
  1. 劳动者辞职权研究

    Research on Laborers ' Right to Resign

  2. 和谐与稳定之辨&劳动者辞职权制度的反思与重构

    Distinguishing Between Harmony and Stabilization & Rethink and Reconstruction of the Labor 's Resign Right

  3. 论劳动者的辞职权

    On Laborers ′ Right to Resign

  4. 在《劳动合同法》的制定过程中,劳动者辞职权也成为人们争议的一个焦点。

    In the process when the Labour Contract Law was enacted , the right to resign has become a focus of disputes .

  5. 并从辞职权的权利基础、权利实现方面明确辞职权的法律地位。

    The right to resign from the rights-based , rights , realization of the right to clear the legal status of the resignation .

  6. 辞职权作为一项法定权利,成为劳动者在劳动力市场上自由流动的法宝。

    As a statutory right , the right to resignation has been a magic weapon used by workers to flow freely in the labor market .

  7. 自我国劳动法第31条明确赋予劳动者预告辞职权以来,由此引起的争论在理论界和实务界就一直没有停止。

    The controversial in theory and practice has not stopped since Article 31 of Labor Law explicitly gave workers the right to notice of his resignation .

  8. 因此要正确理解这一问题,应当转换视角,把劳动者辞职权预告行使制度放在劳动法的框架下理解。

    If we intend to understand this problem correctly , we should transform perspectives and understand advance notice exercising system of laborers ' resignation within the framework of labor law .

  9. 对其内在的联系和行使方式分别加以研究探讨,针对不同类型的辞职权提出不同的理论模型,使用不同的规则。

    And the exercise of its inherent connection methods are examined separately to explore different types of resignation of the right to put forward different theoretical models , using different rules .

  10. 因此,我们有必要对辞职权进行系统而深入地分析,消除人们对其存在着的不当认识,同时,也为未来劳动立法及司法实践提供参考。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make a thorough and systematic analysis on the right to resign so as to dispel those inappropriate understanding of the right as well as give references for legislation and judicial practice in the future .

  11. 辞职权在一定意义上可以说是择业权得以实现的一项前置性权利或保障性的权利,没有辞职权也就没有完整意义上的择业权。

    The right to resign in a certain sense , can be said that realizing the right to a career front-sexual rights or the protection of sexual rights , there is no right to resign there would be no full sense of the right career .

  12. 这种做法有违劳动者辞职权预告行使制度的立法本意,与劳动法倾斜保护的理念不符,因此限制劳动者预告行使辞职权的这些手段都是无效的。

    This practice is contrary to the true legislative intention for advance notice exercising system of laborers ' resignation and it is not compliant with the unequal protection concept of labor law , so all these means which limiting the resignation right of laborers are ineffective .

  13. 同时,现实中劳动者辞职还可能面临用人单位各种形式的阻扰,必须对劳动者的权利救济手段进行完善,明确各方主体的责任,辞职权不能只是纸上的权利。

    At the same time , workers may face various stunting by the employer when resigning , so it is important to define the responsibility of each side and consummate the method to save the right of the workers .