
xīn lǐ zhuàng tài
  • psychology;mentality;mental state;state of mind;mentation
  1. 第二部分:关于歌唱紧张的心理状态分析。

    Part ⅱ: Analyzed the nervous psychology of singing .

  2. 临终关怀护理中护士心理状态调查

    Psychology of nurses in termination care center

  3. 她的心理状态不十分稳定。

    Mentally , she is not very stable .

  4. 导致她精神失常的那种心理状态已经消失了。

    The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present .

  5. 他们共有的这种心理状态叫做“暴富综合征”。

    We have coined the term " Sudden Wealth Syndrome " to describe their shared psychological issues .

  6. 那么,想养宠物男的女主人的心理状态到底是什么呢?

    So , what are the psychologycal states of hostesses who want to have a pet hubby ?

  7. “一月心情”是指新年伊始之际,对一切抱持乐观态度,认为所有事都充满各种可能性的心理状态。

    January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility , particularly at the start of a new year .

  8. 该词还有几乎相反的另一种用法:指人们处于忧郁悲伤、无精打采的心理状态,尤其当人们年初休完假,仍处于漫长冬季的时候。

    There 's another sense of this expression that means almost the opposite : An emotional state characterized by feelings of melancholy1 and lethargy , particularly early in the year when the holidays are over and a long winter looms2 .

  9. 放松训练对改善CT增强检查患者心理状态的效果观察

    Effect of Relaxation Training on Enhanced CT Examination Patients ' Mental Status

  10. 对200例ICU患者心理状态的调查及护理干预

    Investigation and Nursing Intervention on Psychological State of 200 Patients in ICU

  11. 方法:调查107例,3d~14岁小儿及家长对手术的心理状态以及小儿和家长喜欢的麻醉前用药途径。

    Methods : Through talking with 107 children and their parents , we investigated psychological condition of the children and their parents before operation and the route of premedication which they preferred .

  12. 探讨综合干预疗法对择期经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)病人术后心理状态的影响。

    Objective : To probe into the comprehensive intervention therapy on postoperative mental state of patients after underwent selective percutaneous coronary artery intervention ( PCI ) .

  13. 目的:探讨2周住院心脏康复程序对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者血脂、生存质量及精神心理状态(焦虑)的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the function of a two-week , hospitalized cardiac rehabilitation program on serum lipid profiles , quality of life ( QOL ) and psychological status ( Anxiety ) in patients with AMI .

  14. 经治疗,促进了性发育,改善了患者的心理状态。45,XO/46,XY患者中3例切除了畸变的性腺以预防恶变。

    The results were satisfactory in sexual development and better mental status Three 45 , XO / 46 , XY cases had their gonads removed to prevent malignant change .

  15. 为了探讨不同性别、项群以及训练年限的高水平运动员在流畅心理状态上的差异和作用,采用澳大利亚学者Jackson编写的《流畅状态量表》对128名高水平运动员进行了调查分析。

    In order to discuss different gender , major and training year in the flow state 's discrepancy and effects of elite athletes , by using the flow state scale made by Jackson , 128 elite athletes are investigated .

  16. 方法:以症状自评量表-90(SCL-90)和24h心率变异性(HRV)分析分别评定22例FD患者和20名健康对照者的心理状态和自主神经功能。

    Methods : Symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and 24-hour heart rate variability ( HRV ) analysis were used to evaluate the psychologic status and autonomic nervous activity in 22 FD patients and 20 healthy controls .

  17. 目的探讨青少年学习困难(LD)与家庭环境、个性特征、心理状态和学习适应性的关系及认知行为干预对青少年学习困难的影响。

    Objective To investigate the relationships of learning difficulties ( LD ) with factors such as family environment , personality trait , psychological status , and learning adaptability in adolescents and the result of cognitive-behavioral intervention among adolescents with LD .

  18. 目的:探讨糖尿病阳痿患者明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)的模式特点,尝试对糖尿病阳痿患者的心理状态和心理特征进行评定和描述,为其心理治疗提供较为客观的依据。

    Objective : To study the MMPI profile characteristics of patients with diabetic impotence and evaluate the psychological state for patients with diabetic impotence in order to provide objective basis for psychotherapy in diabetic impotence .

  19. 目的:编制非精神科住院患者心理状态评定量表(MSSNS),并通过试用对其信度和效度进行检验。

    Objective : To develop a mental status scale in non psychiatric settings ( MSSNS ) and to test its reliability and validity .

  20. 探讨偏瘫患者步行训练的设想、方法及实际意义,包括训练所处环境、场所、用具及心理状态,最终达到适应各种场合的日常生活活动能力(ADL)。

    Discuss the conception , methods and practical meaning of walking - drill in hemiplegic patient , including the environment , site , tool and mental nature in the drill , so as to achieve ADL abilities to fit various kinds of occasions .

  21. 结论对于COPD患者社会支持状况应予以足够的了解和重视,并进行积极有效的干预,改善患者的躯体功能、心理状态和社会适应能力。

    Conclusions The status of social support in COPD patients should be given enough understand and emphasis , at the same time the active and effective interventions should be carried out in order to improve the physical function , mental status and social adaptive capacity of COPD patients .

  22. 方法采用家庭环境量表(FES&CV)、心理状态自评量表SCL-90、YG性格测试量表、中学生学习适应量表,对246例学习困难的青少年及126例正常对照组青少年进行评定和对比。

    Methods : 246 adolescent with learning disorders and 126 adolescent with normal were assessed with FES - CV ( Family environment scale - Chinese - version ) . AAT . Symptom check - list ( SCL-90 ) YG Personality Scale .

  23. 本研究采用了一系列的多元方差分析(MANOVA)来检验各种人口统计学变量对职业特征、心理状态、情绪结果以及背景满意感等构念的影响。

    A series of multivariate analysis of variance ( MANOVA ) were performed to determine the differences in job characteristics , psychological states , affective outcomes , and context satisfaction based on the demographic variables .

  24. 白血病病人家属心理状态及相关因素调查分析

    Factors Relating to Psychological Status of Leukemia Patients ' Family Members

  25. 不同程度烧伤患者的心理状态及综合健康情况

    Mental state and general health in burnt patients of different degrees

  26. 手术前患儿心理状态评估方法的比较研究

    Study on assessment method of psychological states in patients with preoperation

  27. 老年公寓和社区丧偶老人心理状态的对照研究

    Mental health status of widows / widowers in an aging apartment

  28. 人际交往水平影响着考生的心理状态和应考效率。

    Human communications affects examinees ' mood and efficiency in exam .

  29. 谈论心理状态真的是不科学的吗?

    Is it true that talking about mental states is unscientific ?

  30. 肝移植术后患者心理状态的调查分析

    A research about the psychological condition of patients with liver transplantation