
xīn lǐ huó dònɡ
  • Psychological activity;mental activity
  1. 商业广告设计中的审美意识培植及其审美心理活动解析

    Analysis of Aesthetic Sense and Mental Activity in Commercial Advertising Design

  2. 短睡眠者与失眠症患者的睡眠生理和心理活动差别分析

    Difference of Sleep Condition and Mental Activity between Short Sleeper and Insomniacs

  3. 身体活动与心理活动动词加工的ERP比较

    ERP differences between processing of body action and mental action verbs

  4. 合作行为(cooperationbehavior)是亲社会行为中的一个重要组成部分,它的发展不仅直接影响儿童当前的许多心理活动,而且对儿童以后的社会适应也具有重大影响。

    Cooperation behavior , one of important ingredients of prosocial behavior , affects present psychological activities as well as future society accommodation .

  5. P300是事件相关电位中被研究最为广泛和成熟的一个成分,与注意、记忆等高级心理活动过程关系密切。

    P300 is the component of ERPs which is widely and maturately researched and has intimate relation with attention , memory and other high psychological activity .

  6. GOMS还定义了几个规则用于判断什么时间点用户会停下来进行无意识的心理活动。

    And GOMS also defines some rules for deciding when users will stop to fall into mental activities unconsciously .

  7. 该报告称,英国cfa项目应该进行改革,纳入“金融市场的实际历史,提醒我们记住流动性、心理活动和监管失灵的影响”。

    The British CFA programme should be reformed to include " a practical history of financial markets , designed to remind us about the effects of liquidity , psychology and regulatory failure " , the report said .

  8. Coles补充说,睡眠时间的减少和心理活动的关系的研究已经证明在小屋里睡觉也能够减少心理活动。

    Studying the relation between reductions in sleep duration and psychopathology has already demonstrated that focusing on sleep in the clinic also leads to reductions in symptoms of psychopathology .

  9. 声乐教学中歌唱的心理活动与生理技能探究

    On the mental and physiological reflections of singing in vocality teaching

  10. 翻译所涉及的心理活动是错综复杂的,它既包含有意识的,也牵涉无意识隐性的。

    Translation involves complicated psychological activities , both conscious and sub-conscious .

  11. 你们能想象,他们的心理活动。

    You can imagine what was going on in their minds .

  12. 学生音乐学习包括众多复杂的心理活动。

    Music learning by the students interrelates with complex psychological activities .

  13. 这一瞬间的过程包含了复杂的生理、心理活动。

    In this process , it includes intricate physical & psychological activities .

  14. 口语报告:探测复杂心理活动的方法

    Verbal Protocols : A Method to Probe Complex Mind Activities

  15. 学习能力在青少年时期不断增长,中年之后则缓慢下降,这是由于感知能力和机械识记能力等认知心理活动能力下降所致。

    But the ability of learning is gradually decreasing after middle age .

  16. 武术教学中学生心理活动特征浅析

    Simple Analysis about Psychological Activity of Middle school students in Wushu Teaching

  17. 我们拥有不同的家庭背景,不同的经历,不同的心理活动。

    We have different family backgrounds , different experiences and different psychologies .

  18. 另外,阅读是一种心理活动的过程。

    In another aspect , reading is a process of psycholinguistic activity .

  19. 语言既是社会化过程,又是心理活动过程。

    Language is both a social process and a psychological activity process .

  20. 心理活动基本范畴的划分;

    The division of primary categories of mental activity ;

  21. 听力理解是认知心理活动的一个过程。

    Listening comprehension is a process of mental activities .

  22. 江苏省县级业余教练员心理活动调查与分析

    Psychological Studies On County Amateur Coaches In Jiangsu province

  23. 用“心理活动”这个词究竟表示什么意思?

    What is meant by the term'mental activity ' ?

  24. 消费者决策前的考虑大部分来自于感知,感知是消费者心理活动的基础,研究消费者心理是研究其态度和行为的前提。

    Consumer perception is the basis of mental activity .

  25. 认知指通过心理活动获取知识。

    Cognition refers to acquire knowledge by psychological activity .

  26. 论审美意识在音乐表演心理活动中的作用

    By Esthetic Consciousness in Music Performance Psychology Activity Function

  27. 语言是人类区别于其它动物的复杂的心理活动反应。

    Human language is the complex psychological reaction being different from other animals .

  28. 巴甫洛夫对心理活动和心理学的看法

    How Pavlov looked at psychic activity and psychology

  29. 谈少儿运动员在乒乓球比赛中心理活动的调节

    On Juvenile Athletes Psychological Adjustment in Ping-Pong Competition

  30. 审美体验是极其复杂微妙的心理活动过程。

    Aesthetic is a complicated mental activity process .