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  • dictionary;lexicographical work;word book
辞书 [cí shū]
  • [dictionary;word book] 字典、词典、百科全书的统称

辞书[cí shū]
  1. 辞书编纂中异形成语的处理与思考

    Some Advice and Treatments of Compiling Variant Idioms in Dictionary

  2. 我试着不查辞书来阅读课文。

    I tried reading the text without consulting my dictionary .

  3. 从网上相亲到新闻业界再到字典辞书,数据驱动的活动将越发盛行。

    From online dating to journalism to dictionaries , data-driven activities are becoming more and more prevalent .

  4. 本文回顾了RP在音段音位层面上的重大发展变化,以期对我国的英语教学,特别是英语辞书和教材的编纂有所启发。

    The present paper takes a look at what the twentieth century has done to the accent that is known as Received Pronunciation ( RP ) and calls English textbook writer 's attention on reflecting such changes .

  5. 联合国组织术语辞书编纂法述介

    Introduction to the Method of Compiling Terminology Dictionaries of UN Organizations

  6. 异形成语的整理与辞书编纂

    On the reorganization of variant idioms and the compilation of dictionaries

  7. 古代地名与大型辞书的编纂

    The Ancient Geographical Names in the Compilation of the Large-scale Dictionaries

  8. 中国百年汉英语文辞书纵横论

    On Chinese English Dictionaries In China during the Last Two Centuries

  9. 而这些方式的有机组合,便构成了辞书语体。

    The organic combination of these different ways forms lexicon language style .

  10. 论体裁语言研究对辞书编纂的意义

    On the Significance of the Study of Stylistic Language to Dictionary Compilation

  11. 电子语料库与语文辞书的编纂修订

    Electronic Language Database and Compilation and Revision of Chinese Dictionaries

  12. 在学习一种新言语时,辞书黑白常有效的东西。

    A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language .

  13. 对三大语文辞书中量词用法的两点疑问

    Two Questions about Classifiers ' Usage in the Main Three Chinese Dictionaries

  14. 地域学术群体与华侨华人辞书比较

    Regional academic circles and a comparison of four encyclopedias of overseas Chinese

  15. 双语辞书:现状与走势&由第三届国家辞书奖双语词典分评委会议说起

    Bilingual Dictionaries : Its Present and Status Quo Development

  16. 异名中的一个或两个词在辞书中解释错误;

    One or two of synonyms are explained mistakenly .

  17. 动名兼类词一直是兼类问题中的热点和难点,在辞书词性标注中存在分歧。

    Verb-noun words has been a hot and difficult problem in multi-category words .

  18. 20世纪80年代以来辞书研究的分析与展望

    The Analysis and Expectation of the Research of the Dictionary Since 1980 's

  19. 讨论《汉语大词典》所收元曲词语释义存在的问题,以补辞书之疏漏。

    Problems are discussed of explanations of Yuan opera expressions in Chinese Dictionary .

  20. 文字汇编原则对字典编纂体例的显著影响;解释字词的方法奠定了辞书训释体例的基础。

    And the compiling principles have significant influences on the system of lexicography .

  21. 一个对你有位辞书琐事。

    A bit of lexicographical trivia for you there .

  22. 浅谈词典释义方式归类语文辞书释义方式上的两个误区

    Two misleading concepts in meaning explanation of dictionary entries

  23. 规范辞书的规范问题

    The Issues on Standard of the Standard Dictionaries

  24. 为古辞书开了“分类之端”;

    Thirdly , the classification of words into categories started in ancient lexicographical works .

  25. 联绵词的词形整理与辞书编纂

    Sorting Out Chinese Two-syllable Clusters and Dictionary Compilation

  26. 媒介革命和电子辞书的编纂

    Media Revolution and the Compilation of Electronic Dictionaries

  27. 词典学是辞书学的一个分支学科,词典学是研究词典编纂的科学。

    Lexicology , a science on dictionary compilation , is a branch of lexicography .

  28. 编一本好辞书需求花很多多少年艰辛的劳动。

    Example : It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary .

  29. 网络环境下中文电子辞书的未来

    Future of Chinese Electronic Dictionary under Network Environment

  30. 以量词为域论简帛文献的辞书学价值

    Discussion on the Lexicological Value of Bamboo and Silk Documents in the Field of Quantifiers