行统一管理时。

    When there is a need for unified management of private clouds that include WebSphere .

  6. 在过去这些年里,他一直致力于面向私有云的IBM云解决方案。

    Over the past years , he has been working on IBM cloud solutions oriented to private clouds .

  7. 面向WebSphere的私有云的统一管理

    Unified management of WebSphere-oriented private clouds

  8. 本文将介绍IBMSoftwareDeliveryandLifecyclePatterns,包括为考虑使用私有云部署的人提供的功能和收益。

    This article introduces IBM Software Delivery and Lifecycle Patterns including the features and benefits for those considering private cloud deployments .

  9. “私有云(privatecloud)”是甲骨文公司四处宣扬的一个术语,为的是让其客户相信,他们正在构建属于他们自己的云。

    The " private cloud " was a term Oracle bandied about to let its customers believe they were building their own clouds .

  10. 为何Facebook会关注包括其潜在竞争对手在内的其他公司的私有云配置?

    Why does Facebook care about private cloud deployments at other companies , including potential competitors ?

  11. 本文详细描述了IBM®GlobalDelivery团队最近完成的一种私有云部署模型的一个真实的试验性实施项目。

    This article details an actual pilot implementation project of a private cloud deployment model recently completed by the IBM ® Global Delivery team .

  12. 为私有云创建Linux和Windows映像对最终用户而言是一个耗时的工作&甚至对经验丰富的云操作人员也是如此。

    Both Linux and Windows image creation for a private cloud is time-consuming work for end users & even for experienced cloud operators .

  13. 此外,TivoliServiceAutomationManager提供了一个集成管理和监控平台,它能够降低您的私有云的运营成本。

    In addition , Tivoli Service Automation Manager provides an integrated management and monitoring platform that decreases operating costs for your private cloud .

  14. 私有云受防火墙、身份验证、VPN等保护。

    Private clouds are protected and secured with firewalls , authentication , VPNs , and so forth .

  15. 实现方式是提供一组受支持的管理程序和可用于私有云的IP地址池。

    This is done by supplying a set of supported hypervisors and a pool of IP addresses that are available for use in the private cloud .

  16. IBMWebSphereCloudBurstAppliance帮助您在一个私有云环境中创建、部署和管理WebSphere虚拟系统。

    IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance helps you create , deploy , and manage WebSphere virtual systems within a private cloud .

  17. 如图1所示,将这两个产品集成在一起时,TivoliServiceAutomationManager会成为您私有云的最顶层管理设备。

    As depicted in Figure 1 , when combining the two products , Tivoli Service Automation Manager becomes the top-level management device for your private cloud .

  18. WebSphereCloudBurst的功能并不仅局限于将虚拟系统部署到私有云。

    WebSphere CloudBurst capabilities do not end once virtual systems have been deployed to the private cloud .

  19. 通过CloudFoundry部署在公有云平台上的应用,若要将它移植到私有云实例之上,只需要花少许力气,甚至不费力。

    An application deployed in a public cloud using Cloud Foundry can be re-targeted to a private instance with little to no effort .

  20. 对于寻求建立私有云计算环境的管理员和规划人员而言,TivoliServiceAutomationManager和WebSphereCloudBurst具有以下几个明显的优点

    For administrators and planners looking to build a private cloud computing environment , Tivoli Service Automation Manager and WebSphere CloudBurst offer several distinct benefits

  21. 使用UbuntuEnterpriseCloud(UES)搭建私有云平台并部署税收征管档案子系统。

    Using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud ( UES ) build private Cloud platform and deploy the tax administration archives subsystem . 5 .

  22. IBMWebSphereCloudBurstAppliance是一个新的促进私有云环境创建和管理的IBM硬件设备。

    The IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance is a new IBM hardware appliance that facilitates the creation and management of a private cloud environment .

  23. 网格也可以在LAN上进行搭建,事实上,私有云其实就是一种虚拟私有网格。

    A grid can also be constructed on a LAN ; in fact a private cloud is really a kind of virtual private grid .

  24. WebSphereCloudBurst是IBM提供的一款新产品,它包括了用于创建和管理内部私有云的硬件和软件功能。

    WebSphere CloudBurst is a new appliance from IBM that includes hardware and software capabilities to create and manage on-premise private clouds .

  25. 在设置并测试了私有云环境后,可以将ApacheHadoop组件合并到其中。

    When the private cloud environment is set up and tested , incorporate the Apache Hadoop components into it .

  26. 在例如私有云等多租户(multi-tenancy)环境下更有效地管理性能。

    More effectively govern performance in multi-tenancy environments like private cloud .

  27. EMC表示,这次收购将帮助EMC的客户从物理数据中心向虚拟化数据中心或私有云转移。

    The acquisition will help EMC customers move from physical datacenters to virtualized datacenters or private clouds , the company said .

  28. 当然,通过Spring来构建应用程序能帮助你提升可移植性,让你选择是将应用程序部署在公共云或自己的私有云上。

    Of course , building your applications with Spring will help you with portability and give you choice about whether to deploy your application in the public cloud or your own private cloud .

  29. 在确定是WebSphereCloudburst还是TivoliServiceAutomationManager适合您的云需求时,您必须考虑您的私有云环境的要求。

    You must consider the needs of your private cloud environment when deciding on whether WebSphere CloudBurst or Tivoli Service Automation Manager is appropriate for your cloud needs .

  30. 该示例允许企业集中精力开发一个仅用于计算处理的私有云计算节点,同时利用Google的公共存储云作为数据存储。

    This example allows an organization to focus on developing a private cloud compute node only for computational processing while leveraging Google 's public storage cloud as a data store .